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THR is down right now...again

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If THR will be back up Sunday-that means I planned my vacation well!!!

Of course all that darn global warming has caused it to snow in the sierra nevada mtns. :rolleyes: My car has traction control so I'll thwart the effects of carbon emissions any way :D
And just when I got to be a Senior Member on THR, now I am mere Newbie again on this list! :(

The Doc is out now. :cool:
ARRGH!, just when you get used to it being back up it goes down again:(. It was up at 1am eastern time this morning and its 4:45pm and its down again. This sucks. Hey, atleast TFL is'nt down, if it was I'd have to find something else to do from the time I get home from work until bedtime instead of reading about guns and looking at gunporn:D.
It may snow here in the Colorado Rockies tonight. No APS Global Warming thread to post to. I think that all those Carbon Credits I printed off on my printer are working way too well. If it never gets to summer and if the trees all die due to lack of CO2, I guess it will be my fault for printing a few huge Carbon Credits to make sure I can be carbon neutral for the next 20 years. I think I created a huge carbon-free bubble. I need to quickly figure out how we can blame all this on fistful.

Thought I would add the weather forcast for tonight from Wunderground.com:

Mostly cloudy in the evening then becoming partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of rain showers and snow showers. Strong winds. Lows 36 to 42. West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to around 50 mph increasing to 35 to 50 mph with gusts to around 90 mph after midnight."
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Short answer...

What is APS?

APS is a half-way house for those who got kicked off of THR, and a forum to continue the non-gun discussions in what started as the Round Table sub-forum on THR.

THR is a continuation itself of TFL, which took a hiatus for a while when things got a bit over the top in decorum and downright nastiness. Since THR went online, TFL came back, and many of us have pretty much migrated back to it.

I came home from work to find all sorts of whining about not having THR and APS online. My goodness! One would think it's the end of the world.

Myself, I've got some estate planning to do, the dogs need walking, the lawn needs cutting, and my garden needs tending. The internet can wait. ;)
Myself, I've got some estate planning to do, the dogs need walking, the lawn needs cutting, and my garden needs tending. The internet can wait.
BLASPHEMER!!! You shall surely burn for such an utterance. Don't you know that resistance is futile! :p

THR/APS being offline bites, but the real kicker is the cost this crud is to the folks who run the sites, and the aggravation they must endure while some nit-wit gets his joy attacking the server.
Mike, it should, they were on the same server IIRC.

I only left TFL because it shut down for awhile, but I come here every so often since it came back.
I wouldn't mind paying $20 for a "fistfull did it" t-shirt, keeps the membership free, basically a virtual bake sale.

Hah! Yeah, but cool things like that never happen to me. (And there's one l in fistful.) :)
I visit TFL and THR at least once a day, but more often than not twice a day.

What I could never understand is why, when TFL came back online, people didn't flock to come back.

One sad thing about both forums is that certain people rarely post anymore. I'm thinking of Tamara and LawDog, but there are others whose posts were a joy to read as well.

Hope this is a great week for the pondscum causing all this...
Good to see everyone here though...sorta' like ole' times...and new times...
Hey, DoubleTapDrew, where ya been? Come on in where it is warm. Kick off them muddy boots, grab a beer, pull up a chair, and enjoy the company.

You mean like "best of times" "worst of times"?
exactly so...

Ya' know that feeling of, gee I think something's wrong, but I can't put a finger on it, that you get when something is just not right with the world...?
...everyday since this started...
I really loathe it...
I'm one that belongs to both sights, and didn't know the story until now about either of them. A lot of good info and fellowship on both of them. If any of you get bored and need to look at another sight, you're welcome to Rugerforum.net. Its nothing like the size of either of these. I see a lot of the same people visiting several different sights like I do. Guess when the Gunitis gets hold of you the only cure is finding more gun lovers. :)
Y'know, I am getting more done in real world with THR down.

Somebody gotta do sump'n before I work myself to death around the house!:eek:

Oh well, there's the Blade Show starting tomorrow.
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