Am I a hoarder?
Elvishead said:
Tophe said:
Anyone else would have done the same thing.
Okay, that's only borderline hoarding. Shades of grey.
One man's hoarding is another man's prudence.
I have a thousand rounds of 45 ACP. Does that make me a hoarder?
I bought them over 18 months ago. Does that change things?
I also have some cast lead bullets I bought 30 years ago and have not loaded yet. (I don't follow the normal rules of rotating inventory, obviously).
I bought them because they were on sale and they cost just about the same as I could buy the compents for.
There was no "shortage" going on at the time.
I intend to shoot them, not sell them.
The only reason I still have them (have not shot them yet) is that I have been shooting my reloads. over and over, so have not opened these boxes yet.
I buy my dried beans, paper towels, cleaning supplies and other stuff in bulk. Does that make me a hoarder of those things?
So, I've got a lot of stuff excess to my immediate needs.
Recently, I went to a gun show and bought 2 cans of powder. It was not my usual powder, but I figured I needed to "stock up" a bit and I was almost out of my usual. The guy had 3 pounds. I would have bought all three except that I did not want to leave him with nothing else to sell to anyone who came after me. (It was the last day, but still early). Does that make me more or less of a hoarder?
I will grant you that much of the current shortage of powder, bullets, primers, loaded ammunition and guns is a result of panic buying, hoarding and new gun owners and new shooters participating in what might be called reactionary buying and speculative buying. But I think to pronounce someone a "hoarder" is judgemental and not conducive to communication.
I also admit that implying you are judgemental for calling someone else a borderline hoarder is judgemental on my part. I won't offer a judgement of what that is right now. I do want to make the point that using names is usually more a bar to communication than an aid.
Hoping to smooth the communication highway,
Lost Sheep