Russia's Army Invades Georgia in Force: How should the US Government React??

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That cartoon is really not at all accurate, in that Russia is not currently walking away. Instead, they appear to be going for the jugular.

The French have expressed outrage over the Russian attacks on Georgia. I wonder how the French military would fare against the Russians??

It is very accurate.

Russia should go for the jugular and end this madness. Russia is not done with them yet. It looks like a full scale Russian invasion is immediate. The Georgian president Saakashvili has lost his mind when he ordered the attack on Russian soldiers. As stated before they knew what they were getting into and thought they could defeat or hold off Russia before NATO came to their aide. Which is not going to happen. Now he is clamoring like a scared cat for a peace treaty with Russia. Knowing full well the wrath of the Bear is about to descend on them. Putin will see to it they President Saakashvili is hanging from the nearest lamp post in Tbilisi.
You ask some odd questions, I mean who the **** cares how well France would do against Russia. They are not coming to Georgia's aide and neither is the USA. Georgia will probably cease to exist as a functioning country in a few days. Tens of thousands will die, and all you care about is how well France will do against Russia.
I guess the US sort of did set the precedent for this, by going after Saddam.

Still, I know that Cheney will be real upset if Putin goes forward and does this. See this news story about the warning that Cheney gave Russian today:

It is interesting that Putin immediately left Beijing after the opening ceremonies. News reports say that he is now currently located in a Russian town near the Georgian border, and is personally taking charge.

The new Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is clearly just a figurehead.

Putin is the MAN!!


Putin is the MAN!!

No ****...who else did you think was in charge in Russia. Some choir boy lawyer from St Peterberg who has NO real governing experience. Putin is in large and in charge. Saakashvili should especially have known this but for some reason he still went on with his plan to regain the lost territories. :rolleyes: Putin probably will personally cap Saakashvili in the head.
Tens of thousands will die, and all you care about is how well France will do against Russia.

No one in this thread seems to be demanding that blood be shed more than you are. Your statements are not at all consistent.

Comparing Putin's attack on Georgia to Clinton's attack on Serbia is also not a fair comparison. Clinton only sent in the US Air Force, and pounded the hell out of Serbia, literally destroying the nation's infrastructure.

While there were a number of civilians casualties, we did our best to minimize them when possible. There were some unfortunate incidents, like that railroad bridge that got blown up while a packed passenger train was on it crossing the river. I'm confident that the American pilot would not have dropped his bombs if he had realized that a train was on the bridge at the time.

Putin's attack on Georgia is clearly far more serious in nature.

This may well be the international crisis that Bush needs in order to rescue his Presidency from obscurity.

Comparing Putin's attack on Georgia to Clinton's attack on Serbia is also not a fair comparison. Clinton only sent in the US Air Force, and pounded the hell out of Serbia, literally destroying the nation's infrastructure.

I am baffled by your comments. I never brought up Clinton or Serbia into this argument. Care to explain?

Personally I don't want bloodshed. But, I try to understand the forces at work here. How about you?
Comparing Putin's attack on Georgia to Clinton's attack on Serbia is also not a fair comparison. Clinton only sent in the US Air Force, and pounded the hell out of Serbia, literally destroying the nation's infrastructure.

Clinton went in on the WRONG side. Sure, the Christians weren't nice, but, they'd been invaded by Muslims, who intended, or did, slaughter a fairly good number of them.

Wonder why this war was started? Wonder what they are trying to cover up??? Sex, no, the Russians don't care. Corruption, and government abuse. That's a Russian way of life....

Stalin complex seems the most likely....
If the region was attempting to break away from Georgia and Georgia moved to stop it I fail to see how Georgia could be claimed to have moved first in a confrontation with Russia.

The area in question broke away from Georgia years earlier. Georgia moved to take it back attacking Russian first.

Bush will go dipolmatic on this one and won't consider getting involved.
I can't even fathom what Georgia was thinking; clearly the leadership there lacks some judgment since even a first-year poli sci major could have called how attacking South Ossetia would play out.

As for what the West will do, it will do nothing. First of all, the U.S. has its own priorities and this isn't one of them. Georgia was stupid to attack and we would be foolish to get involved in the conflict any more than we already are. Second, the Europeans rely on Russia for their natural gas supply. Russia can literally turn out the lights to large chunks of Western Europe at will. So I wouldn't count on the EU being very helpful to Georgia either.

If Georgia is lucky, the end result will be that they lose both separtist regions and have their infrastructure destroyed. If they are unlucky, they will get a Russia-leaning puppet government installed.
If Georgia is lucky, the end result will be that they lose both separtist regions and have their infrastructure destroyed. If they are unlucky, they will get a Russia-leaning puppet government installed.

Russia needs to more carefully weigh the civilian death toll so far over the political and strategic gains it seeks in Georgia. Public and world perception can turn on a dime, as the US already knows.
I say we negotiate a ceasefire and offer them Mississippi instead of Georgia.

The Obama campaign has said that Atlanta is a historically Russian city and the U.S. should take no action. If Russian forces reach South Carolina he is willing to reassess his position.
Well, Putin is PM of Russia, and if the President of Russia is removed from office, (read assassinated:rolleyes:) then guess who regains control of Russia. Putin is not stupid, but a very methodical, intelligent man. All those years in the KGB must've really gave him some insight as to how he was going to come into power and keep it. Maybe 8 years wasnt enough for him to be in office, so how about the rest of his life? He watned Russia to stay a communist country, and it looks like thats how is about to become again. WWIII is looking like it is coming nearer and nearer. The US is tied to a two front war itself, then Russia invades one of its former states. Sounds like its already started... Where the hell is Germany and its hunger for power? I'm telling you now, if Germany starts a war with someone here soon, I will be putting on my lead underwear...:p
The French have expressed outrage over the Russian attacks on Georgia. I wonder how the French military would fare against the Russians??

I've got a pretty good idea of what would happen. I'm tired of the panty waisted french folks complaining about this and condeming that. But you never see them doing anything about it. But they can talk about it all day long.
Russia needs to more carefully weigh the civilian death toll so far over the political and strategic gains it seeks in Georgia. Public and world perception can turn on a dime, as the US already knows.

What was the perception of Russia before this that is going to change? As far as I know, it was well understood in the global community that Russia was not a warm, fuzzy kind of bear.
I've got a pretty good idea of what would happen. I'm tired of the panty waisted french folks complaining about this and condeming that. But you never see them doing anything about it. But they can talk about it all day long.

Yep, just like the United States is going to do.
Contrary to popular belief, Russia does not yet have everything it needs and is dependent on foreign trade for many vital materials.
I don't think Russia is the one with an image problem here:

Many who fled still appeared to be in shock.

"The Georgians burned all of our homes," said one elderly woman, as she sat on a bench under a tree with three other white-haired survivors.

She seemed confused by the conflict. "The Georgians say it is their land," she said. "Where is our land, then? We don't know."

Seems to me like Georgia bit off more than it could chew by attacking Russian peacekeeping forces to begin with.
Just watching the speech by Bush and I cannot help be struck by the irony of Bush saying that Russia's acts of aggression towards Georgia has damaged their standing in the world. I also thought it was odd that he was pointing out how it was unacceptable that Russia was trying to depose an elected leader of an independent nation.
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