Powdercoating update.... now cheaper!!

I did that with some HF red and some Ebay blue and it looked like a booger. LOL They shot great, but they weren't photo worthy.

I haven't tried it with Smoke's powder. I just got a new convection oven off Craigslist and I can't get the thing up over 215°. I'm in the process of gutting it and straight wiring the elements through my PID. I guess that's why I got it cheap! :cool:
I use the Black from DMC on Ebay... Look into his others as he offers a lot of different colors. A very high quality powder coat at a reasonable price with shipping.

DMC Powder Coat


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That black looks pretty nice!

Tonight, I have gutted the beast known as the Euro-Pro convection oven. I shall attempt to rewire this baby so that the fan is on all of the time and all of the other controls are bypassed, and so that my PID will control both the top and bottom hot rods at the same time.



If I can't make a beautiful shower of sparks with all of this wizardry, nobody can!! :eek: :rolleyes:
thanks for the review straight shooter, i really want black for the 300BLK, but didnt know if it would go with the cool-whip method, ill order some soon!!

I was so glad to stumble across this thread several weeks ago. I was sick of Alox but not willing to invest the money/time to get into PCing. This method was my knight in shining armor (if it actually worked). Well I ordered some powder, snatched up some bbs and tossed it in a Hillshire lunch meat container. Out came some so pretty FoMoCo blue bullets. Turns out they shoot as good as they look too.
isnt it great counrty, i would have never tried it if it wasnt for the cool-whip method

thank god i did, ill never alox again
This pretty much killed the sale of HF powdercoat guns. LOL :)

It's cheaper than any lubesizer.... and more fun!
And besides the fun and the novelty of all the colors, it actually works!:)
I can do VOLUME now!

This is the Euro-Pro convection toaster that I got for 30 bucks on Craigslist. (same one as posted above) It has two pans. There are two more heat elements across the bottom that are hard to see here. I have 4 inches between the pans and 4 inches from top pan to the top element, so nothing should be crowded, and these are the convection pans with the vents in the sides, and they leave about an inch between door and back panel as well, for air to move freely.
This is the way to cook lots of em at a time. 8-)
Man I like that oven!!!! I am on the hunt for electric house oven that I can stick out in the shop.

Got a new mold to play with last week.

Figured it was about time I picked one up for my 9's.


Ran a bunch through the star.


But the best shooting ones are the powder coated ones.
So far this bullet is performing really well.

It's just a toaster oven, 'costs about $60 at WalMart. I gutted the controls and wired the fan straight out, and routed the elements to my PID.

i will be spending 7 or 8 hours in the field tomorrow, i will be doing extensive testing of pc vs plated vs alox vs jacketed on at least 5 firearms

i have a borrowed chrono for the day, spotting scopes, hd video and some nice cameras

i will try to be as scientific as possible, shooting 50 rounds of each type through each gun, recording velocities, showing leading/fouling of each type and cleaning between round changes

ill be testing groups on deveral different types of PC rounds vs the plated and jacketed, different types of crimps on the PC ones to see which is besy for PC

i will be shooting several 9mms, from 3 bbl all the way to carbines
will be shooting 357/38s in snubbies to 3 to 20 bbls

i will be shooting 300blk, unfortuneatly onl one length, but many different bullet types, from sub sonic jackets, to supers to hypers and then to PCs of similiar loads

any suggestions on my methods would be appreciated, if there is any tests you would like me to do with the PC vs plated, please let me know before 10am eastern, i will try to do some expansion tests with pcs as well
Powder coating

The black BB's that you use to create the static for the powder coating to stick, are they metal or plastic?
I'm having pretty good luck with these black ones. I think this is the most popular BB for tumbling, but I have seen others using every color and size you can think of, and some of those work great too. I'm not sure which is actually best.
Black .35g bbs.
I have had good luck with the white BB's. Just coated 1000 9mm bullets this week.
I think the key is to get a good charge of static built up. I do that by swirling/ spinning the bullets, BB's and powder real fast. I can almost feel the static build up in the container.
I am not sure of the amount of time it takes. Its three times around my shop then its done. ( for some reason I have to walk while I spin.)
So, thanks to ya'll I have yet another addiction. If I can cram the cats into the #5 container they'll be powder coated too.

Thanks for all the good info - it works.

A question ... one coat or two?

I've been applying two but I wonder if it's necessary. I've read posts from others who use three coats.
One coat is usually all it takes. If you need two, you should modify your process a little bit. You should be getting at least 95% coverage with one tumble.
First try at Dry tumble PC

Not the best weather for dry tumbling I'm sure.
72% humidity and raining 72 degrees outside in Houston Tx.
I have been using the epoxy paint coating for over a year now which works pretty good but requires 2 or more thin coats to get a good jacket.

One coat with YellowGreen powder from PBTP and 12 mins at 400 degrees in oven, just cut my coating time way down.:)

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