Russia's Army Invades Georgia in Force: How should the US Government React??

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i'm sure we'll go the diplomatic route, but i dont think President Bush will get involved in another conflict unless 100% necessary.

i dont think bush cares about getting us in an unnecessary war, (he has already gotten us into two) but i dont us getting involved in this one becuase we have nothing to gain
i dont think bush cares about getting us in an unnecessary war, (he has already gotten us into two) but i dont us getting involved in this one becuase we have nothing to gain

Georgia is our ally in the War on Terror. Are we going to totally ignore the fact that after Great Britain, there are more soldiers from Georgia in Iraq than any other country???

If we turn our backs on our allies, then we are going to find it harder and harder to attract allies in the future.
i dont think bush cares about getting us in an unnecessary war, (he has already gotten us into two) but i dont us getting involved in this one becuase we have nothing to gain

Waaaay too much U.S. hypocrisy...

The dispute between Russia and Georgia has been going on a long time - 100's of years. Georgia actually fired the first shot and dropped the first bomb in this latest round. Russia is protecting ethnic Russians from ethnic cleansing/persecution in this region - and has contacted the U.N. before proceding in its actions. While the U.S. rants about a 'Russian Invasion' - the sad truth is that Russia's actions are 1000x's milder than the unilateral action the U.S. took against Serbia. iF YOU YOU WANT TO SEE A TRUELY INSANE AND RECKLESS INVASION - just look at the U.S. in Iraq...or even the U.S. bombing of Serbia in which the U.S. rejected multilateral peacekeeping.

Americans wonder if the Russians are engaging in an 'oil war' in Georgia. Hmmmmm...these same Americans are the very ones who can't seem to comprehend the fact that the U.S.A. is in IRAQ and that quite a few folks see that debacle as a Royal Oil War.

Recently C-Span had a weird little propagand show in which a RAND Corp. spokesman ranted aout Evil Russia and Putin being an 'oil oligarch.' Hmmmm...Daddy Bush was Director of the CIA, then VP, then president. He headed an OIL COMPANY. His son is now president and he also headed the OIL COMPANY. The current VP. Dick Cheney headed an OIL COMPANY. Condi Rice was on the board of directors of an OIL COMPANY. Folks, the U.S. is being more than just wee bit hypocritical.

Incidentally Russia has troops stationed near Moldova and some other areas in the region. While Americans can't seem to comprehend, they are in fact peacekeeping forces, Russian soldiers have actually prevented wars and acts of 'ethnic cleansing' from breaking out in the region. Russia would like the U.S. to stop supporting Islamic terrorism in the region! Might be a nice gesture! The Bush adm. still won't refer to Chechen Sui.Bombers as being 'terrorists' ; the U.S. is in a position where it has no moral authority at all to dictate to others about how to 'honestly resolve conflicts and behave multilaterally instead of unilaterally when these conflicts escalate.'

Russia's explanation regarding Georgia is a lot more credible than the U.S. rationale for bombing Serbia and the U.S. rationale for invading Iraq.
President Bush is a man the world no longer cares to listen to. He is morally bankrupt and the U.S. Govt. is severely handicapped by the legacy of his Party and the oligarchical nature of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush era.
Time for a change! Time for a litlle Glasnost and Peristroika in the U.S.A.!
There just might be a splinter or two in the eye of Russia in regard to Georgia - but there's one big log in the American eye these days that ought to be of greater concern to the American people.

Americans are too dumbed-down and trigger happy these days. They seem to want to invade places they can't even find on a map...and they get all their news from a corporate media that has extremely poor coverage of international culture and events.
No the Russians living in Georgia are attempting to break away their area and absorb back into Russia. The Georgia troops were simply taking control of their country back.
We've Had Troops On the Ground Since May!

200 or more SF Green Berets are stationed in Georgia as advisers, BBC intimated we have some dead..
saddam only kills his own people

mvpel, do you feel we need to get involved in every single conflict worldwide where, people are being murdered?
Do you feel that IRAQ was the worst of such situations worldwide, where we could have intervened?
Why the HECK did we not take care of this in Desert Storm?
but while we are on teh subject, we are gonna end up duking it out with russia some day anyhow, why not now? we need to gang up with the ukraine and isreal, and just put them in thier place, before they do the same to us.
Stalin was not Russian; he was Georgian. I'm all for Russia protecting herself from the Georgian Govt. and military. It's really weird how the U.S. supports the breakaway Islamic Chechnya Govt. but condemns an ethnic Russian breakaway republic along the Russian/Georgian border. Russia has a right to protect her borders and her people; it's not like Russia is going halfway round the world and invading some country the way the U.S.A. has done so in Iraq. Russia has repeatedly tried to peacefully work out this situation with multilateral cooperation from the U.S.A. - but the Bush Govt. repeatedly closed the door to diplomacy...and burned yet another bridge...where there was no reason or need to burn one.

Should the U.S. send in troops? Okay, so long as it doesn't mind Russia sending in a few to Venezuela, Bolivia, and perhaps Mexico. Maybe Russia ought to build a missle defense shield in Venezuela.
Then Mexico has the right to take back Texas with Russian assistance!

I hear the U.S. has some border problems. Glad Russia isn't dictating to the U.S. what to do about it!

Georgia began the attack by bombing civilian targets. Russia responded quickly and secured the area.
Russia responded quickly and secured the area.

Yes, and it was a darned good thing that the Russians had a column of tanks idling their engines at the border when fighting broke out.
First: We have been invaded. The AVERAGE Mexican children, k-12, in Kali schools is 48%.:eek:

Now, on topic. I think we should always get into major conflicts, on the border of what ever superpowers are still around. We've done such a good job in the past, Vietnam, Korea, Chechnia(where Clinton supported the Muslims against Christians), Africa, and the list goes on.

I can't really blame China, or Russia. Remember, the last time Russia wanted to put missiles 90 miles off our coast, in Cuba, Kennedy was ready to start world war 3. Why should any power, like Russia, or China, not do the same???

Invade New York, Washington D.C., Oakland, Orlando, and Richmond first.
The US has stuck its unwanted nose into too many Countries already. It has brought us nothing but grief over and over again. We have ENOUGH problems in our own Country than to try to be a Police force for the entire world.

Yes, we need to sit this one out. It isn't our fight.
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