Powdercoating update.... now cheaper!!

new colors today

got them in the mail today
shake and bake!!

this is my saturday project, i shot some aloxed 230-309 through the new 300blk yesterday and leaded it up something terrible, probably spent a good two hours chipping lead off everything today, never again
alright got all the "stuff", was pleased to see that HF pc was only 5$, was displeased that the airsoft BB's are 3x that much(same cost as a new toaster oven). guess my boy is getting an airsoft next week.

now I just need to get off the couch and cast some 230's. hope this works.
They are cooking right this minute, and all my rifle bullets fell over onto their side. :mad:

Not a good start

update: they are actually not too bad, they coating is visually uneven, but feels pretty smooth
they are totally encapsulated, which is the goal right? i dont care too much about the appearance, i just cant run alox in the 300BLK
i think i had too many BBs for one, and i cant help but think the humidity outside was working againt me as well, but i am satisfied nonetheless

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i tried the washers, thats what they were initially stood up on, i think i will just use nuts and stand the bullet nose up, i dont care if the nose gets a ring around it, those 230gr have a beveled base that makes real hard to keep stable
Those tall skinny ones can be a pain. I don't do any like that, but I see guys working on the problem quite often. I don't know if anybody has figured that out easily. There are racks and pins and nails and all sorts of tricks for those that won't stand on their own. Maybe those need regular lube, since it's such a pain to stand them up. I don't know, since I don't shoot 300blk. :confused:
Being on its side really doesn't seem like it would effect the function of the coating. If i cant easily get them to stand, i just wont bother
Those tall skinny ones can be a pain. I don't do any like that, but I see guys working on the problem quite often. I don't know if anybody has figured that out easily. There are racks and pins and nails and all sorts of tricks for those that won't stand on their own. Maybe those need regular lube, since it's such a pain to stand them up. I don't know, since I don't shoot 300blk.

The guys that use Hi-Tek say they don't have a problem. - Bake on a screen, and they aren't really supposed to adhere.

I have no actual experience yet, but I do have some 'Black Cherry' waiting for a convection toaster oven and a fresh batch of bullets...
I got a convection toaster yesterday. (thanks Craigslist!) and I'm working on wiring up my PID to it now. And I have a bottle of Brick Red Hi-Tek that I'm going to try out as soon as I get the oven ready, and get this 1/4" hardware cloth fashioned into some racks.

And if some are wondering why I am trying out Hi-Tek when PC is working so well for me... it's so I won't have to stand the bullets up after coating.
With Hi-Tek, after the bullets are shaken in the coating and spread to dry, you just toss them into a wire basket like a pan full of chestnuts roasting and bake away. (requires two coats though) :)

(or that's what I have read.... I have not tried this for myself, .... so don't say I recommend this stuff yet.):cool:

I don't think it'll replace PC, but it's just another way to get em down the barrel cleanly and I like to have options.
Skizzums, those don't look too bad from the photos. And if they shoot well, that's perfect! I made some really ugly bullets back when I was wet tumbling, but they shot great... exactly like the pretty ones that were sprayed. So I don't think 100% perfection in the coating is necessary if you aren't going for that really long shot. And you will develop better and smoother techniques as you go. That's what, the second batch? Pretty good, I say! :)
I got my $30 convection oven now. It has two racks, 12x15", and all it needs is two flat pieces of aluminum (or stop signs;)) and it's ready to bake a bunch of coatings at once!



These pics were before I cleaned it up this afternoon, and now it's even better looking. I am going to have a hard time committing this one to plastic fumes! This one looks better than the oven I'm using!!! (except mine has 4 burners on top)
I need one that is bent, cracked, rusted and has a knob missing, to use as a backyard boolit cooker! :rolleyes:
I had made up a mesh basket for my 223 stuff, Works well enough. I dont even notice any undue lines or anything else. Its galvanized and maybe that helps keep the PCing off of it while in the oven.
Dont know for sure, but sounds good any way.

Dont see why that wont work for any others. I may even try just dumping the bullets and powder mix into the mesh and let the BB's and powder fall through just leaving the bullets. I may have to buy some mesh that is slightly bigger to allow the BB's to drop through and leave my bullets. Worth a try though.
Would save some picking with the tweezers.

I'm glad the mesh is working. That's encouraging. Dumping through the mesh sounds like it might leave a ridge of powder along each line of screen though and I don't know if you can tap it hard enough to get the powder to fall off the wire without de-coating the bullets significantly. There's gotta be a better way than standing the skinny rifle bullets up though. I hope this might be it! :)