Russia's Army Invades Georgia in Force: How should the US Government React??

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The bit by bit updates even say that the Georgian radio sources state that Georgia started the attack.

And the Russian Army was conveniently massed right on the international border, ready to invade at a moment's notice.

Yeah, right...... :confused::confused:

Russian troops have been amassed on the border for quite sometime under the guise of "military exercises".

I'm just the messenger of what the updates said.

My feeling remains the same as it pertains to us. I am almost positive that we won't commit militarily, but commiting monetarily is almost a given.
Lance ...

... No one has attacked Russia.
"The CIA must obviously then be behind this attack on Russia"
Georgia is a tripwire. It's a sideshow for political wheeling and dealing between Superpowers . Consider this: If Georgia had been granted membership in NATO last year the USA and Western Europe would be at war with Russia as we speak. NATO is a protective treaty between Western Nations primarily designed to buffer against a cold war Russia. That cold war is almost history.
In the early 90's I worked for an intelligence agency that considered this man, Gamsakhurdia, the second coming of Hitler. I never believed the suicide story.
Yawn.....ho there any oil there?
None to speak of in the ground in South Ossetia, but the BTC Caspian Sea pipeline is directly to the south, I believe.

Yes, you are correct. The important BTC oil pipeline from the big Baku Oil fields goes right through Georgia, and passes just south of their capital of Tblisi. Here is a map that shows the route:


Commentators have noted today that if South Ossetia is able to secede from Georgia, that will basically place the Russians within an 80 minute tank drive of this vital international oil pipeline, and the capital of Georgia.

I think that this is one reason why Georgia does not feel that it can give up this province, and still remain a viable country. Losing it would compromise their national security too much. It is their equivalent of what the Golan Heights are to Israel.

In the early 90's I worked for an intelligence agency that considered this man, Gamsakhurdia, the second coming of Hitler. I never believed the suicide story.

Are you saying that he is still alive and somehow running Georgia? If so, that is a pretty far fetched conspiracy theory.

He has been officially dead for 15 years now.
Bush and Putin are siting besides each other at the Olympic opening ceremonies.
Perhaps they'll work it all out after a little soul gazing.
kindof crazy -this was almost the exact plot of the computer game "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon"

I would think that the EU would want to get involved with this for their own security, having russia gobbling up nations nearby cant be good for them. but i somehow doubt that the EU has the resolve or political cohesion to fight a war against russia, or anyone for that matter
It looks like Russia learned its lessons well and is replaying the EU/US/UN script for Kosovo in South Ossetia.
It looks like Russia learned its lessons well and is replaying the EU/US/UN script for Kosovo in South Ossetia.

You know, I think that you are absolutely correct about that.

And I find that extremely ironic, in light of the fact that the Russians complained so bitterly about a part of Serbia being taken away from that nation, and how illegal it was.

But now, with the tables turned, they are using the exact same arguments used in favor of making Kosovo independent, to push for South Ossetia to be taken away from Georgia.

It is interesting to see how countries can do 180 degree turns on such principles, solely because it now serves their own interests.

Bush and Putin are siting besides each other at the Olympic opening ceremonies.

Perhaps they'll work it all out after a little soul gazing.

Do you think that Bush is anything other than putty in Putin's hands??? Russia has been providing most of the resources and technology for Iran's nuclear program. And they are going to shortly be delivering their most advanced anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran too.

I blame President Clinton for really not doing much at all to promote Democracy in Russia while Boris Yeltsin was President. Clinton was too busy with other matters, and put Russia on the foreign policy back burner. And those were the years that basically set the stage for Putin's rise to power in 2000.

We are facing very dangerous times ahead. What our nation really needs now is another Ronald Regan.

Instead, we are going to get Obama.

Gamsakhurdia is dead. The conspiracy theory is that it wasn't a suicide.

Well, but you provide no context at all as to how any of those events of 15 years ago is in any way relevant to today's situation.

So I don't understand what sort of point you are attempting to make with your remarks.

I would think that the EU would want to get involved with this for their own security, having russia gobbling up nations nearby cant be good for them. but i somehow doubt that the EU has the resolve or political cohesion to fight a war against russia, or anyone for that matter


But Russia can turn off the oil and gas and shut down Europe at a moments notice. Russia are back and they're throwing their weight around. What made Georgia think they could take them on?

I don't think the Germans and French are going to come to their rescue and march on Moscow. They've both finally learnt their lessons on that one.
While we were speculating yesterday about how dangerous a threat the Russia/Georgia was was to the international BTC oil pipline, Kurdish rebels blew up a section of the pipeline in Turkey yesterday, shutting the pipeline down.

Turkish officials say that it will take a minimum of two weeks to repair it, if not longer.

The fire is under control, but still burning:


See these reports:
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