Paul losing congressional race

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"Paul decided to run for president and now he has to deal with he ramifications of that. He is the one that set his campaign strategy and he is the one that has to shoulder the responsibility."

Exactly. It is very possible that many folks in his district did not really know what kind of nutcase they had representing them until he got on national TV.

I predict the Neoconservative Mccain will beat Obama/Clinton and have $100 to bet ....I can do the I told you sos in November.

Wild, I was going to agree with you on McCain beating Clinton, but McCain's biggest public relations tool against Clinton is now his Waterloo. :D
How old is Ron Paul now? If he's ready for retirement, I see no reason for him to end his career on a well run, good effort, presidential campaign. He can think of all the followers he's picked up. Paul should even score a book deal out of this. But if I were him, I'd get back to Galveston and crack open the war chest.
Paul is 71 years old. A hair younger then McCain. Your idea is actually pretty good. Retire at the top of his career. Establish the reputation you want to be remembered by.
Ron Paul has done his best, but the loyalists to the GOP neocon establishment have decided that the false promise of security, supposedly to be obtained through endless foreign wars, is more important than freedom and the Constitution.

To those who are gloating about this, I hope you're happy with the "progress" of gun rights and freedom in general over the past 50 years, because you're supporting candidates who promise to continue that "progress." We've seen what "establishment" candidates in both major parties have done to our rights over the past decades. And yet you think the next candidates will be different!

Americans have chosen to continue the march toward a police state, and that's exactly what they're going to get. :mad:
Another 'if you didn't support Paul your agaist America' post. Read the thread. Your contributing to the manifestation of the events your mad about.
You also have guile.....those that don't support Paul are not facists....more pompous, sanctimonious, self righteous bunk. No wonder his supporters were found so repellent.
I guess I need to say that I for one am glad Ron Paul is on his way out. I live in Texas and I am seeing 6 ads of obama to 1 of clinton. I have yet to see one TV ad for Ron Paul in his home state of Texas.

Ron Paul has run a horrible campaign. We all keep hearing about that war chest sitting there with all that money. I guess if money sitting around in a chest collecting dust got you delegates then Ron Paul would probably be leading the delegate count.

Ron Paul has a horrible stage presence and his take on the War on Terrorism has probably killed his chances for reelection, thank God.

I said time and time again Ron Paul would not get the nomination. All the crap I took from the Ron Paul zealots well now it's time for me to say I TOLD YOU SO.

Ron Paul hasn't been able to drum up support in his own home state, nuff said.
Even though he is essentially out of the race, the Republicans on this board still spend more time beating up Ron Paul than they do attacking Hillary and Obama.

When the Republicans lose, and you are sitting around scratching your asses trying to figure out why, remember this.
I am perhaps, one of the reasons this thread was unlocked by Marko. In that vein, allow me to say:

We can either get back on track, as to the OP, or we can keep beating-up on Ron Paul.

1. Should the thread, at this point return to the topic of Ron Paul losing his congressional seat (for whatever reasons), it will continue.

2. Should the thread continue to be a, "Let's Bash Ron Paul" because "We Told You So" thread, then it will get locked, per the advocacy rule, as established in the New Rules For Legal and Political sticky.

Take Heed.
I have to say, and I'm not trying to lecture anyone here so please don't think I am, it saddens me somewhat to see Ron Paul so maligned.

I first learned about Ron Paul through my sons and up until that point I knew absolutely nothing about him. And I think there in lies the problem with most that do not like him. They really don't know all that much about him other than what the smear mongers have portrayed.

I can't say I agree with Paul on every issue. But he's right on more than any of the others IMO and he's as honest a politician as I probably will ever see. Even McCain called him the most honest man in congress , as I recall. And quite honestly , THAT might be one of his biggest problems in this entire campaign. He's too darn honest to be a politician. When they ask him the shoot yourself in the foot misleading questions , what does he do ? He gives them an honest answer even when it hurts him.

Honesty has also hurt him with his congressional seat now. He trusted Peden would be honest and instead he was slapped backhanded in the face. From what I've read Peden told Paul he would not run against him during his presidential run. But I guess Peden's no means yes and that's the case with most politicians. I've known the type my whole life as many circles I run in are full of current, potential and former politicians. I wouldn't trust any of them. They've been cultured in the political quagmire that teaches them that lying cheating and deception gets them ahead. The good politicians are few and far between and very few make it to a presidential run with out being "changed".

I hope a good man like Paul does not lose his congressional seat. He's staying in the presidential race to his own congressional detriment because he doesn't want his supporters or the country let down. He's doing it to send a message that many, those who've taken the time to listen , have learned. He's once again given his word and we can trust he'll keep it for as long as he's able.

I HAVE to like that kind of man.

If he loses his congressional seat, I hope he goes independent , because I will vote for him. With my other choices being Obama, Clinton, McCain and possibly Huckabee, I can't in good conscience give any of them my vote.
Interesting also the stir Paul made about not being invited to a Fox debate for viable candidates as Paul, Cox, Kusinich, and Gravel had all failed to ever break the the 10% mark. Now Paul is DUCKING having a debate with Peden, his Congressional seat challenger.
Apples and oranges.

Paul well knows to never shoot down, always shoot up. Peden needs a stage badly, Paul's agreeing to a debate would grant him one.

Otherwise, no debate, after all, Paul's outstanding voting record speaks much louder than any debate with congressional competition could ever do.
What happened to his 'voters have the right to hear both sides' and all that? It's the same old political hypocrisy that principle and rights are long as it works for him......and fungible when they don't.

YOU were one of the loud shouters when Paul didn't get invited to the Fox debate. Such high rhetoric only when it suits Paul eh.

Time to do what Paul's supporters are always claiming Paul ALWAYS does....the right thing and debate his challenger and give the voters of CD 14 the opportunity to compare their choices side by side.

Paul isn't living up to the image his supporters have portrayed of him.

As for shooting up..........Peden's ahead and he only hs to stay ahead till March 4th, not November.
Exactly. It is very possible that many folks in his district did not really know what kind of nutcase they had representing them until he got on national TV.
So I take it that borrowing $10 billion from Communist China to "promote democracy" in Iraq while supporting a military dictatorship in Pakistan and an Islamic-terrorist hub in Kosovo is the definition of sanity, and that wanting to do something other than that is "nuts?"
If fighting Islamic terrorists is such a linchpin issue that Ron Paul deserves to be vilified and ejected from Congress because he doesn't think we can afford perpetual war and the blowback it creates, then where's the outrage over US recognition of the Kosovo declaration of independence?
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