Powdercoating update.... now cheaper!!

just the stick-free foil on their side

hope these work out, dont wanna have to buy bullets for this thing

the pretty ones up front are the new ones, the uglies in the back are the first try
I’ve been following this thread with some interest. I don’t cast (yet) but wonder if the powder coating would be a way to use lead bullets in polygonal barrels. I've got a 40S&W with a poly barrel and might like to use lead bullets in it.

Anybody using powder coated bullets in a polygonal barrel?

Is there any leading or buildup?
beagle, beagle, beagle, i could KISS you right now, seriously

went out and put 99rounds through the 300 today, NO lead, not even a speck, i wish i had took pics of the ALOX shoot, it was liquified everywhere

also, i am a little angry at the internet today, i only had lil gun and h110 and the 230gr cast bullets, i swear i read a hundred posts on every AR15 and 300BLK forum with people stomping their feet in disgust at ppl askking about h110 in subsonicBLK loads; YOU CANNOT USE H110 IN SUBSONIC 300BLK AR LOADS!!!!! IT WILL NOT CYCLE THE BOLT!!!! ONLY BOLT ACTION!!!i saw it over and over and over

were all these people just regurgitating what the last guy was saying?? did no-one acually try it?? cause it not only worked, it worked perfectly and out of a 8in barrel and even locked the bolt back on the empty mag, whatever, sorry to rant, so annoying sometimes(the internet), maybe it was just HF miracle coating that made it work

anyways, back to the powder coat, i was shooting as fast as my bony little fingers could pull the trigger to test the gun, i am astonished of the difference between last time, thank you for all the guys before me that did all that redneck engineering for me

hard to tell in the pics, but no lead, shooting 230gr 50/50 alloy with 2-3%tin, H-110 @ 9,6gr

Woohoo! I'm glad for you! And I'm glad you're in GA! :p ha ha.

I don't know anything about 300blk shooting, but I do know that many folks are happy with PC and clean shooting bullets, and they are learning the little fine adjustments that let the PC protect the barrel and also provide the level of accuracy they want out of it. :)
It's easy and it's cheap and IMHO it beats the heck outta pan lube and tumbling Alox.
I have the powder coat sprayer from Harbor Freight. I have always been displeased with the amount of powder that is wasted. The results are good but the coat is thick, thick enough to make sizing difficult Don't get me wrong, I can size them OK, it just takes a bit of effort.

I picked up some black BB's the other day and gave the shake and bake BB process a try. I'm sure I need to adjust my methods but so far the results are less than perfect. I have a difficult time picking the dusted bullets out of the bowl. It's just awkward for me. I guess I need more practice.

I did notice the following. The bullets have a much thinner coat and size much easier. There are some bald spots here and there, not too much of a problem I don't guess. I tried coating my fingers with powder and it did work better than plucking each and every one, one at a time. The bald spots did not go away. I think its going to work better for me in the long run. I just need to develop better skills.

I shot a bunch of the coated bullets in my Ruger SR45. There was no leading at all, as a matter of fact they may have removed a small amount of lead from the ALOX coated bullets I'm used to shooting. I never had a big problem with leading but that's not to say my barrel always came out lead free. After shooting powder coated bullets I cleaned the pistol and everything in the barrel came out with no effort at all.

Has anyone shot the coated bullets through a chrono? Are they faster or slower. I have not seen any anything change in my accuracy. I'm just as lousy a shot with coated bullets as I am with ALOX coated bullets. I really like the lack of smoke.
its the same for me, i get an uneven coat, streaks where the bbs are sliding on it as i pull the bullet out and bald spots, but it still functions as desired

i use a pair of needlenose to pull them out, i can imagine using my fingers would be difficult
I think I'm finally getting on target here. I switched containers to an oxyclean tub, shook a larger batch of bullets (about 100 in what I was doing about 20 before), and bumped up my cook temp a bit.

This is 1 coat with my new process:


The higher cook temp seems to help the coating flow better than my previous baches. But then again, these bullets were better coated overall. I am still getting pinholes here and there, but it is much less blotchy than before.
They look awesome, im gonna try a hotter oven next time. Think ill be doing more tomorrow. Whats the result of mixing HF red, blk and yellow together?
It doesn't hurt anything. Try it!

The red will prevail, the yellow will make speckles in it, and (usually) the black will shake out to the bottom. It doesn't stick with tumbling. One fellow even says he was able to shake the red and yellow out of his (it all stuck to the bullets) and had only black powder left among the BBs when he was through coating.
O.K. I have molds, lead, cast boolits, toaster oven.
YOU GOT ME HOOKED! Them boolits is purdy.:D
No leading is even purdier.
What is "shake & bake"?
What temp to set my oven to? Harbor Frieght is no problem.
Suggest red to start? Black o.k. too? Best colors to work with please?
Read the first 5-6 pages of this thread....AirSoft BB technique development

Cheapest powder is HarborFreight red. It works very well, but the best I have found to use thus far is sold by a fellow using the handle Smoke4320. It's much finer and fluffier than even the HF powder and so is more able to be affected by the static cling that holds the powder to the bullets until baking melts and cures it.:) There are many people and websites selling powder and I have only tried 3 of them. So you might discover one even better!
Stick with the harbor freight red to start. I am using the black and decker oven from Walmart, I set it to 400. I'll will try hotter next time, I don't have a thermometer to see what it's really running at
Went to H.F. bought red & black & a small spayer.
Thought there was a chance I could mix powder with rubbing alcohol & spray, let alcohol dissipate then to the oven.
don't know if it'll work.
Can do a.s. bb's tho.
Thought there was a chance I could mix powder with rubbing alcohol & spray, let alcohol dissipate then to the oven.
don't know if it'll work.

I wouldn't try it. The powder has been used in the beginning with lacquer thinner and also acetone as a carrier, but it has to evaporate before baking (fire hazard).:eek:

The newer BB tumbling is much better and not as messy or smelly or flammable. ;)

Rubbing alcohol is water based and should probably just clump the powder up into a mess. And baking that would also result in flames.
Try the AirSoft BB tumbling.... it's easy and it works great!
If not.... go full out and use the Harbor Freight sprayer (the powdercoating sprayer, ... about 50 bucks). It makes the best coat, but isn't as convenient as tumbling.
Good luck!! :)
All right Beag's I picked up some powder from our friend over on castboolits, and have been playing with my smoke pole a little bit. Cut a new mold--here's my 275gr. "pointy" in .50 cal. with a nice little cameo paint job. :D ought to be able to sneak right up on my doe with these! Well, maybe these. I'm thinking of cutting one more and HP'ing it to make a shallow cup-point, but haven't had time for that yet since I'm still playing with this one. Haven't recovered one yet--they keep punching too deep into the berm :P


They're tilting a little because I couldn't get good light for the photo. So thinking fast I had the paper in my hand holding them up under the light--not the flattest thing for them to be resting on, ;) but the bullets are darn near perfect.
Nice!!! Those are really impressive! I haven't tried mixing any of his powders. I do have the blue to test out, but I have only baked the green thus far.
I'm definitely getting my powder from him for a while. :D
(although guncheese said he is getting his from http://www.thepowdercoatstore.com)

I haven't played with my smokepoles in so long, I forgot which end the smoke comes out of! I been into the Cowboy shooting thing for a while now and haven't fired any rifles this year, except for my .30-30 :cool:
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Didn't mix them, just did two light coats--first red then a quick shake of green over the top. Turned out kinda cool I thought. :D If these 275's shoot as well as they did when they were only 225's, it's gonna be a real bad day for a fat muley doe come hunting season.