Peggy Noonan's got it right!!!

coundn't agree more GoSlash27.

The way the GOP voters are right now....they dont want Constitutional Principle.....they want american idol and a war.

They like the full force of the Federal Govt just as much as the Libs do.

Ron Paul had the track record and the Principle down.....he just doesnt have that Obama american idol looks and slick. Its a sad party right now.

The Founders wouldnt have won any primaries with today's shallow wants and needs.
he just doesnt have that Obama american idol looks and slick.

Obama is really slick. And he knows the media has his back. Take the most recent USSC decision regarding Heller. Obama says he thinks the Second Amendment grants an individual right for citizens to have guns. But, and this is a big BUT, he believes that states, cities and local jurisdictions should be able to have gun laws that keep guns off of the streets.

OK, let's pick that apart.

1. First of all, his past behavior would not cause one to think that he believes there should be Second Amendment, even if he believes the Second A. grants (it really protects an already existing right) an individual citizen the right to keep and bear arms. He has been very anti gun. He told John Lott that he didn't believe anyone should be able to own a gun. He did agree (counter to his statements now), and he signed the petition, saying handguns should be banned.

2. He's from Chicago. We all know how the leaders in Chicago view gun rights. Obama was very closely linked with Chicago politics. The Chicago Tribune says we should repeal the Second Amendment. I'm of the opinion, based upon Obamas past voting records and statements, that he agrees with the Chicago Tribune.

3. Saying you believe what the Second Amendment states is not saying that you believe in the concept of the Second Amendment protecting a pre existing right for individual citizens to keep and bear arms. I believe that the FOPA86 bans machine guns imported or manufactured after 1986 for civilian possession. Do I believe that's "right"? No way! It should be overturned immediately in my opinion. This is a very clever and slick choice of wording by Obama. Don't fall for it. You may not be able to get him to publicly announce it before the election, but I'd be willing to bet that if there was an opportunity to repeal the Second Amendment, Obama would be a cheerleader for that very effort.

4. Do you think he'd vote yes or no on a new assault weapons ban if he was in the Senate to vote? Would he sign or veto a new assault weapons ban if elected President?

5. Do you think he'd vote for or against a national ban on concealed carry if he was in the Senate to vote? Remember, he's already on record being for a national ban on concealed carry. As president, do you think he'd sign or veto a national ban on concealed carry?

6. As a Senator, do you think he'd vote for or against a national ban on handguns? He is on record stating he'd be for a national handgun ban. He'd like a ban on all semiautomatic weapons as well. Would he vote for or against a ban on all semiautomatic weapons in the Senate? If he was the POTUS, would he sign or veto a national ban on handguns? Would he sign or veto a national ban on all semiautomatics?

Answer those questions to yourself as a gun owner, and see if you could vote for this marxist. He is in Ted Kennedy's hip pocket when it comes to gun control and gun bans.

Now if we had honest journalists in this country, they'd be asking Obama questions something like this: "Senator Obama, you say that you think the 2nd A. grants individuals the right to keep and bear arms, yet you'd like to see local governments be able to keep guns off of their streets. How far would you go in limiting that right? As POTUS, would you sign a new assault weapons ban? Would you sign a national ban on concealed carry? You stated in the past that you'd like to see all semiautomatic firearms banned. As POTUS, would you push for such a ban? Would you sign it if a democratic party controlled congress passed a bill for that? If that same congress also sent you bill banning handguns in the US, would you sign it?

I'd love to see his answers to those questions. If he tried to appear too moderate, he'd lose his George Soros funded base. If he tried to appease his hard base, he'd lose many democrats who are also gun owners. He'd really have to wiggle on those questions. But, we know the Obama favoring media won't come within a 1000 yds of any of those questions.
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