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THR is down right now...again

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Tydephan, this is what you had in earlier posts....

Also, I'd like to remind everyone that if you would like to donate to help Oleg find a better host and/or maintain the site, you can now do so via paypal (which I know some of you hate, but c'mon - it's for the common good!). Derek Zeanah has been kind enough to set up a paypal address that you can send money to: derek -at- zeanah dot com

Be sure to make a note on the transaction stating the funds are for THR (or APS) maintenance.

.....and from johnbt
470 Country Club Road
Statesboro GA 30458

Put a note on the check that it's for THR.

Is this information still valid?
They really need to get to a new ISP.

Simply switching ISP's isn't going to stop a DDOS attack. But, hopefully, a better ISP will be more proactive in working with Derek to block incoming attacks. Depending on the sophistication of the attack, stopping it could be as simple as setting a few router/firewall filters, or stopping it could be impossible.
not to start a competition but roughly how much is everyone donating. I use THR a lot and dont want to look cheap but am also a poor starving college student.

Also I need some background, TFL is owned by the same guys as SWAT magazine right? Do swat profits support TFL? And isnt THR a split from TFL? Do any swat profits go to THR?
I don't know any of Rich's financial business, but I do know that THR is supported only by its members.

It's completely separate and independent from TFL. Rich Lucibella, and SWAT magazine.

Also I need some background, TFL is owned by the same guys as SWAT magazine right? Do swat profits support TFL? And isnt THR a split from TFL? Do any swat profits go to THR?

Question #1: No, TFL is owned by the same person as owns SWAT-Rich Lucibella.
Question #2: I have no idea. Rich's personal business. I don't even know if SWAT is showing a profit.
Question #3: Rich took a break a few years ago and temporarily shut TFL down. Oleg started THR at the time and invited TFL refugees to come over. Beyond duplication of many staff members there is no ongoing connection except friendship.
Question #4: No.
Sorry to bring this up following a post about starving college students.

But ... I was wondering if maybe a solution would involve a subscription fee. Everybody antes up $12/year (times what, 10000 members !!!) that would pay for a better server/ISP/whatever. When your subscription runs out, you can't log in until you pay up.

This would have the additional benefit of keeping out some of the riff-raff who only log in to troll; sort of a cover charge.
I would be honored to pay $12 a year, the only thing I think it would hurt would be that there are a lot of members that only post maybe 1/month ever and we would see an instant member exodus as soon as you put in any fee.

I would worry about making THR too much of an elitist club. Thats why I like donations.
not to start a competition but roughly how much is everyone donating. I use THR a lot and dont want to look cheap but am also a poor starving college student.

Send what you can if you are inclined to do so. No one would ask for anything more.
Working Man said:
Is this information still valid?

Sorry it took me so long to respond. Work often gets in the way of my TFL time!

Yes that information should still be valid.

As to Kds question about how much:
I gave what I could afford this month, which was $25. I also said that I would make a monthly contribution to help sustain the effort. I have no qualms with doing that one bit, even if it pays for Derek a nice big steak every once in awhile. To me, the knowledge I have gleaned (and comaraderie as well) from THR is worth a lot more!

But give what you would like. There have been no official requests by THR for donations. What has been given so far was given by folks that just want to show their appreciation and support for returning THR back to a stable entity.

Derek Zeanah set up a paypal account and said he would earmark the donations for THR maintenace. But be sure to make a note on your check and/or paypal donation that it is indeed for THR maintenance (or APS, if you are donating to that site).
Silver Bullet said:
This would have the additional benefit of keeping out some of the riff-raff who only log in to troll; sort of a cover charge.


Kd pretty much touched on my thoughts as well. I don't think Oleg has any intention of turning it into a subscription site. The admins do a great job of keeping the bad apples at bay.

And I think Oleg knows that all he has to do is ask for donations and he will get more money than he can handle.
Donations are very welcome. Turning THR into a pay site would defeat the purpose of using it to attract and educate newbies and fence-sitters.
470 Country Club Road
Statesboro GA 30458

Put a note on the check that it's for THR.

wow, i live about 8 miles from there. I didnt think any one was local to me from THR or TFL. I am definatly going to send some money to Derek as soon as i get payed friday. (starving college student:()

Where is the surver located by the way?
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Hey guys, remember last week when this happened Derek told us we could use Pay Pal too. Get his email address off the board here and you can skip the check stuff. That's what I did last week.
Nice to see your post, Oleg!

I rather thought that you would be right up to your armpits in Web servers or something along that line.

How about letting us in on what the current status is with THR and APS other than telling us they are still down.

I might add that it is sooooo nice to have a sibling site to go to for the "need" we all have. What surprises me is the number of members from THR that did not know of TFL until this "crisis." Thanks Rich and TFL.

Once THR and APS are back up I'm sure that either or both of those sites would be thrilled to host refugees from TFL if it should have problems.
Arfin Greebly suggested
I daresay there are several of us (and I would be one) who would be willing to make a dollar commitment monthly to see THR up and running reliably.
I think this is a great idea. How much do you pay per month for cable (if unlike me, you have it), or smokes, or beer? If just 10% of the membership could donate $1.25 a week I estimate we would be able to afford a secure and reliable host.
Count me in for $5.00/month.
I think this is a great idea. How much do you pay per month for cable (if unlike me, you have it), or smokes, or beer? If just 10% of the membership could donate $1.25 a week I estimate we would be able to afford a secure and reliable host.
Count me in for $5.00/month.

Actually that is a good idea.... not to make it a pay site but if some of
the members want to pledge (I feel like PBS) a one time, monthly, or
weekly donation I'm sure that would go a long way to help getting the
kind of service we need. At that point they will have an idea of how much
money they will have to use.
jojosdad said:
Arfin Greebly suggested
I daresay there are several of us (and I would be one) who would be willing to make a dollar commitment monthly to see THR up and running reliably.

I think this is a great idea. How much do you pay per month for cable (if unlike me, you have it), or smokes, or beer? If just 10% of the membership could donate $1.25 a week I estimate we would be able to afford a secure and reliable host.
Count me in for $5.00/month.
jojosdad read what Oleg posted! It is just five posts above yours! And it is HIS Web site!
Oleg Volk said:
Donations are very welcome. Turning THR into a pay site would defeat the purpose of using it to attract and educate newbies and fence-sitters.
Working Man said:
...if some of the members want to pledge (I feel like PBS) a one time, monthly, or weekly donation I'm sure that would go a long way to help getting the kind of service we need.
They have already said they would willingly accept donations and Oleg said that in his post quoted just above. Go ahead and donate.
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