Sean Penn an American patriot

I thought the military oath was to defend Constitution of the United States But don't remember anything about Israel.........

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Hmmm yeah I was right :D
than ours because they took the design for our M-1 Abrams tank and the Russians' equivalent and built their own tanks with the best aspects of both of them.

Nope. If you knew anything the Merkava you would soon realize their tank is completely a home grown design. It borrows nothing from the M1 or T series tanks. Who cares if it is the best tank it does the job they designed it.

I know our military is bigger and has much more, but I think they would even give us a run for our money.

More bunk. The ENTIRE Israeli military defense force is comprised of about 160,000 men and women. That is about the size of the US Marine Corps. The US military could decimate Israel within hours. Israel also tends to use a lot of antiqued equipment which is fine if your fighting third rate armies but not against a first world military power.

Israel is more capable than we are when it comes to defense.

I agree that is why we should cut military funding of Israel. Lets stop funding a terrorist nation that makes war against other nations, and which treats the majority of its population as second class citizens. Enough with sending billions of dollars to support a regime that cares little about the rights of millions of people that live in their nation.
You state:

Israel is more capable than we are when it comes to defense

And then you admit they aren't. For example, with regards to carriers and SSBNs, you admit Israel has none:

Don't need them. Carriers are for projecting power in a global manner. SSBNs are a part of the nuclear triad, which is not needed. They have the largest (and only) nuclear weapons cache in the area.

Carriers and SSBNs give the US a forward projection capability the Israelis don't have. Therefore, we are "more capable" than the Israelis when it comes to defense.

Forward projection is a defensive strategy developed by the US. We have decided that we will defend our east coast in Europe, and our west coast along the Korean DMZ.

The list of weapons and intel systems that the US has deployed, which would be of great use to the Israelis, and which the Israelis lack, is extensive.

Look up the six day war, and see that they beat what was a combined attack by the forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, and Algeria that began on June 5, 1967.

I don't need to "look it up." I followed it closely in the news as it happened.

They don't need a whole lotta help.

Yes, as I said before, they have done wonders with what they have. They most definitely are not "more capable defensively" than the US as you assert.

Your assertion reminds me of that Saturday Night Live skit about "da Bears" where the fans sit around the table at a bar discussing their latest heart attack and speculating as to how many points Coach Ditka, all by himself, could run up against a team like the Cowboys. Your assertion about Israel is similar to that. :D

If you meant that the Israelis are more capable of handling thier own defense than we are, I agree.

Back on topic: Sean Penn would be happy to see Israel wiped off the map.
I don't care about him, or his "message"

And I don't care about whether or not you think he has been proven "right". One more figure trading on their public fame while spouting their personal agenda, as if their celebrity made their opinion any more relevant than anyone else's.

For all the folks who hate Bush because "he lied and dragged us into ...." I think you are directing your anger against the wrong target. You ought to be angry with the Congress who legally authorized the war. It was their responsibility to determine the truth and act appropriately, no matter what Bush and company said. And in that, they failed, miserably.

Congress wrote the Bush administration a blank check shortly after 9/11 (which I feel was a mistake. A very human thing, but still a mistake.), and the Bush bashers have been angry for several years now, because he is cashing that check as he see fit. Remember, your (and sadly, mine) representatives gave them that blank check. How come you aren't upset with them?
I think he won an Oscar for playing a "mentally challenged" guy. I don't think that was much of a stretch...remember Fast Times at Ridgemont High?

All I remember was him and about four other guys in a small boat "rescuing" people during the aftermath of Katrina. Never mind the fact that there was room for maybe 2 people other than his "boys" and camera man.

I remember him going to Iraq to be a human shield...sitting in a chair looking defiant while smoking a cigarette. I did not see any bullets flying or people trying to hide behind him. I have a feeling he had that same crew in front of him to protect him.

This guy is a king-sized turd sandwich. Period. :barf::barf::barf::barf:
...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
That is the Oath of Enlistment, and therefor if the President, or per delegation of authority, his appointed officers, directed you to defend Israel, then Haifa he we come!
That is the Oath of Enlistment, and therefor if the President, or per delegation of authority, his appointed officers, directed you to defend Israel, then Haifa he we come!

yeah and we know where that has gotten us...............:eek:
I remember him going to Iraq to be a human shield...sitting in a chair looking defiant while smoking a cigarette. I did not see any bullets flying or people trying to hide behind him. I have a feeling he had that same crew in front of him to protect him.

Which, I believe, is precisely the situation for which the JDAM was designed.

Penn is a "patriot" only of that word's definition has been changed to "person who hates his country, and loves its enemies."

As for Israel - my last comment in this drive-by post - it's by light years the best country in that region, but that doesn't mean we should continue to send them money.
Sean Penn

He is a certified liberal like most of the rest of the Hollywood crowd.
He is good friends with Michael Moore. What does that tell you?
And then you admit they aren't. For example, with regards to carriers and SSBNs, you admit Israel has none:
I disagree with the Iran apologists and the Israel bashers, but Israel does have sub launched ballistic missiles on patrol. It's not admitted or discussed, but it's widely known. Israel has fielded a triad of nuclear capability. It is in our self-interest to make sure that Israel's back is never forced to the wall.
CoolHand said:
Iran is most definitely a threat to the US, both abroad and here at home.

How so? Cite one instance where Iran has ever attacked the continental U.S.

CoolHand said:
Iran is a chief sponsor of terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

All three of which are primarily enemies of Israel. Iraq never attacked this country either, but they were a threat to and enemy of Israel.

CHL said:
Hezbollah has killed more Americans than any other terrorist group save Al-Qaeda.

Source? If you are referring to the Marine barracks in Lebanon, I'm not so sure that wasn't a 'false flag' operation( much like the USS Liberty) to get us to commit more troops. Only Reagan wisely pulled out.

CHL said:
Iran is a threat to US interests abroad as well where we see them sponsoring Hezbollah’s gradual takeover of Lebanon, and Hamas' takeover of the West bank and Gaza.

No once again if you look at the map all of those are threats to Israel.

CHL said:
Iran's nuclear weapons program (no sane person believes the politically motivated 12/07 NIE) is a direct threat to US interests because of their constant threats to use them against Israel, and because of the destabilizing effect such weapons would have in the Gulf. Several other Gulf States now are contemplating starting their own nuclear weapons programs in order to counter the Iranian program. my emphasis added

Here you directly correlate threats made against Israel the same as threats against the U.S., when did Israel become a territory of the USA?

Oh I see if we believe the National Security Estimate evaluation of Iran's nuclear program were insane and if it were the other way around we would be insane not to believe it I suppose?

Do you work for AIPAC?

There is already an evil country in the middle east with nuclear weapons.
Hugo Chaves is a despotic thug who gives money, arms and safe haven to terrorists such as FARC. He has repeatedly threatened to destablize the world oil market by halting oil exportation. He is systematically destroying the right to vote in Venezuela and wants to export his brand of government to neighboring countries. Chavez called Ahmadinejad "his brother" as he contributed $2 billion to a joint anti-us fund. An interesting bid for Iranian nuke technology perhaps? Heck, he even asked to buy a medium-sized nuclear reactor from Argentina in 2005.

Iran and Venezuela both sit on huge oil reserves. Why do they want or need nuclear technology if they sit on all of that energy? Is a nuclear Venezuela a threat?

We shall see if Hugo Chavez willingly steps down from his presidency in 2013, despite his recent failed attempt to "reform" the Venezuelan Constitution's restricting presidential term limits.
Hugo Chaves is a despotic thug who gives money, arms and safe haven to terrorists such as FARC. He has repeatedly threatened to destablize the world oil market by halting oil exportation. He is systematically destroying the right to vote in Venezuela and wants to export his brand of government to neighboring countries. Chavez called Ahmadinejad "his brother" as he contributed $2 billion to a joint anti-us fund. An interesting bid for Iranian nuke technology perhaps? Heck, he even asked to buy a medium-sized nuclear reactor from Argentina in 2005.

Iran and Venezuela both sit on huge oil reserves. Why do they want or need nuclear technology if they sit on all of that energy? Is a nuclear Venezuela a threat?

We shall see if Hugo Chavez willingly steps down from his presidency in 2013, despite his recent failed attempt to "reform" the Venezuelan Constitution's restricting presidential term limits.

and your sources are? Fox news? The administration? The GOP? McCain?

He has repeatedly threatened to destablize the world oil market by halting oil exportation.

He said he will do this if the U.S. invades Venuezula. So who is more of a threat? Us to them or them to us?