Sean Penn an American patriot

Here Here!!!

Sean Penn was right about the war. give him respect for that.

Sorry can't. I especially enjoyed seeing him in New Orleans after the hurricane. :) We did the right thing in Iraq. We just have not finished it yet. Some responsibility has to be put on the backs of the Iraqii people and their leaders. We need a moderate state in the Middle East. It's important for our long term security interests in the region as well as here in North America.
I've just listend to his speech, and I've got to say, I side with him. We had no reason, and no business to be in Iraq other than to give Bush an oportunity to prove a point to his dad, and do a little nation building.

I dont see how people can continue to make excuses for Bush. wrong is wrong.
Penn's opinion is worthless because it involves no thought. He may be right or he may be wrong but even when he is right it is for the wrong reasons.

Penn is convinced anything done by Bush and Republicans is by default evil. It has nothing to do with the merits of the action itself. His rebuke is a simple "If Then" computer program. That is why he is a moron.
Hkmp5sd said:
Moo. Can we please take out Iran now?
Why? Iran is no threat to the US. All the talk we hear about Iran being the "new Nazi Germany" is worse than ridiculous.

I know it's a cliche, but you know the saying: "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." If Americans buy into the saber rattling again and accept yet another expensive war, then we deserve to rack up a ridiculous national debt, have the dollar's value plummet because of that debt, and pay $8/gallon for gas. Even those who are too "macho" to have a little compassion for the human beings who suffer from wars should be worried about the economic consequences.

Some wars are indeed a necessary evil. I think going after the Taliban in Afghanistan was a justifiable response to 9/11. But Iraq and Iran? Completely pointless and wrong.

Musketeer said:
Penn's opinion is worthless because it involves no thought. He may be right or he may be wrong but even when he is right it is for the wrong reasons.

Penn is convinced anything done by Bush and Republicans is by default evil. It has nothing to do with the merits of the action itself. His rebuke is a simple "If Then" computer program. That is why he is a moron.
You may be right about him, though there are plenty of people (not saying you or anyone here in particular) who take the opposite view: that anything Republicans do is okay. For example, lowbrow shills like Ann Coulter encourage this sort of non-thinking by smearing everyone who doesn't toe the GOP party line as a "liberal." For Coulter and her ilk, everything is black or white, "liberal" or "conservative." Politics has been reduced to most people in both major parties hollering mindlessly back and forth like opposing spectators at a football game. I think it would help if third parties had more clout in the US.
W. Wolf worships anybody that's against the war. I think he's scared it's going to drag on and the draft will be reinstated and he'll be called on to do his duty. Shortly after that he'll have a Canadian address.:D
wuluf has the right idea.
"Sean Penn is a good actor and a better director ("Into The Wild") but i learned with Muhammad Ali to separate the individual from the performance. Love the work, can't stand the politics."
Hey SteelCore

You are wrong about Ann Coulter. Have you actually read any of her books or columns? Or, are you getting your information from others?

I read all of George Soro's books, and Sean Penn's books, so I understand what they are saying. I just think they are wrong.

(Oh, yeah, Sean Penn has not written any books, but it is rumored that he did read one, once, by himself.)
Like I said, he can walk to his spot on the floor and read his lines. Otherwise he's a zero.

Of course I also think that history will prove whoever is feeding his lines is wrong as are some of the posters here...:rolleyes:
Why? Iran is no threat to the US. All the talk we hear about Iran being the "new Nazi Germany" is worse than ridiculous.

Iran is most definitely a threat to the US, both abroad and here at home.

Iran is a chief sponsor of terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has killed more Americans than any other terrorist group save Al-Qaeda.

Iran is a threat to US interests abroad as well where we see them sponsoring Hezbollah’s gradual takeover of Lebanon, and Hamas' takeover of the West bank and Gaza.

Iran's nuclear weapons program (no sane person believes the politically motivated 12/07 NIE) is a direct threat to US interests because of their constant threats to use them against Israel, and because of the destabilizing effect such weapons would have in the Gulf. Several other Gulf States now are contemplating starting their own nuclear weapons programs in order to counter the Iranian program.
Sean Penn has a ton of talent, I became a fan in 1983 when I saw "Bad Boys"- still a good movie.

His political thoughts mean nothing to me.
Sean Penn

Anyone remember Penn in N.O. with his shotgun,boat and his tag-a-long people?:barf:
Someone asked him what he was doing and he said he was going to rescue people with his boat.:barf:
The someone also asked where he was going to put them because his boat was full and no more room for anyone else.:D
Israel is more capable than we are when it comes to defense.

Israel is a small country with a small military.

They have done wonders with what they have. But they are essentially only the biggest fish in a tiny pond.

How many carriers and SSBNs does Israel have again?
Anyone remember Penn in N.O. with his shotgun,boat and his tag-a-long people?
Someone asked him what he was doing and he said he was going to rescue people with his boat.
The someone also asked where he was going to put them because his boat was full and no more room for anyone else

I'd give him some credit for trying to help if the whole episode were anything other than an anti-Bush propaganda stunt.

I laughed when his boat started to sink because he was too dim witted to put the drain plug back in before launching it.


Typical Liberal. :D
Israel is more capable than we are when it comes to defense.

I'm I very pro-Israel guy, but that's bunk. If it weren't for us they'd be in a much more dangerous situation. And there's no way that Israel could of taken out the Taliban and Saddam.
I disagree. Israel has more experience than just about any other country in the world at fighting because they are in a perpetual state of fighting. I have heard from U.S. Army personnel that their tanks are better than ours because they took the design for our M-1 Abrams tank and the Russians' equivalent and built their own tanks with the best aspects of both of them. I know our military is bigger and has much more, but I think they would even give us a run for our money.
How many carriers and SSBNs does Israel have again?

Don't need them. Carriers are for projecting power in a global manner. SSBNs are a part of the nuclear triad, which is not needed. They have the largest (and only) nuclear weapons cache in the area.

If it weren't for us they'd be in a much more dangerous situation. And there's no way that Israel could of taken out the Taliban and Saddam.

Look up the six day war, and see that they beat what was a combined attack by the forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, and Algeria that began on June 5, 1967.

By June 10, Israel had completed its final offensive in the Golan Heights and a ceasefire was signed the day after. Israel had seized the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank of the Jordan River (including East Jerusalem), and the Golan Heights. Overall, Israel's territory grew by a factor of 3, including about one million Arabs placed under Israel's direct control in the newly captured territories. Israel's strategic depth grew to at least 300 kilometers in the south, 60 kilometers in the east and 20 kilometers of extremely rugged terrain in the north, a security asset that would prove useful in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War six years later.

They don't need a whole lotta help.