single issue's

What we're missing, too, is that selective service is part of being an American.

50 U.S.C. App. 451
(b) The Congress declares that an adequate armed strength must be achieved and maintained to insure the security of this Nation.
(c) The Congress further declares that in a free society the obligations and privileges of serving in the armed forces and the reserve components thereof should be shared generally, in accordance with a system of selection which is fair and just, and which is consistent with the maintenance of an effective national economy.
(d) The Congress further declares, in accordance with our traditional military policy as expressed in the National Defense Act of 1916, as amended, that it is essential that the strength and organization of the National Guard, both Ground and Air, as an integral part of the first line defenses of this Nation, be at all times maintained and assured.
To this end, it is the intent of the Congress that whenever Congress shall determine that units and organizations are needed for the national security in excess of those of the Regular components of the Ground Forces and the Air Forces, and those in active service under this title (sections 451 to 471a of this Appendix), the National Guard of the United States, both Ground and Air, or such part thereof as may be necessary, together with such units of the Reserve components as are necessary for a balanced force, shall be ordered to active Federal service and continued therein so long as such necessity exists.

Draft card burners hardly deserve the protection of living under our flag. We're lucky that we haven't had to call on it in decades, and truly, we probably will not again because of the prevailing public opinion about (gasp) conscription. But if you think that card in your wallet is just a dumb little piece of paper you'd pitch if our leaders take us somewhere you don't support, there are other places you should live.

Beyond that, this thread is really just a lot of unfounded rambling, and I'm hardly surprised by some of the affiliations here. It's this kind of support a certain candidate received that decidedly turned me off to wanting to run with his posse.
If I may, I would like to interject something here.

War is ugly and not something any sane person would wish for under normal circumstances. The consequences of war go far beyond just killing your enemy on a battlefield. They include but are not limited to veteran suicide, strained international relationships, civilian casualties, etc. These are the consequences of ANY WAR, not just the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

War is an inevitability in this world simply because it is human nature. There are always going to be those like Saddam, Osama and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who ignore civil rights, scoff at world opinion and strive to achieve evil, inhumane and often insane goals. By the same token, there will always be super-powers like the U.S., China, etc. that IMHO bear the responsibility of keeping psychos like those I mentioned in check and work to maintain balance in the world because they can wreak havoc across the world as these evil men (governments) absolutely HAVE! What they do most often directly affects us and other peaceful nations across the globe and we cannot allow that.

We and our responsible leaders do not want nations like Iran, North Korea, etc. to possess or have control over nuclear weapons simply because they lack the maturity, responsibility and common sense to command such a great destructive power. They are less evolved (socially and perhaps mentally) and of a different mentality than the U.S. and the other peaceful nations of the world who do possess Nuclear weapons. We, the U.S. are very aware of the responsibility of possessing Nuclear weapons and pray to never, ever have to use them again. Nations like Iran and North Korea do not place the same value on human life and human rights that we do. They want Nuclear Weapons for one reason and one reason only ... TO USE THEM and you can bet that if they ever get them, THEY WILL use them! If Iran does advance their nuclear program and begin developing Nuclear Weapons or any WMD for that matter, the ENTIRE WORLD will be in grave danger! To protect our environment, the innocent peoples of the world and the human race in general, we MUST NOT allow nations like Iran to ever obtain these horrific weapons at any cost ... even if it means using one of ours on them! As for the war on terror ... IMHO, that is another necessary evil simply because these lunatics will NEVER stop their reign of terror across the world no matter what we do. They DO NOT want to be our friends or allies ... they want to destroy us and their religion actually demands the destruction of all infidels, mainly us. It doesn't matter if we pack-up and leave their nation or not, they will still continue along the path they are on and thousands if not millions will die as a result. We don't make these rules people ... they do! There comes a time when politics are not the answer and I believe we have reached that point.

Now, as for taking our guns from us ... it will never happen. Politicians have tried to take our guns away for decades and although they have limited us in many ways, they will never succeed. Too many of our citizens own and know how to use guns and will fight to the death to keep them. It is a war that for now at least, they can never win. I can just about guarantee a civil war if they do.
Remember the Cuban missle crisis. We didn't blow Cuba off the map because Russia would have retaliated against us.

Hardly. We didn't "blow Cuba off the map" because there was nothing to be gained by doing that. Russia was confronted over the presence of nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, and they were ordered to remove them.
They did so, knowing full well that the US could blow them off the map, if need be. Russia, not the US, backed down.
Can somone explain to me why we absolutely had to invade Iraq? I am still trying to figure it out, the same goes for any future confrontations with Iran.
If you think your candidate is going to lose, Then you better be prepared. Instead of whining to the libertarians, paul supporters, Barr supporters. Why your candidate lost. Maybe he lost because of his views.

That is the most logical thing said in this thread to date. It will therefore be attacked. :D
I don't think that taking pictures of flagged draped confins of US soldiers coming back from Iraq is in good taste and I don't support such things. However, on a personal level, I work in a town that has a large military base and I have seen the injured soldier's coming back from Iraq. This one stands out in my mind. He was about 21 years old and he had lost an eye in an IED attack near Baghdad. He was strong and positive about his injury... a nice young man who didn't seem to be blaming anyone for his loss. While we were talking, he was buying a pair of sunglasses. He put on this one pair and he turned to me and asked me if I could tell that he was missing an eye while he was wearing the sunglasses.

I don't know, that experience has stuck with me. War is hell whether you support the war in Iraq or not.
Hardly. We didn't "blow Cuba off the map" because there was nothing to be gained by doing that. Russia was confronted over the presence of nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, and they were ordered to remove them.
They did so, knowing full well that the US could blow them off the map, if need be. Russia, not the US, backed down.

We took out our missiles in Turkey and promised to never invade Cuba. It was a mutual agreement. The alternative was to destroy each other. The U.S and Russia. Cuba was just a pawn.
Also, since Bush seems fine with allowing our Soldiers to die, why is he so aginst technologies that could reconstruct limbs and organs that got destroyed or damaged?
There should be mandatory service !!!! PERIOD!!!! Yep, my kids, too, boys and girl. I and my counsins got more out of the service than we put into it. Yea, two Uncles did not make it back but they understood the need and volunteered.

Yep, bomb the whole damned region! I can add to the list! We need new weapons test grounds anyway.
There should be mandatory service !!!! PERIOD!!!! Yep, my kids, too, boys and girl. I and my counsins got more out of the service than we put into it. Yea, two Uncles did not make it back but they understood the need and volunteered.

Yep, bomb the whole damned region! I can add to the list! We need new weapons test grounds anyway.

wtf, how can you joke about this.
It kind of sounds like a Bush speech, give me some specific reasons related to Iraq and how we absolutely had to invade.
9/11, the USS Cole, the marine Corp. barracks bombing, the London Subway bombing, the World Trade center bomb (not 9/11, the other one), INNOCENT civilians being kidnapped across the Middle East and beheaded with knives and dull saws and the list goes on and on! What about the fact that just yesterday or the day before, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that they ARE going to annihilate ZION (the Israelis) no matter what? Just because some people choose to ignore those premeditated acts of war does not mean that all of us have to.

I am not going to participate in a ridiculous argument with you over this ... to do so would be pointless. There is no reasoning with someone who has a closed-mind! You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. If you don't like it, too bad. If you want to insult me, don't waste your time ... I am more "thick-skinned" than that. Just remember one thing ... MILLIONS of American soldiers and civilians have died IN WARS to give you the right to voice your opinion here. Maybe you need to respect that.
9/11, the USS Cole, the marine Corp. barracks bombing, the London Subway bombing, the World Trade center bomb (not 9/11, the other one), INNOCENT civilians being kidnapped across the Middle East and beheaded with knives and dull saws and the list goes on and on! What about the fact that just yesterday or the day before, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that they ARE going to annihilate ZION (the Israelis) no matter what? Just because some people choose to ignore those premeditated acts of war does not mean that all of us have to.

I am not going to participate in a ridiculous argument with you over this ... to do so would be pointless. There is no reasoning with someone who has a closed-mind! You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. If you don't like it, too bad. If you want to insult me, don't waste your time ... I am more "thick-skinned" than that. Just remember one thing ... MILLIONS of American soldiers and civilians have died IN WARS to give you the right to voice your opinion here. Maybe you need to respect that.

What does any of that have to do with Iraq? As far as I know - nothing.
What does any of that have to do with Iraq? As far as I know - nothing.

You said it all right there ... "As far as I know". Stop listening to liberal propaganda, grow a mind of your own and do some reading and research.

I'm done!
Just remember one thing ... MILLIONS of American soldiers and civilians have died IN WARS to give you the right to voice your opinion here. Maybe you need to respect that.

Maybe you should respect that, He is voicing his opinion.
You said it all right there ... "As far as I know". Stop listening to liberal propaganda, grow a mind of your own and do some reading and research.

I'm done!

Remember Bushes WMD rants? Nothing was even found, the Bush administration bull****ted its way into that country for reasons which I suspect weren't in the United States best interest.
Also, since Bush seems fine with allowing our Soldiers to die, why is he so aginst technologies that could reconstruct limbs and organs that got destroyed or damaged?

I voted for Bush twice because he was the "lesser of two evils". With that said, I have no love for the man because I believe he ran as a conservative and governed much like a liberal on many, many issues.

As for stem-cell research, that is a moral issue having to do with aborted fetuses and whether or not the Federal Government should fund research based on aborted fetus tissue. For one, you should be glorifying George Bush because he did allow limited Federal funding in this regard. Assuming that you are for a larger federal government that involves itself in private issues, that should make you very happy and appreciative of Bush.
Okay Winston back to you logic on the draft, which in your opinon is a certianity.

You stated:
I didn't mean active duty, I meant returning vets.

Why does the tragic death of veterans, men and women who are no longer in the military and no longer part of the ongoing war effort, have to do with the need for a draft.

Please connect the dots for me.