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THR is down right now...again

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No! No! It's happening again!
Face it fistul, you're cursed. Cursed I say!! :D

'Tis indeed a pity that Oleg and Derek can't hold an auction to raise funds for the server move to a better ISP. Winner of the auction getting 15 minutes alone with the perpetrator of this DDOS hassle. < insert evil cackle >

But then that would not really be taking the high road I guess.
Turning THR into a pay site would defeat the purpose of using it to attract and educate newbies and fence-sitters.
I was assuming the newbies would still be able to read posts, just not be able to log in to post until they registered, same as now.

Regardless ... I'll make a volunteer payment, for today and for the last several years I've been a member.

I view these sites as a tremendous resource, on many different levels, for RKBA and the shooting sports.

Apparently, somebody else does too. In some ways, it's kinda flattering that someone is scared enough of us to go to these extremes.
jfruser said:
I hereby volunteer fistful's left kidney if it will help THR and APS find another server.
Sir, you are an extremely generous man. I would like to raise the bar a little more. I will volunteer fistful's right kidney, his liver and his left lung to help out THR and APS.

Come on, folks! Give until it hurts! We'll use every single piece of the scapebuffalo.
If you want to raise money, sell "support certificates" on ebay. Just make a bunch of photocopies of a document congratulating the buyer for supporting TFL, and sell them for $10-20 a pop. Shipping's $0.41.

Viola, funds without violating ebay's TOS because there's physical property changing hands.
I think fistful broke it too. Lets make him the scapegoat!
hey... this is nice, normally it's the skinnyguy that gets the blame at work.... sorry fistful, I know what it's like to blamed.

You wanna take the hit on our irrigation system being down at work???
Fistful who?

So this is where everybody is hiding...

This is like coming full circle to me. I joined TFL maybe a week before it shut down and I was directed over to THR. I got all gun talked out so I mainly post on APS these days. I never did come back to TFL because by the time it came back, I had gotten bored with all guns all the time. Hard to believe, I know. Just thought I'd drop in and say hello to the rest of my refugee friends. Keep an eye on fistscapegoatful for us. He can be a handful er, fistful... :D

Good luck to Oleg and derek, I know they don't deserve this, neither do the rest of us for that matter.

I'll send some dough along soon as I get the chance...

We're giving Blackburn way too much attention. That's all he really wants.

His kidneys are already blown from filtering APS. Have you seen his post count over there???
What is this, Dune?

I was assuming the newbies would still be able to read posts, just not be able to log in to post until they registered, same as now.

But newbies have questions.
There is a something we need to sort out concerning APS policy. I believe it will be important to have an answer once THR and APS are back online.

My concern is this: Now that Fistful has gone back to using his George Michael avatar, does that mean he is no longer the official APS Scapegoat? Every forum should have a scapegoat, and Fistful was ours. What is the policy in this case? Has a new APS scapegoat been appointed, or is Fistful still fulfilling that function?
I hope he is still the APS Scapegoat, as he performed so well.

RocketMan on THR and APS
I think that "user supported" isn't the way to go. There'll be "special" users (I've seen it before... it happens whether you want it to or not...).

Instead, go vendor-supported. I'm sure that more than a few outfits would like to tap a 50,000 member niche market... Make the sponsorship discreet and low key, maybe some links on a home page, and random banners throughout the site.
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