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THR is down right now...again

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Yup. And it's not the only site. Another of my favorites seems to go down at the same time. Last week, THR came back up while the other did not, though. I was beginning to think it was me, horrifying as that is, that I was giving the sites something from my computer, inadvertantly. But a cursory check says my computer is fine.
This is such bull. I'm always on THR and now there's some loser piece of garbage causing trouble. Who ever is doing this ought to be tried in a criminal court.
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do, legally, about a DDoS attack. The FBI doesn't care unless there's actual damage over some dollar amount. I can't remember what it was when I knew a few years ago, and doutbless it's gone up. Basically, they will investigate when a wealthy corporation or a well-connected party has a complaint... everyone else, hold your breath, 'cause it happens every day and there isn't much that can be done.

I'd be interested to know what provider these attacks are coming from... there are some that are well-known for allowing spam or various other attacks, as long as the attackers comply with whatever bizarre rules the provider sets (and, of course, pays their bills). But sometimes, the problem is just cluelessness, and it's possible to reach someone who has a clue. Other times, when it turns out that the provider peers with someone else who gives a damn, and that someone else is informed, something can be done.

As for portscanning from your own web server... I do it all the time. If someone complains, they can go jump in a lake... as I noted above, your definition of "abuse" isn't necessarily anyone else's definition. If someone calls my colo provider crying that I portscanned them, they'll get laughed at and hung up on. Portscanning isn't an attack... it can be a prelude to an attack, but it's also a valuable tool for troubleshooting. If you don't want to be portscanned, get a firewall ;)
I would say that there IS a dollar amount of damage. There's the bandwidth this fool is using that is being paid for, there is the matter of finding another host, which is not free, I'm sure, and since Oleg sells his prints on his website, hosted on the same server which is down, there is the potential for lost income for him. How valuable is the time the owners of THR who are working on finding a new host? I'm positive they have spent many long hours searching for answers. Yes, there is a dollar amount of damages.

I certainly hope they can find the freak doing this and make him pay out his nose, then toss him in a cell with "Big Bosco aka Everybody's Boyfriend"
I wanted to avoid registering here if at all possible, to avoid any "Johnny come lately" stigma, but this is BS.

I'm not incredibly familiar with DoS attacks, but would it help to employ some form of IP source tracker? Or would that be worthless against zombie machines?

I'm assuming this is not just as simple as backtracking routers and applying a access control list, or committed access rate? (I hope I remember the terminology correctly, it's been a while)

What type of packets are we being hit with?
What type of packets are we being hit with?

They haven't released many details about the exact nature of the attacks and rightfully so. No need to advertise the specific vunerabliity, especially while they are still at risk.
This is really getting to me. I've got finals on Monday and I need my fix!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I stayed home to study all weekend, even had to tell my guns no a few times (they really want to try out the new multi-color targets I got and the cast bullet reloads)

See what happens with THR withdrawl!!! I start hearing voices-from my guns :D
Simple answer...

See the second, locked thread in this sub-forum. It's being described as a "kernal panic". That's just a hardware/software glitch, common in Apple Mac computers, but I've not seen many in Unix/Linux machines. Odd. :confused:
Gewehr98 said:
See the second, locked thread in this sub-forum. It's being described as a "kernal panic".
Gewehr98, that is wrong. What you are referring to was tyme describing what happened to TFL tonight. Maybe you did not notice but TFL did a "walk about" this evening for about half an hour. Now that was scary having TFL down too!
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Oops, I should've clarified.

That the TFL outage was merely hardware/software. My bad.

Yes, the THR/APS outage is not being discussed at present. I'm sure Derek or Oleg will let on in a bit, once they get things back online.
It's being described as a "kernal panic". That's just a hardware/software glitch, common in Apple Mac computers, but I've not seen many in Unix/Linux machines. Odd.
It's odd you have not seen them, because it's mostly a UNIX construct. One sees it in OS/X because it's based on BSD Unix. (The Wikipedia stuff looks OK in this instance.)

Then again, they don't really happen all that often in 'vanilla' systems, if 'vanilla' really has any meaning among UNIX variants. Badly written device drivers will sometimes do it.

On various instances of Macs and different versions of OS X, I've seen maybe 5 in 5 years? On SunOS, A/UX, a couple of others, I saw maybe 3 in 10 years, but those were production machines and changes were pretty thoroughly vetted before moving into that environment. I was just a consumer, as a developer - system management was always a group of specialists, thank heavens!
I'm not incredibly familiar with DoS attacks, but would it help to employ some form of IP source tracker? Or would that be worthless against zombie machines?

There's not a lot you can do against them. You can find their compromised host networks, but that doesn't lead to finding the culprit behind the attacks.

Oleg and Derek have found a new ISP and will be migrating THR within the week, so hang in there. On the positive side, TFL is a great place also, and one that we should have been supporting all along. I hope that the THR refugees will continue to support TFL. I know I will, and I thank the TFL folks for having us.

I'm not affiliated with either site. I'm just passing along what I've seen in threads.

When the site comes back online, there is a thread in their software support subforum that gives the details on how to donate. It's a very worthy cause, for sure.

Hopefully Oleg and those guys will get the site moved sometime this week and the new host will be much more secure (and responsive).

And to those recent new members to TFL, welcome!
THR going down had a bit of a benefit for me anyways - I wouldn't have run into this place otherwise.
Much obliged to y'all.


I'm pretty much out in limbo with the rest of you.

The staff at THR IS suspicious of Blackburn/Muzzleflash. BUT, the reasons for that suspicion are circumstantial only.

The attacks are coming from a server in Chicago whose administrators don't answer the phone.

Derek and tyme say that finding whoever is behind the attacks is not likely to happen.
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