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THR is down right now...again

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"THR and APS are either running on the same box or are running on sibling boxen.

Whatever fixes one will fix them both."

Yes, I know.

Unless the plan is to separate them onto separate servers.

At which point THR would be fixed and APS wouldn't.

Which is why I asked when Oleg mentioned only THR.
This attack and the reaction is the way this low life gets his...er...ah...entertainment.

True, which is why lots of people have probably refrained from posting, including me.

...even though I just did.

"not reading further posts before answering one."


Just not sure which rejoinder I should use...

Sucks to be you, or Welcome to the club...

They both work...

been out of things for a few days with a horrible sinus infection. Darn pollution. Anways I tried accessing THR and :eek: it's down! So I came to my backup and see most the oddballs from THR here anyways.

Apparently I've missed A LOT! PaDanby is talking about a Blackburn taking down the system. 30 Cal apparently wants attack poodles but I think the excess fur would cause attack problems... and strangely enough Pax is getting sexually harrassed by HSO and I'm sensing some very edipal vibes.... :o

so um... I'm thinking about going back into hiding because this new world is surely strange...
hrgrisso, it is just withdrawal symptoms for the hardcore THRers and the APSers. It will get better with time.
One more refugee checking into the camp... nice place here though. Great, just what I needed one more gun forum to go and waste time at work.
The FBI rarely acts nor do they care about internet crime for the most part with the exception of kiddie porn unless your a multi million dollar company.

Umm, as someone who works with the FBI on a frequent basis, in the realm of computer security, I have to say you are mis-informed.

There is a $5000 baseline, typically on commercial systems, but the FBI will take whatever cases they can, based on workload, and other circumstances. It doesn't have to be child pornography, nor does the entity have to be a "multi million dollar company".
I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate would you?

The way that I understand it is (as this happened long before I joined):

There once was a TFL that was widely beloved among its members.
Something happened and TFL was shut down.
Oleg created THR.
THR became widely beloved among its members.
TFL re-establishes a presence.
THR gets jacked and becomes unstable.
THR members miss home, but embrace TFL.

I may not have all the facts and/or sequence correct. But this is what I have gathered.
A good chunk started here and only left under protest.

I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate would you?

Speaking for myself only, TFL was THE firearms forum several years back until Rich had to shut it down temporarily. I missed TFL very much but understood what Rich had to do. Then Oleg and company then formed THR, which many of us flocked to during the hiatus of TFL. I think this is what the poster meant by "left under protest."
If it isn't, it's what I mean. ;) :D

Now I can remember all that, but I can't seem to remember the original name I posted under! :o
A good chunk started here and only left under protest.

I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate would you?

Sounds kinda sinister, put that way, but there's nothing nefarious going on.

TFL existed long before THR came into being.

TFL shut down for a period of time, although the archives remained intact. It was a very active, very popular forum at that time. Rich Lucibella, who owns TFL, challenged the membership to go forth and spread the meme of responsible firearms ownership and civilized discussion. A lot of people were sad to see TFL go (I was among them, as TFL was my first firearms board ... *sob*).

Oleg founded THR on the very eve of TFL shutting down. Many of the moderators from the "old" TFL were among the founders and plankowners of THR, and much of the "old" TFL's membership migrated over to THR when TFL went dark.

Fast forward a few years. THR became a successful forum in its own right, and Rich Lucibella decided to re-open TFL. *Cheers!!!*

Now the "new" TFL has been active for a couple of years, with a database going back to before the original shut-down. And many of us old-timers are happy members at both sites ... but we would never have left TFL, or found THR, if the shut-down hadn't happened.

And that's the story in a nutshell.

...and to add to Pax's story, sadly there are members now on both boards that are unaware that the other board exists.

Actually, under the present circumstances, it has been extremely nice to have a sibling board to go to for information and to get the daily fix which seems to have invaded my persona.
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