Peggy Noonan's got it right!!!

Peggy Noonan is a wonderful writer, and she is motivated now by the realization that President Bush is a failure. And I agree with her. I loved his immediate reaction to 9/11, but in the long run he has only asked our military to sacrifice anything, and their service has been taken advantage of. Meanwhile he wants the rest of us to live in a constant state of fear in in a never ending shopping binge.
Bob Novak is an ass. :)
Alito... I wouldn't term him a 'conservative' so much as a 'reactionary who loves his own voice'. Roberts? I thought he 'Got it' right up 'til Kelo.

This entire discussion has veered (once again) wildly off-course. I'd be greatly surprised if the veer wasn't to the left. :rolleyes:

What we're talking about is the charges leveled by Peggy Noonan. I'm convinced that Miss Noonan went too easy on 'em.

These people who refer to themselves as 'conservatives' wouldn't know a conservative principle if it bit 'em in the left buttock.

so now then the only reason to vote GOP is future Justices????

(and even that can bite you Denial McCain'rs in the a$$...look who choose Kennedy)

Talk about scrapping the barrel to find reasons to justify trusting this party.
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xd: FWIW, the candidate's 2nd Amendment stance is the most important reason he/she will or will not get my vote.

The second most important reason for my candidate selection is who he/she will pick for a Supreme Court justice.

Obama and Clanton are rabidly anti-gun and will pick liberal justices akin to Ginsberg and Stevens IMHO.

Why do you think it is pathetic for someone to strongly base their pick on who he/she would pick as a Supreme Court justice? (Maybe I didn't read your post correctly? I don't understand what you said after the "pathetic" sentence.)

I think it is one of the most important reasons to vote for a presidential candidate. A Supreme Court justice can directly affect our lives for many decades.

For me, McCain is FAR better than Obama and Clanton in those two areas.

I simply cannot do anything that would make it easier for Obama or Clanton to win the Presidency. Bob Barr would be a wasted vote IMHO.
For me, McCain is FAR better than Obama and Clanton in those two areas.

I simply cannot do anything that would make it easier for Obama or Clanton to win the Presidency. Bob Barr would be a wasted vote IMHO.

In a nutshell. About the most sensible statement anyone has posted in this thread.
Actually, there is a constitutional and an anti-constitutional side. The justices known as "strict constructionists" tend to be on the constitutional side, occassionally joined by some others.

You'll know the anti-constitutionists by there sources for making a decision. Note that that is rarely only the constitution.

Now, given all of this, there is a tendency for Republicans to support one option, and Democrats the other. I'll leave you to figure which is which.:D
I wouldn't say they vote for the constitution, I would say they usually vote down party lines though, plenty of things the republican SCOTUS judges have done I would personally view as unconstitutional - the same goes for democrat judges.
LostOne said:
I know but, usually R judges vote on the R side of the issue and D judges vote on the D side.
What about Souter? What about Kennedy? They were both appointed by Republicans.

Your theory is flawed. There are no guarantees.
What about Souter? What about Kennedy? They were both appointed by Republicans.

Your theory is flawed. There are no guarantees.

and this is my whole point.
The GOP has no platform and some are telling me that well the court matters...... so.....

I have to vote for this RINO so we can have...what.....Strict Constitutionalist???...yeah right

The GOP has already lost (some just dont know it yet or are in denial thinking that a slow "lesser of two evils" multi generational death is better than a fast death with a rebirth)

McCain, if we wins,.....(big if) he will statehe is picking strict constitutionalists...all the while supporting moderate to liberal judges...why??
because McCain loves to be loved and that is who HE is as well. You get what you get....just dont blame me Because as a true conservetive....I wont drink the RINO kool-aid.
xd9fan, you are such an extremist. Do you not know that you must be willing to compromise? I know, maybe the problem is that you do not understand how political compromise works in today's environment.
When Democrats compromise, they get some of what they wanted, with the option to try again later for more.
When Republicans compromise, they don't lose as much as they could have, with the option that they can later give up a little more.:barf::barf::barf:
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What about Souter? What about Kennedy? They were both appointed by Republicans.

Your theory is flawed. There are no guarantees.

Conversely, which democrat appointed justices in that last eight decades has dazzled us with his strict construction and preservation of rights set forth in the text? Which has been the closet conservative?
"Peggy Noonan is a wonderful writer, and she is motivated now by the realization that President Bush is a failure. And I agree with her. I loved his immediate reaction to 9/11, but in the long run he has only asked our military to sacrifice anything, and their service has been taken advantage of. Meanwhile he wants the rest of us to live in a constant state of fear in in a never ending shopping binge."


Meanwhile he (Bush) wants the rest of us to live in a constant state of fear in in a never ending shopping binge.

Which is exactly how most Americans seem to be living... though with a lot less binging now that the economy is in a recession.
xd9fan, you are such an extremist. Do you not know that you must be willing to compromise? I know, maybe the problem is that you do not understand how political compromise works in today's environment.
When Democrats compromise, they get some of what they wanted, with the option to try again later for more.
When Republicans compromise, they don't lose as much as they could have, with the option that they can later give up a little more.

you have not been paying attention in the last 10-15 years.

Dems dont compromise much. The GOP rolls over quite a bit.
Principle matters...and thats why the GOP is in big trouble

extremist just a pro Constitutional limited Govt guy and I'm called extremist:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:

Look in the mirror moderate

As a moderate you have many options to choose will be a tough choice for you this election.
XD9FAN, I think you missed the intended sarcasm in MIBOSO's post. Either that, or I saw sarcasm where there wasn't any. I believe the former is correct, however.
Guys, at the risk of being an annoyance, I've got to toss my $.02 in here.

EVERYBODY knew there was going to be an election. EVERYBODY knew that we weren't going to re-elect W and EVERYBODY knew that the field was wide open.

I'm so sick and tired of my friends and co-workers whining about McCain being middle of the road and not conservative enough. Where was everyone when we had a chance to put somebody in the primaries who actually IS conservative? (crickets...) If you were out campaigning for (e.g. Thompson)in 2005 or 2006 then good on you. You saw the train coming and actually got off your butt and did something. Unless you were one of those people, then you get no sympathy from me whining now. Start beating the bushes now and finding your guy for 2012.
Where was everyone when we had a chance to put somebody in the primaries who actually IS conservative? (crickets...)
That's me leading the chant at 1:45 and my son at 2:00
Me talkin' with the old bearded libertarian guy at at 0:40 and my wife getting her shirt autographed at 4:15.

You could have found me at pretty much any event in Eastern Iowa.

Afa campaigning for Thompson, sorry... I wanted to support a conservative.

There were plenty of folks here who were out working their tails off for their candidates this past couple years.