Sean Penn an American patriot

You know what intrestes me, is that all these people who claim Bush is the enemy of the Constitution and he is a power hungry criminal, are they preparing for a peaceful transition of power when maybe Barak is elected.

Do they believe George Bush will declare marshal law in November and suspend the election?

Sean Penn stated that people who disagree with Bush are cowering, hiding afraid to voice their opinon that the disagree with the war. We all know that that statement is 100% BS. Also he stated the poor middle class kids are joining because they have no other choice, that is a huge distortion of the facts, the numbers show the middle and upper class (economically speaking) are joining up in greater numbers than the poor.

Sean Penn like any other actor/movie producer/director works in the world of make believe, story telling, entertainment, imagination. In other world they are dancing monkeys, they dance we feed them a bannana to show them that we enjoy what they do. Some of them think that because some of really like dancing monkeys, we think of them as something else other than dancing monkeys. Granted he is an American with the same rights of anyone else to voice thier opinion, but some people in the world give them to much credit.

Dance monkey dance. Maybe I will throw you another bannana like I did when I went to see Mystic River.
Penn is what Lenin regarded as "useful idiots" liberal simpletons who believe whatever they are told if it fits into their world view.

Bashing Bush and conservatives is his only goal. Even if I agree with him on the war it's for different reasons. All he does is give the pro war crowd someone to point to and say 'see all anti Iraq war people are leftist loons'.

Irregardless of clowns like Penn the President and as Steelcore pointed out Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc and I would also add the Republicans in congress are responsible for the diminished fortunes of conservative and libertarian ideology.

Nearly the whole world was behind us when we went to Afghanistan, but the Bush administration squandered all their political capital by the misguided invasion of Iraq.

If not for the protect Israel at all costs, reshape the middle east crowd, Republicans would still control congress and not be in jeopardy of losing the Presidency.

No matter what arguments you put forth for the reasoning and justification for the war you can't change that. No matter that now we might be winning there the propaganda battle is lost.
The Bush-bashers are the same folks (and their spawn) who revelled at spitting on soldiers during Vietnam. The difference is today the soldiers are sent to war in units, and not individually. They rotate back in cohesive units, and today's hippies want no part of a confrontation with group of today's returning soldiers. So in the name of "patriotism" the leftists take their hatred of America and its soldiers out on the President as a surrogate. Notice how many times these protesters haven't been able to resist showing up at military funerals, and how often they protest at military recruiting offices, even today. But it's overall physically safer for them to take their hate out on Bush, rather than spitting at airports and calling soldiers babykillers. Hypocrites in Congress, particularly Democrats, fall all over the Bush-bashers because they are looking for votes from that particular constituency.

Sean Penn is an *******. Separate the movieman from the puke. He's AntiAmerican scum, just like those who praise him!
When a movie calls for a drugged/burned out/brain dead actor, Sean Penn fits the bill perfectly... Doooode.

We pay him millions of dollars to entertain us and he does a fair job of reading a script. Otherwise he needs to shut up. Say what we PAY you to do Sean, you are not smart enough to form a decent opinion on your own.
I think I've posted this here before, and I believe someone has it in their signature line:

"The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance." Robert Heinlein

Sean Penn's opinion has less weight to me than that of the last bartender who poured me a bourbon. He at least lives in the same world as I.
Knotthead's posted quote say it all perfectly.

Americans seem to idolize these characters - re: US, People and other similar magazines. They, in turn, believe their own press releases and consider it their duty to expound on their ultra liberal, often anti-American, leftist views.
Sean Penn is a raving lunatic communist gasbag; he is a Fidel Castro, Chavez, Assad, Ahmedinajad, Saddam and pretty much every enemy of America arse-kisser.
It takes somebody with a similar character to admire him.
Sean Penn is a raving lunatic communist gasbag

...and hypocrite. If he really was/is a communist, he would liquidate his 500 billion dollar estate (or whatever assets he has tied up in real estate, stocks, bonds, drug paraphernalia, hookers, Madonna, Beyonce, Tom Cruise, etc...), and redistribute his wealth among the proletariat class (the mouth-breathers who actually believe in what he has to say).

Marxism; a brilliant idea by a visionary thinker who forgot one important little detail that nullifies...HUMAN NATURE (greed, lust, envy, sloth, wrath, gluttony, and pride).

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
One of the gun ranges I go to has Sean Penn's picture on one of the targets!!

I shoot better than normal when I pick that one for my range session!!:D:p
thrgunsmith said:
Saddam was well known for funding suicide bombers, part of the war effort was "the global war on terror" that Saddam was a part of.
Were Saddam's suicide bombers attacking America? If not, then why couldn't someone else deal with that problem at their expense in blood and money?

Penn is what Lenin regarded as "useful idiots" liberal simpletons who believe whatever they are told if it fits into their world view.

Lenin's "useful idiots" would tell people in the old days that famine and genocide were not happening in the USSR, we now know better.
Well, who was smarter: those who knew from the beginning that Bush was lying about Iraq being a threat to the US, or those who blindly followed along with the propaganda of the White House and its media shills?

Musketeer said:
What a funny rant. You do realize America needed no herding for war, after 9/11 we were going to kick some asses, any asses we could find. America may have followed Bush to war in Iraq but it was primarily as we carried him on our shoulders towards it.
Yes, there was a lot of "war fever" after 9/11, and most people allowed their emotions to get in the way of their judgment. But it was the propaganda of neocons in the White House and the media that directed that jingoism against Iraq.

Some feel guilty about that now, like moronic senators who chose never to red any of the available intelligence while railing that regime change was all important in Iraq. Now they claim they were tricked or misled... That comes under the old adage of not being able to rape the willing.
I agree that those who supported the Iraq invasion have little excuse. As far as I'm concerned, it was completely obvious that the intelligence was fabricated, and I didn't even have access to all the information Congress had. There's really no excuse for anyone to think that Iraq was a threat to the US. Anyone who paid attention and maybe did a little homework could see that the administration's claims were absurd.

Question, you mention wars... Are you really so naive as to not see the justification for Afghanistan?
I supported the campaign in Afghanistan. I'm not against ALL wars -- just those that aren't fought to defend US interests against aggression.

jlchucker said:
The Bush-bashers are the same folks (and their spawn) who revelled at spitting on soldiers during Vietnam.
This is complete nonsense, of course. Just because both groups are opposing a war doesn't mean they share all the same negative traits.

I suspect that many who feel as you do would support ANY war out of fear of being associated with tree-hugging hippies if you didn't. That's a dangerous attitude, though it's extremely useful to warmongering leaders.

Besides, Bush is the reason why soldiers are coming home in coffins from Iraq. If he hadn't sent them there for no good reason, then they'd still be alive today. What he did is worse than spitting on anyone. Those who really care about the troops want them home from any conflicts that aren't absolutely necessary for the security of the US.
Penn is what Lenin regarded as "useful idiots" liberal simpletons who believe whatever they are told if it fits into their world view.

Oh, I thought we had veered the thread to talk about Sean Hannity.
I think it's time to try to take out Afghanastan after today's prison break.

The more I learn about these actors, especially the successful ones, the more I choose not to see their movies.
I would wonder if America needs to start paying less attention to such people and the start needs to occur here and now. We complain about the oil companies making their 4%. We complain about the neurosurgeon who drives his Hummer to the hospital at 3 AM to operate on some kid who's had a diving accident... but at the same time we shovel money toward marginal people whose only skill is that they can move up to a masking tape X on the floor, turn toward a teleprompter and read their lines.

Its time that we turned our collective backs toward Penn and his ilk. Money talks. The next time you have a chance to buy a magazine, any magazine, that mentions him, rent one of his movies, watch one of his t.v. shows I'd humbly suggest turning off, tuning out and walking away. There is talk of an actor's strike so now might be the time to strike back.

If you believe this, then spread the word, it's time to boycott rich opinionated (expletive deleted) actors. :mad:
Sean Penn is a good actor and a better director ("Into The Wild") but i learned with Muhammad Ali to separate the individual from the performance. Love the work, can't stand the politics.
Penn was right about the invasion of Iraq. He has also had other positions that have proven to be correct.
The majority opinion here is that his opinion is not worthy of consideration.

One would think that being right on major policy issues would make a persons opinion warrant consideration. That doesn't seem to be the case.

The case is, both on this web site and in the world in general, those people who were completely wrong about the war are still considered "serious" analysts; while those who were right rarely get a public hearing.

Take a look at any of the Sunday gab fests and count the number of talking heads that favored the war and those that were right about the war.
The odds are all of the people on those shows will be former invasion booster and the number of people who were right about the war will approach zero.

Sean Penn was right about the war. give him respect for that.
"The truth of a message has nothing to do with its messenger - and vice versa."

That said, I think Sean Penn is a pompous, self-important, egotistical idiot. Period.

I'd rather be found dead, face down in my cat's litterbox, than spend half an hour in Sean Penn's company.