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THR is down right now...again

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I hope they find the hacker soon... I haven't fed the Attack Dachshunds in several days, and they've been sharpening their teeth on what look suspiciously like the neighbor's cat toys...

Oh, and if you'll notice, I just passed an anniversary on this system...
Cool that the gang's all here.

Ever now and then, a rift occurs in the space-time continuum and the THR crowd suddenly finds itself here in this distant but oddly familiar place in cyberspace. A parallel universe, no less. I call it Blue Heaven.

Of course, it's just not the same without Justin running around stamping out Wal Mart threads.

Thanks for posting that picture again. :)

Chili Dawgs! Yummy!
Those dog eating contests are something else...
I am surprised SWMBO is not making you reload ammo, or doing a honey-do list with the down time.
(I sure hope SWMBO does not read over your shoulder, otherwise I just got us both in trouble - again.).

Heck you know titles don't mean much, it is the person, not the title that counts.
I would just as soon not have post counts, member rankings and the like.

I'm busy with other life stuff at the moment.
Then again, when I do take a break I still like reading the old posts here on TFL and doing searches.

I miss some folks not with us anymore.
Gabe, Kentucky Rifle, Labgrade...
Hey Steve, we're still waiting for you to post a pic of yourself in the Faces of THR thread. We all want to see if you really are old enough to be Art's grandpa or if it's just a vicious rumor.

Hey Steve, we're still waiting for you to post a pic of yourself in the Faces of THR thread. We all want to see if you really are old enough to be Art's grandpa or if it's just a vicious rumor.

I have to chase the mirror to shave of a morning.
I could not upset the members here with my mug being shown.
Besides it is just "wrong" to scare kids and pets like that. :p

The year was 1961 and I was six years old.
There I was walking to first grade and back home all by myself, uphill both directions, barefoot, with snow on the ground in 100*F temps in the hot humid South on a September day...

To all the new people checking in, welcome!!!

Another THR refugee here,

THR was originally set up as a place for the TFL people to migrate to when it went away, presumably forever!!

Now that this place is again extant, it's good to know that THR developed it's own following!!
Anyway, yer all welcome here!! :)
Of course, Steve. But if I still had the mod switches and blinking buttons, I could do some hokus pokus and RNB65's post would read:

RNB65 said: I call Wal Mart Blue Heaven.

Of course, Justin's familiar place is just not the same. A rift occurs in his threads.

THR crowd suddenly finds itself running around the space-time continuum stamping out the universe.

Private entity was setting up a in house forum and I was asked to be a Staff/Mod with a few others.

In staff forum, we made a smart remark about levers, switches, buttons and "cut the blue wire or red wire ?".

A few weeks go by, and we show up at this private business, and the room had laptops on the conference desk.

Oh yeah, we had this game installed with all sorts of levers, switches, buttons, and "patch cords" of various colors.
Each page was fast with instructions to hit the small red button, or hit a sequence of buttons, levers , switches, cords in order.
If you goofed, one had to start over.

It was funny, very challenging, and we all had to start over more than once.
All sorts of funny comments when you messed up.

"You are Staff and don't the difference between a button or a lever?"

"So, you don't know the difference between red and blue!
Boy are you really going to have a problem when we add yellow and green to this test!"
Interestingly enough...

I'm finding all my PM pals under their THR names here so I was able to pick up the conversations I was having and continue. Intersting in a surreal kind of way. It reminds me of the time I took a tour on a sister destroyer. Strangely familiar but yet, different. :p

Thanks to the TFL folks for putting up with us... :D
If this keeps up this thread will be like APS.

OBTW any thoughts on a Pre-War S&W regulation Police in 38 S&W?

Just do not add mauve or goldenrod.
Well, I had registered here long ago, but I don't think I ever posted...

...simply lurked and under a different name. I registered again under my THR name.

Whether THR comes up again or not, I guess I'll play in this sandbox also! :D

Yes, I will send a note to get the first deactivated. Thanks.
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Both TFL and THR tends to frown upon multiple registrations. If you remember your first username it would be a good idea to PM a moderator here, explain why you registered again under another username and ask that the first username be deactivated.
"You wanna talk about demotions? I went from Moderator to Junior Member. " (Bullfrog Ken)

That means you can't croak anyone over here. :D:D
"Oh no, fistful is catching up to my post count I will have to start posting to stay ahead of him."

Fistful better move his lazy arse if he expects to catch up to my post count.
Justin, I'd be careful kicking rocks if it is as windy there as it is here in the mountains NE of Denver. A lose rock could just blow away and hit something. Wind here is around 60-80 by my guess. I also heard about 70 flights cancelled so far at Denver Intl Airport.
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