Peggy Noonan's got it right!!!

I guess they didn't learn their lesson back when conservatives threw Bush 41 out of office in 1992 because they were mad that he took a liberal position by raising taxes (Read my lips, no new taxes).

That worked out well, didn't it?
I'd say he has more support here. Check the Bob Barr poll...and on a gun board no less....

That's one way to turn lemons into lemonade. Here's another way to look at it..
the republican frontrunner cannot even poll 60% on a pro-gun web forum against a candidate who has only been in the race for 7 days. Sad, really. Unless McCain denounces his liberalism, he is going to get trounced in November.
Now don't be frustrated and bitter about that

Frustrated and bitter... no. Flabbergasted that a pro-gun person would vote for McCain when they have a choice of a pro-gun conservative in Bob Barr... yes.

hkuser said:
I guess they didn't learn their lesson back when conservatives threw Bush 41 out of office in 1992 because they were mad that he took a liberal position by raising taxes (Read my lips, no new taxes).
That worked out well, didn't it?

Certainly better than if republicans keep nominating and voting for liberals. If you are going to vote for a liberal, why not go all the way and vote for Obama?
Here's another way to look at it..

Yeah we heard that from the Paul crowd:D

WildgraspsomemorestrawsAlaska ™

the republican frontrunner cannot even poll 60% on a pro-gun web forum against a candidate who has only been in the race for 7 days.

Yeah wait till the electorate takes a look at him LOL.....Mr. Hypocrisy
Yeah we heard that from the Paul crowd

yeah that damn Govt platform:rolleyes:

Enjoy your "me too" pro-govt GOP party Wildalaska.

ever think maybe your a part of the problem??

Denial runs pretty deep and this party will fall hard.
Flabbergasted that a pro-gun person would vote for McCain when they have a choice of a pro-gun conservative in Bob Barr... yes.

A fellow has many choices facing him in November 2008. He can

- vote for McCain
- vote for Obama
- vote for Barr
- vote for whoever the natural law party has on the ballot
- vote for the communist party candidate
- vote for the Green party candidate
- write in his own name on the ballot
- write in a fictitious name on the ballot
- not vote
- flood message boards with indignant pleas not to vote for McCain
- have a drink and watch the television
- cut the grass

The first two options are likely to affect the election in the manner the actor intends.

Each of the remaining options will have a similar electoral effect.

I guess they didn't learn their lesson back when conservatives threw Bush 41 out of office in 1992 because they were mad that he took a liberal position by raising taxes (Read my lips, no new taxes).
That worked out well, didn't it?
Certainly better than if republicans keep nominating and voting for liberals. If you are going to vote for a liberal, why not go all the way and vote for Obama?

You really believe Clinton worked out better?
That's a picture of Justice Roberts who Bush nominated. How does that have anything to do with McCain nominating conservative justices?:confused:

And, don't tell me that McCain helped get Roberts confirmed because several democrats also voted for Roberts.

If you were a lawyer, I would say you have no case. Dismissed.

(By the way, from what I've seen... I really like Justice Roberts. It is unlikely McCain would ever nominate someone so conservative and who is a strict constructionist).
That's a picture of Justice Roberts who Bush nominated.

And helped get confirmed as Chief Justice.

How does that have anything to do with McCain nominating conservative justices?

What do you think one often non-conservative president nominating a solidly conservative jurist as he promised would have to do with another such repub who has made similar commitments?

What could be the difference between McCain and Obama on this?

And, don't tell me that McCain helped get Roberts confirmed because several democrats also voted for Roberts.

That is an egregious non-sequitur. That several dems would vote for an outstanding nominee like Roberts has exactly nothing to do with Bush nominating him.

If you were a lawyer, ...

Guess what?

I would say you have no case. Dismissed.

(By the way, from what I've seen... I really like Justice Roberts. It is unlikely McCain would ever nominate someone so conservative and who is a strict constructionist).

On what basis do you entertain such confidence that McCain would be less bound by this commitment than GWB?
McCain needs to tell us what he means by "conservative". I have no doubt, by his definition, he would nominate a conservative. But coming from the author of Campaign Finance Reform, I have to seriously doubt whether or not his nominees would be strict constructionists.

We don't necessarily want "conservative" justices. What we want are strict constructionists. There is a difference. A conservative justice might push a conservative agenda, just like a liberal justice would push a liberal agenda. These are politically motivated agendas. A strict constructionist will interpret law based on the Constitution, not political agenda.

Don't let McCain, or anyone else, confuse you on this.

We don't want conservative justices any more than we want liberals. We want justices who will interpret the Constitution as it was intended.
And helped get confirmed as Chief Justice.

As I remember, the gang of 14 which McCain is so proud of took the most conservative Bush justices off of the table and allowed only certain justices to be voted on. He effectively told Bush... don't send us your most conservative nominees. I think it was a stroke of pure genius (and I am no Bush fan) that Bush's team was able to get Roberts and Alito through the McCain mafia.
As I remember, the gang of 14 which McCain is so proud of took the most conservative Bush justices off of the table and allowed only certain justices to be voted on.

I believe you remember incorrectly. The gang arrangment resulted in the confirmation of Owens, Brown and Pryor, the ones who did not withdraw.
My Lord what republican drivel! Vote Democratic and keep 12 billion dollars a month here instead of in Iraq. The choice is simple. Peace.
If you believe that federal tax and spending policy and our policy toward the muslim world are not "real" issues you have either developed an interest in issues the bulk of interested people would find trivial, tangential or moot, or as WildA indicates, you have suffered some isolation from the political process.
It's not that those issues aren't important so much as they're not sufficiently different on them for my tastes.
Pick any one of these issues and I'll highlight the details.
And I think you're correct on both counts; most people don't care and that has the effect of isolating one from the political process.
McCain is not a conservative. He will not nominate conservative justices like Scalia, Rhenquist and Alito.

Bob Novak on McCain & Judicial Nominations:

Today's Robert Novak column supports John Fund's claim that Sen. McCain has made comments suggesting he would be unlikely to nominate someone like Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Specifically, Novak reports the following:

Fund wrote that McCain "has told conservatives he would be happy to appoint the likes of Chief Justice Roberts to the Supreme Court. But he indicated he might draw the line on a Samuel Alito because 'he wore his conservatism on his sleeve.' " In a conference call with bloggers that day, McCain said, "I don't recall a conversation where I would have said that." He was "astonished" by the Alito quote, he said, and he repeatedly says at town meetings, "We're going to have justices like Roberts and Alito."

I found what McCain could not remember: a private, informal chat with conservative Republican lawyers shortly after he announced his candidacy in April 2007. I talked to two lawyers who were present whom I have known for years and who have never misled me. One is neutral in the presidential race, and the other recently endorsed Mitt Romney. Both said they were not Fund's source, and neither knew I was talking to the other. They gave me nearly identical accounts, as follows:

"Wouldn't it be great if you get a chance to name somebody like Roberts and Alito?" one lawyer commented. McCain replied, "Well, certainly Roberts." Jaws were described as dropping. My sources cannot remember exactly what McCain said next, but their recollection is that he described Alito as too conservative.
Roberts was a pretty middle of the road guy, I kind of like him becuase he doesn't directly follow party lines, but thats just my personal opinion.
My sources cannot remember exactly what McCain said next, but their recollection is that he described Alito as too conservative.

Anonymous sources who can't remember exactly what was said...:cool:

OK I'll buy that :)

You know, I read on the net somewhere, can't remember exactly where or what was said, but my recollection is that Bob Barr said that if he is elected President, he will work to reinstitute slavery......

O wait, thats just an anonymous rumour and not credible, carry on.

Wildwiththatnonsenseyouguystakeoverineedabreakfroml&pAlaska ™
Anonymous sources who can't remember exactly what was said..

I don't know, Bob Novak has proven to be a very reliable conservative journalist. But, hey, you're not the only McCain supporter suffering from delusion.