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THR is down right now...again

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Yeah, right... Betcha that if we push things, we can find some reason to sic an entry team on his house... With a crotch-eatin' k-9 just for grins...
Really, since there's no proof he did anything, it might be wise to tone down the kneecap breaking and entry team suggestions. It doesn't make us look very good.
Because some people just need to have their crotch eaten by a big ol' German Shepard...

I've never looked all that good...
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I was on thismorning and see it's down now. I PM'd Derek but I don't know if he got it. Hope they can find a secure server for the site.

Is there any way for them to set a trap? to catch the person?
Blackburn is deserving, with or without DDoS floods.

Browse his postings at APS when it comes back up for a real insight into his character (or lack thereof). I've come VERY close to calling in a favor or two from fellow law enforcement agencies, and putting some heat on him after he 'fessed up to hacking the Brady website. :mad:
This is getting so bothersome

THR down again as I write this. These attacks have to be dealt with by the moderators. Isn't there a federal law about it? (sorry, I practice only on the state level in Illinois, so I don't have the answer to the question I pose here)

The Doc is out now.:cool:
Now, I dismember - is this the same clown that Rich was gonna set me up in a money shoot with?

I like money.
Are you ready to apologize for lying about my so-called 'threats of violence' yet?"

So all this trouble might be over someone's feelings getting hurt?

The poor baby!


Sorry, I'm not making fun of the problem itself, just the possible cause of the problem.
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"Uga" checking in. Fired off a couple posts in revolvers here, dusting off my membership with THR's recent issues. Best of luck and keep fighting the good fight Oleg, Derek, and other THR admins.
dasmi said:
No. He denies responsibility. He does admit to sending the email that Oleg posted, though.
dasmi, did he have or explain a reason for sending that e-mail to Oleg? I'm not sure I believe him when it comes to responsibility. He obviously has some kind of an axe to grind.

Like others have posted here already, I hope that Oleg and Derek can find this guy or reap enough info from the logs to turn over to a law enforcement agency for tracking and legal charges. I realize that might be hard to do if he is in some other country, but I can always hope!
Now, I dismember - is this the same clown that Rich was gonna set me up in a money shoot with?

I remember that. There was a few possible takers against him.
Gotta be kidding me if thats the case. Jeeze he needs to get a life. :mad:

Yeah, that's what I meant. The Link. I saw that pic of cbs on the gen gun thread at thr. Some of the screen names over here are different than thr. I was just wondering. That pic did not fit the notion I had of what cbsbyte looked like. :D
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