+1 with the Great Mahoo and other Pa. residents. Although it took three days technicaly speaking to re-up after my first permit was going to expire, because it was Friday afternoon and did not pick up the new permit until Monday. And our little Sheriff's Office in
Franklin Co. is always busy with permits among other things, but they could not be nicer or more helpful.
I cannot quote directly, but did look up the statute online some time ago. It is written very short and sweet in our State. Shall Issue means just that. SHALL ISSUE, no if's and's, or but's.as long as you pass the background check. I am not saying that training is a bad idea, in fact quite the opposite, I recieved a lot of training myself and am proud to say that when I R.O'd IPSC matches I was able to pass on what I had learned to others with the Match Directors blessing, in addition to being asked to give new shooters of friends and family training using the NRA guidelines. What I am saying is I do not like the government mandating it.
Kind of reminds me of paying poll taxes or taking reading tests to vote.
Did not mean to be so long winded.