single issue's

I know. If you asked the people on any street in this country right now, 95% of them would probably reply that only a criminal would do such a thing. Public opinion drives legislation and enforcement- it's the social contract.

This is a war that has to be fought on more than one front.

We have to get more people with an interest at stake when "gun control" or "gun safety" gets bantered around. We need to get more people owning guns and shooting. Not just hunters, because you can hunt without guns. We need people who own guns the government wants to get rid of first.

We need to change the stereotypes of gun owners. We have to act the part of good citizen.

We need to support the media that puts public opinion in the proper perspective. Do everything we can to support guys like Glenn Beck.

These are long term solutions. In the short term, we have to do everything we can now to get progun candidates in and antigun candidates out. This means doing whatever we can to keep an antigunner like Obama out. He may be a big hit in Chicago, so we can't keep him out of the Senate. But we can keep him out of the presidency if we try. Unfortunately we can't get a pro-gun Libertarian in there with our present system. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here.

I joined the NRA, Last month I got 5 friends to go to the range. Trying to get them to go again. I am voicing my opinion, Can't you tell LOL
I joined the NRA, Last month I got 5 friends to go to the range.

Good on you.

I am voicing my opinion, Can't you tell LOL

Yes, I can tell.

I am too. My opinion is just an opinion. But in my opinion we have to get the voting system changed before voting in an odd flavor candidate. I had to live with an semiauto ban because splitting the vote on Perot in '92. He took enough votes from Bush to put the man who signed the ban into power, and clutter up my drawer with a bunch of 10 round mags that are useless to me in 2008.
No actually I hope McCain wins. If Ron Paul doesn't have a chance. But you whiners are starting to piss me off! Telling me how I should vote. Get over it, Someone even said it will be my fault and the people like me that don't like either candidate from either party. And say I am just throwing away my vote. If I vote for Paul or Barr. Funny thing is that it is my choice who I vote for. So get over it.

If you think your candidate is going to lose, Then you better be prepared. Instead of whining to the libertarians, paul supporters, Barr supporters. Why your candidate lost. Maybe he lost because of his views. Yeah I know that sounds outrageous. Or maybe because he wasn't a good candidate

Some of you guys think if Obama wins, That he is just going to take all your guns away without a fight. If you think that, Then you are a sheep..................

If all you have to do all day is read election junk, man, you really need to get out more, get a hobby or a job. This crap will kill you and at the very least make everyone else around you tired of hearing your rants.

I never said who I was voting for. I'm just posting up to you because you gripe a lot.

I don't like any candidate in their complete entirety. In fact, I'd like to not have to live under a leader I didn't elect. But, that's Democracy. There's a thing or two about each candidate that I find decent. Too bad you can't chop up each person and mold them to one person I'd pick for myself :D
If all you have to do all day is read election junk, man, you really need to get out more, get a hobby or a job. This crap will kill you and at the very least make everyone else around you tired of hearing your rants.

I never said who I was voting for. I'm just posting up to you because you gripe a lot.

I work for myself. I can afford to play hooky to voice my opinion. what's your excuse? your the one who said I was attacking Mr. McCain with every opportunity. So how many attacks have I done? Not that many have I?

I don't like any candidate in their complete entirety. In fact, I'd like to not have to live under a leader I didn't elect. But, that's Democracy. There's a thing or two about each candidate that I find decent. Too bad you can't chop up each person and mold them to one person I'd pick for myself

I totally agree
I work for myself. I can afford to play hooky to voice my opinion. what's your excuse?


your the one who said I was attacking Mr. McCain with every opportunity. So how many attacks have I done? Not that many have I?

Nearly every new thread you start is oozing with urgency at how devastating it will be to elect McCain because of X, Y or Z. Then you go on to tell "us" how we're all sheep and will regret any decision we make in the matter. I then asked you why, and you said you post because all voters should be "informed" of their candidates. Well, fine, if you really are intending on "informing us", stop calling everyone names and implying we're all idiots because of the decision we'll make come election time.

So we're idiots for voting for any of the candidates depending on what issue you see fit to attack on a particular day. No one can win with you can they?
Nearly every new thread you start is oozing with urgency at how devastating it will be to elect McCain because of X, Y or Z. Then you go on to tell "us" how we're all sheep and will regret any decision we make in the matter. I then asked you why, and you said you post because all voters should be "informed" of their candidates. Well, fine, if you really are intending on "informing us", stop calling everyone names and implying we're all idiots because of the decision we'll make come election time.

So we're idiots for voting for any of the candidates depending on what issue you see fit to attack on a particular day. No one can win with you can they?

better go read what I wrote again...............Maybe less caffiene might help also.
Actually more caffeine would probably do the trick. I had one at 730am, and it's going on 1pm and no lunch.

As a spouse of of an AD Navy pilot...ehhh, wars come with the territory.

It was a nice speech - which is what Obama does well.
But...... McCain wants to stay in Iraq, and wants to attack Iran. When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen. What will you miss more? Your gun's or your kids?

If this speech was from McCain, I might concider voting for him.

I would have liked to see Hillary knock Obama out.
My mother will not vote for Obama, she is a middle of the road Democrat and doesn't believe Obama represents her or many other Democrats with her values.

She wanted Hillary to win but unfortunately due to our current nomination process in the Democratic party its very difficult to get elected unless you play to the extreme end.

Sad part is I would have voted for Hillary over McCain, I don't think I will with Obama.
My opinion which I doubt will change much in the next 6 months.

McCain is the most logical choice. Of all of the candidates that actually stand a chance; he is the least threat to the 2nd (not saying much about the fate of the 2nd, am I?). At least with him, we have less of a chance of having major entitlement programs enacted which will tax us to death. At least with him, we stand a chance of coming up with some sensible immigration policy.

Obama is not our friend. Clinton is not our friend. No third party candidate has a chance to win. A lot of us may not particularly like McCain, but it's like using triage. McCain is salvable. The other two mentioned above are too damaged and we should shunt them off to the “beyond help” area. Any third party candidate worth saving should be treated…. after the election is over. If we want to save one of them, we can do what we can to make them a viable candidate over the next four years, but they are not winning this one.
Yep, it is sad that anyone would vote for Hilary.

Hillary is the best combination of pros/cons for me, she is anti gun but not near as radical as Obama on the issue.

I don't like how US service men are dieing for something I don't believe is needed, but if I have to end up choosing between guns or no guns which is what Obama wants, I will choose guns.
Winston stated in his first post of this thread:
When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen.

Did you get put on the secert agenda e-mail list of the McCain campign? Or are you using your great soothsaying powers?

I would love to hear your logic or your proof on this tiny little statement.

Personally I think you are just blowing smoke. Which you do a lot of in my opinion. (Entertaining sometimes, but I think you type just to see your name on the board and up your post count)

So surprise us all with you dazzyling logic or insider knowledge about how you know the draft is coming back.
The problem with your constant posts, Mr. [redacted], is that most of us don't agree with Abu Barak on any single issue. We're just bitter white, yellow, and brown people.
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Did you get put on the secert agenda e-mail list of the McCain campign? Or are you using your great soothsaying powers?

I would love to hear your logic or your proof on this tiny little statement.

Personally I think you are just blowing smoke. Which you do a lot of in my opinion. (Entertaining sometimes, but I think you type just to see your name on the board and up your post count)

So surprise us all with you dazzyling logic or insider knowledge about how you know the draft is coming back.

um ,
Veteran suicide epidemic.

Military numbers down.

Longer deployments, Multiple deployments.

John McCain Says More Wars

More wars, not enough military to fight. You do the math. But with the state of the economy. Enlistment might be the only option some people might have.
The problem with your constant posts, Mr. [redacted], is that most of us don't agree with Abu Barak on any single issue. We're just bitter white, yellow, and brown people.

Everybody is bitter this time around. Pretty sad really I like McCain out of the 3 candidates. Except I have a problem with two issues. Iraq and Iran. and what it could lead to.

Oh and I got the Mr. [redacted]. You not.
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Sorry again Mr. Wolf but you facts are flawed.

DoD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for March 2008

The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for the month of March.

Active Duty Recruiting.

March Monthly. All services met or exceeded recruiting goals for the month of March (below) and have surpassed goals for fiscal 2008 to date.

March 2008 Accessions Goal Percent
Army 6,066 6,000 101
Navy 2,909 2,909 100
Marine Corps 2,234 1,632 137
Air Force 2,093 2,093 100

Active Duty Retention. Army and the Marine Corps retention continued with a strong showing this month; both are exceeding year-to-date goals.

And yes, there is a problem with Veteran Suicide, I think you actually meant Active Duty Suicide which is increased as well. But this is indiciative of morale and while tragic and sad, it is a small number and not likely to influence the combat readiness of a unit.

As far as longer deployments and more yes, but that would also effect Retention which is also "exceeding year-to-date goals"

Now then if we open a third front in the war against terrorism, say in Korea then I might agree with you about a draft being possible, but not at this time. My guess, and I would say it is slightly educated (four years as a Military Intelligence Analyst with the US Army, a little better knowledge about things than your man on the street I would guess) Hostilities against either Iran or North Korea, would intially start out as a long bombing campign by aircraft and missles followed by a strong Special Operations campign. And in the case of Korea, well when I was stationed there in the early 90s the joke was "are we here to keep the North from coming South or the ROK Army from going North"

Besides the military has stated time and time again they do not want a draft for a variety of reason.

I still think your statement:
When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen

Is you trying to create a great deal of something from nothing. Your premise is flaw so you conclusion is flawed.
And yes, there is a problem with Veteran Suicide, I think you actually meant Active Duty Suicide which is increased as well. But this is indiciative of morale and while tragic and sad, it is a small number and not likely to influence the combat readiness of a unit.

small number?
6,570 per year
18 per day

That is not a small number. The really sad thing is that they survived Iraq only to kill themselfs back home.

I didn't mean active duty, I meant returning vets.

Now then if we open a third front in the war against terrorism, say in Korea then I might agree with you about a draft being possible, but not at this time.

well McCain said there are going to be more wars. That doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy. If we bomb Iran. China, Russia, and North Korea might all have something to say about that.

Remember the Cuban missle crisis. We didn't blow Cuba off the map because Russia would have retaliated against us.