single issue's

I voted for Bush twice because he was the "lesser of two evils". With that said, I have no love for the man because I believe he ran as a conservative and governed much like a liberal on many, many issues.

As for stem-cell research, that is a moral issue having to do with aborted fetuses and whether or not the Federal Government should fund research based on aborted fetus tissue. For one, you should be glorifying George Bush because he did allow limited Federal funding in this regard. Assuming that you are for a larger federal government that involves itself in private issues, that should make you very happy and appreciative of Bush.

They tried to ban the research, hindering its development - places outside this country are developing this tech much faster then we are and will have the tools sooner then we will.

If we get peoples bodies destroyed I think its our responsibility to do all we can to fix what ever damage we caused.
Why does the tragic death of veterans, men and women who are no longer in the military and no longer part of the ongoing war effort, have to do with the need for a draft.

Please connect the dots for me.

I didn't say with all certianity. But it is a good bet. People thought G.W. was going to bring up the draft. Because of the war.

You were in the service. You don't remember being able to be recalled to active duty? If they are dying or dead. Or having mental issues. They can't go back to the war now can they. Isn't it up to 2 years after you are out that you can be called back?

New people will be needed, If we get into a global conflict over Iran. We are going to need alot more!!!
We took out our missiles in Turkey and promised to never invade Cuba. It was a mutual agreement.

That "mutual agreement" was much more in favor of the US than Russia. The US possessed hundreds of 1,000-mile range Polaris SLBMs, which were launched from submerged submarines. The missiles which were removed from Turkey were a minor threat compared to the Polaris missiles. Russia had nothing in comparison to the US nuclear arsenal, and they knew it.
But...... McCain wants to stay in Iraq, and wants to attack Iran. When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen. What will you miss more? Your gun's or your kids?

Pure bull. Either provide support for this or stop writing inflammatory statements that are wholly incorrect.
Pure bull. Either provide support for this or stop writing inflammatory statements that are wholly incorrect.

lol that's funny coming from you. When you can come up with a good rebuttle come back. you 'll know where I will be.......
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The draft is needed now more then ever in my opinion when it was stopped in 1973 was a huge mistake as we now have a population who feels they should not serve in any capacity. An on going draft maintains a continues rotating semi-trained force and in truth in coming years we will need that more then ever.

I served during Vietnam as a volunteer but some of the best natural leaders were draftees many hated where they were but did the job to protect fellow soldiers and that is in truth what its about not your country but the guy next to you.

Remember if drafted and then you reenlist you become a volunteer I seen that also many stayed 20+ and glad they did. In time we will no longer get the needed volunteers and a draft will be the only recourse. If there are those who chose to leave the country due to a draft my opinion is fine as we are becoming over populated as is.
I would like a ruling from the audience following along at home or the moderators.

Winston first said this:
When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen.

Based on the premise that McCain is elected of course.

Then Winston said this:
I didn't say with all certianity. But it is a good bet.

To me the first statement seems like a pretty certian thing. No wavering or qualifiers, just a statement straightforward and plain.

So I asked him his logic in this statement which he presented his argument. (In my opinon a weak one and not backed up by the facts.) But he did state his thinking.

Now I ask you folks following along. Is Winston backtracking and blowing smoke like I stated earlier or did I misinterpet his very first post.

And yes you can be recalled to active duty, but being the Military I know, they have taken into account the fact that some people will not be ready, willing or able to come back upon being called up. Besides if the military is in such dire straits as to recall those who have already done thier service, then most likely they will also need a draft. At this point in time there is no need to recall those troops who are on inactive reserve status. I think the numbers in the article I attached to my posts show that retention and recuitment efforts are currently working.
lol that's funny coming from you. When you can come up with a good rebuttle come back. you 'll know where I will be......

Answer the question. Show me where McCain said he wants to attack Iran.
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They want Nuclear Weapons for one reason and one reason only ... TO USE THEM and you can bet that if they ever get them, THEY WILL use them!

I'm wondering what you're basing this on. It's entirely possible they want nuclear weapons for the same reason that most other countries want them, and for the same reason that we keep a deterrent. Considering our newly acquired taste for preemptive war, I can't say I blame them. You know, just to play a bit of devil's advocate.

You were in the service. You don't remember being able to be recalled to active duty? If they are dying or dead. Or having mental issues. They can't go back to the war now can they. Isn't it up to 2 years after you are out that you can be called back?

Depends on the terms of your initial enlistment. Your obligation is eight years, period. The Army does enlistments as short as two years (actually, aren't they doing 1+training now?) which means that you could be called back to active duty as much as six years after your ETS date. Though really, given stop-loss you're unlikely to get out after two anyway, unless you manage to time your first deployment well (thus ensuring that you don't get SL'd for a second).
I'm wondering what you're basing this on. It's entirely possible they want nuclear weapons for the same reason that most other countries want them, and for the same reason that we keep a deterrent. Considering our newly acquired taste for preemptive war, I can't say I blame them. You know, just to play a bit of devil's advocate.

A little reading goes a long way!

Ahmadinejad Says Israel Doomed
Ahmadinejad Says Anniversary Celebrations Won't Save Israel From 'annihilation'

(AP) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Israel is dying and that its 60th anniversary celebrations are an attempt to prevent its annihilation.

"The Zionist regime is dying. The criminals assume that by holding celebrations ... they can save the sinister Zionist regime from death and annihilation," Ahmadinejad said. He used an Arabic word, ismihlal, that can also be translated as destruction, death and collapse.

Iran doesn't recognize Israel, and Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for Israel's destruction.

President Bush is in Israel for the anniversary celebrations.

Here is the story if you care to see it.
Is Israel really the United States problem?

I am not saying we shouldn't give them funding but I don't believe Israel is worth United States soldiers, we have caught a number of Israeli spies trying to steal US tech as well has having heavy influence in US policy by pouring money into campaigns of specific people who support them.
A little reading goes a long way!

I'm well aware of some of the crazy crap he's said. But quite often a leader's rhetoric and his actual actions don't exactly line up. I'd think that the odds that Iran would actually nuke Israel are pretty slim.
Also, since Bush seems fine with allowing our Soldiers to die

Add to the responsibility list the Congress of the United States. Despite the anti-war rhetoric, Democrats are in the majority in Congress and continue to fund the war in Iraq.
During the election in 2000, George Bush never said he would attack Iraq.

Ok, so then Ron Paul and Bob Barr are going to attack Iran as well. If evidence is not required than these assertions are just as valid.
I don't like how US service men are dieing for something I don't believe is needed.

Can somone explain to me why we absolutely had to invade Iraq? I am still trying to figure it out, the same goes for any future confrontations with Iran.

Remember Bushes WMD rants? Nothing was even found, the Bush administration bull****ted its way into that country for reasons which I suspect weren't in the United States best interest.

LOST ONE, Those are some very good questions/statements. However I feel that those opinions are similar to those of a lot of college age student accross this country. They are formed opinions influenced by the "Liberal Majority" media. In the news, one hardly ever hears a wisper of the good that has been done in Iraq, or the good things that are going on. But every day we are reminded of the "current death toll".

President Bush...You know, I see, everyother day in TFL where someone posts a story about an individual that is dumb and breaks the law (right or wrong by the 2nd), but 90% of the folks reply that he deserved what he got. 90% state that the law is the law and they follow it no matter what. Well By God, President Bush IS THE ELECTED LEADER OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY. And instead of ragging on him every chance you get, why not support him. I'm not saying to agree with everything, but at least support him. Like it or not, he is the leader, your leader, and if you don't agree, get the hell out. Everybody says, "Blame it all on Bush". The President will never make one single decision alone. (In regards to War) There are Generals, from all branches of service, advising on the best course of action. Do you even for a second think that a President, any President would take that drastic of a step if the Generals (experts mind you) said that it was a bad idea? No, he would not.

Now, as far as why we "had" to invade Iraq...about Pres Bush stating that there were WMD in Iraq, let me be clear on where I stand on this issue...I DO NOT CARE IF SADDAM DID NOT HAVE BUT A SINGLE BULLET WITH WHICH TO SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD, HE NEEDED TO BE REMOVED FROM HIS CHAIR. Why, he was an evil man, cruel, dishonest, killed men women and children with chemical and biological weopons. The fact that since the end of the first Gulf War, he has been skirting around UN inspectors, breaking the treaty aggreement, and with every breath, supported terrorism around the world. That is why we invaded Iraq.

Now in regards to the first quote in my reply. No offence an I'm not taking a shot, but that is the very opinion accross this country that weakens it to the core. Saddam did say one very true and honest thing before the first Gulf War, "The US cannot stomach 10,000 dead in one day". I see where folks are crying to "Bring our troops Home, Now". Blah, Blah, Blah about they are dieing for nothing, Blah, Blah, Blah. You know, I've never been asked by any person that is fighting to bring us home, how I felt about the issue. I'd bet my next paycheck that less than .005% of those that serve have ever been asked about how they feel. If you did, you would find out that the majority is proud to serve, proud to be there, and feel that we should leave, when the job is done, WHEN THE JOB IS DONE.

I'm all for going into Iran. Bring it. It seems that they are just picking up where Saddam's Iraq left off. Every man and woman, serving, served, or will serve, signs the same dotted line to "Defend this country against enemies foreign and domestic". Eneryone knows and exepts the possibility that they may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. I don't care how or what the families say or feel about it, they aren't in. My family know the deal, that I signed my name to die for them, if it comes down to it.

In conclusion, Don't blame one man for everything, we went into Iraq becase that's what we do, and for God's sake, support the military, support what we do, and always remember, there is a 1,000 times more good going on than the media will tell you about.
Now, as far as why we "had" to invade Iraq...about Pres Bush stating that there were WMD in Iraq, let me be clear on where I stand on this issue...I DO NOT CARE IF SADDAM DID NOT HAVE BUT A SINGLE BULLET WITH WHICH TO SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD, HE NEEDED TO BE REMOVED FROM HIS CHAIR. Why, he was an evil man, cruel, dishonest, killed men women and children with chemical and biological weopons. The fact that since the end of the first Gulf War, he has been skirting around UN inspectors, breaking the treaty aggreement, and with every breath, supported terrorism around the world. That is why we invaded Iraq.

Their are plenty of countries which torture and kill anyone who disagrees with them but its not the US's job to remove "evil" people from power.

Hussein did not support terrorism any more then the Saudis which is our main oil supplier.

This current occupation and possible future war America has gained and will gain nothing from.

Very few people would say Bush has done a good job at anything since he took office, and no I don't need to support Bush in any form.

He is not my leader, he represents a failed presidency that I hope America never has to go through again.
Hussein did not support terrorism any more then the Saudis which is our main oil supplier.

Are you insane?? Try reading this little exerpt. The Saudi's kicked us out of their country, as soon as we got rid of Saddam. I was there. I helped shut down PSAB. They are not friends by any means.

He is not my leader, he represents a failed presidency that I hope America never has to go through again.

Then, you are not a citizen of the United States of America then right? If not, you have no right to have an opinion about what is best for this country. If you are a citizen, guess what, he is your elected leader. And in what fathomable realm do you think you could do a better job a being a president. Who would have been better, Kerry?

Their are plenty of countries which torture and kill anyone who disagrees with them but its not the US's job to remove "evil" people from power.

No, it's not the US's job, it's the World's job. But do you see anyone else stepping up to meet the UN's call? Do you see anybody else stepping up help and aid the oppressed? No, you don't. And who does everybody hate. What Government does some of it's own people dispise? The US, why? Because they don't have the balls to answer the call themselves or make a difference and change what they don't like. All they do is complain, moan, and hate they very government they live in.