single issue's

The current occupation has gained a lot for the citizens of Iraq. And it has also gained for the citizens of the US. The Iraqi government no longer supports and houses terrorists.
lol, look around and ask yourself if we are better off now then 8 years ago.

Can you define "better".
Personally I'm better off. I have more money in the bank than I've ever had. I don't live paycheck to paycheck any longer. My job satisfaction is better. I bought property that I've always wanted that included a 1200 sq/ft guest house, workshop on a few acres. I didn't get in over my head on a mortgage. I'm living well within my means. So yes I'd say we(me and my family) are better off. This hasn't come without sacrifice. I've spent a lot of time deployed, I've been to a lot of memorial services. I lost quite a few friends. Maybe I'm messed up in the head by your standard, but it has been worth it to me and I won't denigrate the ultimate sacrifice that many have paid so fools can come on the internet and whine about the govt, their jackbooted thugs, and the "idiots" that set policy for the country. I don't agree with it all the time, but I also don't think that many could do a better job and IMO many would do much worse.
I guess it will be my turn to come on and bleat about the next administration if it happens to be Hilary or Obama. My guess is that the same folks bleating about this administration will be doing the same about the next and the next and so on.
What were you, like 8 when Clinton took office? Which made you approx 16 when Bush took over. So where in that 8 years did you even have a clue as to what was going on? But you cannot be blamed for you ignorance, you were/are just a kid. Like I said before, brainwashed by the Liberal media.

By better 8 years ago, you mean the Inaction by the Clinton Administration. So we weren't in a major conflict/war. There was still Kosovo and Somalia (Blackhawk Down?). Was that wrong to send US troops over there to "Police the World"? But you are running Bush thru the ringer for doing it today. What exactly did the Clinton Admin do when the Kobar Towers were bombed? Or Uss Cole? Nothing. Sent a few Tomahawks downrange to show that he cared. What happened during those "Golden 8 years" that you are refering to, Terrorism was allowed to fester and build. The planning of 9/11 was allowed to happen. Now we, as in the men and women in uniform, are dealing with it. The American public is also suffering from it. Now, instead of dealing with the threat over the past 15 years (the money involved with campains of this magnatude), we are doing it in 7.

If you had a clue, if you knew anything about a presidency and how things actually worked, you would know that...the current situation is a direct reflection of how it was left by the last administration. Always. It takes time to make changes and do good. If the last administration had put a little more effort to fighting terror, rather getting BJ's in the ovalloffice and trying to take away our guns, we wouldn't be in as bad a perdicament. bring this thread around back to McCain:)...I don't think that he will do any worse. But you never know. You roll the dice, and see what happens.
To wpcexpert's point:
The above covers it, if one also agrees with my personal conclusion that the economic bubbles and bursts were independent of national politics (and you don't have to, but e.g., Gore did not invent the internet, and Bush did not create so-called predatory lending).
We will remain an interventionist nation for some time. Many of the same people screaming to get us out of Iraq are also screaming to get us into Darfur. It's going to take more, a lot more, than a new president or party to change that.
The US dollar is worth less now then ever before. Under Clinton their was a surplus while Bush allowed a huge debt to accumulate.

The other conflicts you are referring to were never full scale invasions of countries, Iraq and the Middle East in general will never be peace full and democracy will not "flourish" even if Iraq gets a half way stable government/society - which it never will.

Bush is a failure, many Republicans disown him for what he is done - McCain the big pro-war guy even said Iraq was utterly mismanaged.

Support Bush if you want but this country as a whole is certainly not better off now then when Clinton was in office.
Based on the premise that McCain is elected of course.

Thats not certain either, what I said since you wanted to point it out. If McCain gets elected. Do I think he will call up the draft for Iraq. No. If we go to war with Iran. You bet your a$$.

Go read the first post again. You took my words out of context. you said:
Okay Winston back to you logic on the draft, which in your opinon is a certianity.

and made it seem that I said if mccain gets elected he would bring back the draft.
No I don't think it will happen for Iraq. For Iran, YES INDEED!!!

Just like you stated

Now then if we open a third front in the war against terrorism, say in Korea then I might agree with you about a draft being possible, but not at this time. My guess, and I would say it is slightly educated (four years as a Military Intelligence Analyst with the US Army, a little better knowledge about things than your man on the street I would guess)

I you think it is just going to be just Iran we are fighting. Then who is the uninformed one?
I vote to start a gambling pool on this, just all send our stimulus check to Paypal, or better yet, a CD, and let our money decide who was right in 4 years. Any takers?
our stimulus check

No that's funny.......The only thing it is going to boost is China because of Walmart. Or Saudi Because of oil................:eek:
I'm well aware of some of the crazy crap he's said. But quite often a leader's rhetoric and his actual actions don't exactly line up. I'd think that the odds that Iran would actually nuke Israel are pretty slim.

I as well as many others think they would. If anyone is crazy enough to do it, it is Iran... just not a chance worth taking. IMHO

No that's funny.......The only thing it is going to boost is China because of Walmart. Or Saudi Because of oil..............

I say we all vow to spend our check on a good American made firearm...:D

lol, look around and ask yourself if we are better off now then 8 years ago.

YES... I am MUCH better off now than I was 8 years ago... in all aspects.

IMO this conversation will not go anywhere.... everyone has their opinion and it is very unlikely it will be changed....just a waste of good shooting or reloading time.;)
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There is not going to be a draft unless we face a WWII like event (unlikely) or an alien invasion.


1. The last draft for a controversial war almost caused a civil war here.
2. The last draft had outs for the well connected or those intelligent enough to play the system. Cheney, Bush, Clinton - all gamed the system. That would not be acceptable today. Without a WWII like event, those folks aren't going to allow their kids to go to a stupid war - hence no draft.
3. You can avoid the draft by saying you are gay. When I took my draft physical - we were told that we could do this but you would be on an official government blacklist. Today - not going to happen - so many folks could just say that. After the war, go to the shrink or the God squad and convert back to girls or whatever. So, the heteros go to war and the magic word gay - keeps you safe. You might say - No one would do that to avoid a war - yeah, right.
4. What about women? Massive law suits that the new draft discriminates against men if it doesn't take women. Suits by women that they are being discriminated against because they want to have the same rights and thus get drafted.

This discussion drifted off reality a few times. However, a draft isn't coming for a conceivable war like Iraq. If Iran did attack us - expect the war to be fought from the air with nukes.

The services are spending fortunes to develop weapons that minimize casualties - we aren't launching giant invasions into pest holes again.
So Winston

Let me clear this up with you before I respond to your post.

A. If McCain is elected


B. He will start a war with Iraq


C. We will need a draft to fill the personal needs of the Military.

Is that correct.