Sean Penn an American patriot

Perhaps you should dig further into that particular issue.

As for WMD in Iraq, are you denying that Saddam Hussien had them?
Perhaps you should dig further into that particular issue.

I have , and I can't find anything about that. Do you work for Fox news? Maybe you should do your own research.

As for WMD in Iraq, are you denying that Saddam Hussien had them?

Yes, You act like you know where they are. um that's why we went after Iraq. Remember everybody said they had them. They were a threat. bla bla bla. They knew around where they were. bla bla bla

But none were found. Now the truth is coming out that he didn't have any. They lied. Or do you still believe everything you were told..............:rolleyes:
It is a known fact that Chavez made a bid for a mid-sized nuclear reactor from Argentina in 2005...keep looking. There are plenty of open sources reporting this fact.

As for WMD in Iraq, let me get this straight: you claim that Saddam Hussien NEVER had any weapons of mass destruction...ever?
It is a known fact that Chavez made a bid for a mid-sized nuclear reactor from Argentina in 2005...keep looking. There are plenty of open sources reporting this fact.

Nope haven't heard that, post up , since you seem to know.

As for WMD in Iraq, let me get this straight: you claim that Saddam Hussien NEVER had any weapons of mass destruction...ever?

My god you do work for Fox news.!!!! Yeah he did in 1991 not in 2001. That was the reason for the war remember????? Why we went to war for. But no WMD's were found. Like the truth that is coming out now. That they didn't have any. So guess we are there now to shove democracy down their throats. Oh and for the oil.
3 links work, 1 is dead and they talk about nuclear power. Not weapons. We have a nuclear power plant here in Arizona. So why can't venuzula have one.

You sound like all the fear and war mongers. The U.S. is the strongest nation in the world. If another country attacked us. It would seal there fate. End of story. Crying about everybody else in the world is getting old. We should take care of our own. and stop worring about everybody else's buisness. Yeah it sounds Isolationalist. But is it really that bad.

We need to take care of our boarders, and take care of ourselfs.
When did I say anything about nuclear weapons?

You go ahead and keep on thinking that Chavez is an okay guy. We so called "fear and war mongers" will continue to keep a keen eye on ol' Hugo for ya.

As for your wish of isolationism....that is the pipe dream of the delusional. It will never ever happen, especially in this age of the global economy.

And Sean Penn is still a buffoon.
Source? If you are referring to the Marine barracks in Lebanon, I'm not so sure that wasn't a 'false flag' operation( much like the USS Liberty) to get us to commit more troops. Only Reagan wisely pulled out.

Do you work for AIPAC?

You have your tin foil hat on a little too tight. :rolleyes:
I don't know if I'd call Penn a "true American patriot", but I fundamentally agree with him.

On second thought, according to Howard Zinn "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" and he happens to agree with Penn too.
So perhaps.
Winston: The leaders of Venezuela and Iran despise the USA. They must be watched and treated as serious enemies towards our way of life IMHO.

Much the same way as we did for over 40 years with Communist countries.

It's a long hard battle that has to be fought IMHO. They will not go away and are very dangerous to our way of life IMHO.

Both Iran and Venezula have leaders who despise our capitalist system and would like nothing more than have us go isolationist. It would give them a better chance for their type of political systems to survive and maybe expand.

I don't want those leaders to have undue influence over world affairs.

Now if you're not for capitalism, and feel imperialism is totally negative, then I can understand not fearing those two leaders. I do believe in capitalism, and imperialism to an extent, and fear those two leaders.

I guess it boils down to what we believe philosophically. There isn't really a right or wrong answer, it's just where you come down philosophically.

If you are left wing you probably like or accept those two leaders as only doing what is best for their countries. If you are a right winger you probably see those two leaders as devout enemies of free enterprise and capitalist expansion.

I see them as devout enemies of free enterprise and capitalist expansion. To me those are not good things in any way. They must be watched and "hassled" IMHO.

Sean Penn is a wealthy man who has made millions as an actor. He has no special skills that benefit society like an inventor, businessman, laborer, doctor, etc.

The capitalist system has allowed a person like Penn, with no really important skills, to make a fortune. Yet he identifies with the likes of totalatarian leaders (i.e., like the leaders of Iran and Venezuela).

To me that is a sign of hyprocricy at best, more likely a deeply rooted hateful, WACKO mentality.:confused:
Sandy Berger stole WMD evidence (most likely)

Bill Clinton would rather chase interns with cigars then act on the intelligence
of WMD's.
He is on record as saying he believed Saddam had them.
Sandy (most likely) stole these documents from the archives
because it would have been embarrassing to the Clinton admin, more so then even sticking cigars where they don't belong and licking them.:barf:
Winston: The leaders of Venezuela and Iran despise the USA. They must be watched and treated as serious enemies towards our way of life IMHO.

Much the same way as we did for over 40 years with Communist countries.

It's a long hard battle that has to be fought IMHO. They will not go away and are very dangerous to our way of life IMHO.

Both Iran and Venezula have leaders who despise our capitalist system and would like nothing more than have us go isolationist. It would give them a better chance for their type of political systems to survive and maybe expand.

I don't want those leaders to have undue influence over world affairs.

Chavez was attacked by us, He has a good reason to fear us. Same with Iran. The U.S keeps threating Iran. It seems like if you don't agree with the U.S.. You are a terrorist. That doesn't sound like capitolism, That sounds like imperialism.

If another countrys leader comes out and sayes he will attack the U.S. or there is proof.of a real threat, Like the cuban missle crisis. Then I agree something should be done. But If it is all hear say. He said she said crap. Then it sounds political to me. Politics to me is not allways the truth. Well most of the time it is not the truth.

If we want the whole world to do what we want. I see billions of people dying in the process.
Lots of countries disagee

if you don't agree with the U.S.. You are a terrorist. That doesn't sound like capitolism

Countries disagree with the U.S.A on all manner of stuff.
& you spell it "capitalism"

Please, address the evidence of WMD's that Berger stole.
It seems like if you don't agree with the U.S.. You are a terrorist.

I haven't heard that said about Germany, Russia or a host of other nations which have disagreed with America.

Iran and Venezuela are well known to support terrorism abroad. Does anybody argue that?
That doesn't sound like capitolism, That sounds like imperialism.

One could argue that American imperialism is about spreading capitalism to the world, usually in the name of giving poor nations the ability to rise above their impoverished level. Of course their is another side to this. It may be a good or bad thing to spread capitalism depending on your view of free markets. I for one find that our style of imperialism is just as contradictory and predatory as previous forms of imperialism.
Yet capitalism has raised more people out of poverty and increased their standard of living than any other system I know of.