Paul losing congressional race

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Oh the humanity!!!
I don't want to distract from this very worthwhile, intelligent thread, but I have seen this phrase used repeatedly and it makes no sense. (+1 for consistency, though.)

I would suggest "Oh, the inhumanity!", or the longer version,
"Oh, the inhumanity of it all!"

That is all, continue as you are.
Oh the humanity!!!

I don't want to distract from this very worthwhile, intelligent thread, but I have seen this phrase used repeatedly and it makes no sense.

It's meant as a cry of despair, in this case used sarcastically, derived from the radio broadcaster covering the Hindenburg docking and unexpected explosion. You would have to know this background to "get it." It's usually assumed that most people in the U.S. have heard and seen the clip.
It's meant as a cry of despair, in this case used sarcastically, derived from the radio broadcaster covering the Hindenburg docking and unexpected explosion. You would have to know this background to "get it." It's usually assumed that most people in the U.S. have heard and seen the clip.

Hence my comment posted above: "Paul better get a new blimp" :D
It's meant as a cry of despair, in this case used sarcastically, derived from the radio broadcaster covering the Hindenburg docking and unexpected explosion. You would have to know this background to "get it." It's usually assumed that most people in the U.S. have heard and seen the clip.

Hence my comment posted above: "Paul better get a new blimp"

Damn, beat me to it, +1:D:D:D
WOW. Why the Paul bashing? He's the only candidate that would have protected the peoples rights, particularly GUN RIGHTS. This seems like such a self serving thread that obviously attacks other members here. Great job.
McCain is probably going to lose to Obama anyway, so I wish Paul would run as an independent, and screw over the neo-cons one last time on his way out. If he will run as an independent, he will suck somewhere between 6 and 10% of the Republican vote off, and Obama will win in a "landslide". This will end the Neo-Conservative era of American politics. Paul has said he won't run as an independent, but if the Republicans in his own district show signs of rejecting him, I hope he will change his mind.
Ron Paul is going to mop the floor with ... well, probably not with Obama or Hillary because he's not going to get that chance ... and probably not Peden, judging by the poll numbers ... oh, I know ....

Ron Paul is going to mop the floor with ... a mop.
This seems like such a self serving thread that obviously attacks other members here. Great job.

I think you missed 1000's of posts in recent months regarding Paul and how great he is, etc. Some of the members, myself included, saw the writing on the wall that he would not fare well at all and were trying to move on with the election. Others, the Paulites, Paulistas, and all the other names that have been given to them, felt it their need and CONSTITUTIONAL duty to tell us that HE is the CHOSEN ONE and anyone that does not vote for him is a neo-con, a freedom hater, a Bush Co. follower, and all of those names that got thrown out there. So this thread, while not really intellectually stimulating, allows the members who put up with this crap for so long to let off some steam and laugh a little and what has transcribed.

Shame some of the noobs that joined to further RP's campaign did not stick around to here us laugh and jest, they have long been gone because his campaign is almost over (Presidential and Congressional).

And have you seen some of the posts lately on the first page of L&P? Gun owners for Barack Obama...Bush is the worst President in history...etc, they hardly have anything more stimulating than this thread, and this has a story and facts to back it up.
I am a Paul supporter. Please show where I did any of what you listed above. Otherwise, I believe an apology is in order. Yes, there were some who got out of line, just as there were some who were out of line on the other side. But that is no reason to insult all who don't believe as you do.
He was speaking in generalities and it was true. Just off the top of my head I remember threads entitled "I told you so" and lengthy discussions about how anyone who didn't support Paul was a neo-con and hated the constitution. Most of these folks had less than 10 posts to their name and now for some reason have scattered.

While it may be true that you personally didn't engage in these tactics, I'm sure you are aware of the fact that there were plenty of those who did to justify what BA said.

But since you're here, I'm curious to why you think Paul is running behind. He's been a congressman there for 10 years, so name recognition isn't an issue. The people in the past have voted for him numerous times, so electability isn't a problem.

Why would these people change their minds all of a sudden if Paul is everything that we've been hearing he is.

You are correct...I apologize. You were one of the few, GoSlash is with you in that small group as well as others I am sure, who put out his message in the correct way. I am sorry, my post was not intended to offend any of those supporters who were polite and respectful, it was more to say that the ones who did the bashing against Ron Paul and the ones who did the annoying campaigning for him are now gone, the L&P section has become much quieter and back to some semblance of normalcy.

Politics bring out the worst in people sometimes because of their emotions tied to specific candidates, Ron Paul surely had some of those followers, but you were not and I think that most of us realize that and respect your views because of that.

edit to add...
I live in a state that has not had its primary yet...PA, so I plan on voting for him in the primary if he is still in.
I believe Paul is losing because of his stance on the war. People have been conditioned to believe we must do whatever it takes to be safe, which includes fighting foreign wars and curtailing civil rights.
Miboso, I took you up on your challenge and quickly found this:

milsoro said:
I don't "know" anything of the kind, though I do doubt that RP will win. It does not matter. He is the only candidate actively supporting the constitution. Any of the other candidates, rep or dem, will continue the downward spiral of violating the constitution. It's just a matter of which way the vortex spins, to the right or to the left.
I am voting for RP, rather than the lesser of many evils. Which are you voting for, the constitution or the vortex?

Demanding apologies is a form of aggression as your aware. The quote and the aggressiveness go toward Boring Accountants point. Paul's supporters created a stigma that most found themselves reluctant to associate themselves with despite the bits of his message they supported.

Paul should have gotten out when it was clear he wasn't viable. By not doing that he has brought on himself a color or failure and inability to see reason. He wouldn't be the first candidate for higher office to stay around too long and wind up losing his lesser office because his usual constituency seeing them in a different light.

Again Paul's lack of leadership traits has borne out counter productive results.
I don't see any reason why he should have gotten out of the race, but then I don't see a reason for any candidate to get out if he has a message he is trying to spread.

I voted for Paul, he lost, and I figured he would. I am Ok with that. I am not sure why some Paul supporters ever thought he would win. I wasn't looking to vote for a winner. I wanted to vote for someone who stood for small government, civil rights, etc, and Paul was the only candidate who filled that niche.

Our election has now boiled down to Obama v. McCain. This is the poorest choices we have ever had, even worse than Bush/Gore and Bush/Kerry. Its a shame we have come to this. I believe Obama will win, and I suspect it will be an electoral landslide.
This seems like such a self serving thread that obviously attacks other members here. Great job.

Senior Member
I think you missed 1000's of posts in recent months regarding Paul and how great he is, etc. Some of the members, myself included, saw the writing on the wall that he would not fare well at all and were trying to move on with the election. Others, the Paulites, Paulistas, and all the other names that have been given to them, felt it their need and CONSTITUTIONAL duty to tell us that HE is the CHOSEN ONE and anyone that does not vote for him is a neo-con, a freedom hater, a Bush Co. follower, and all of those names that got thrown out there. So this thread, while not really intellectually stimulating, allows the members who put up with this crap for so long to let off some steam and laugh a little and what has transcribed.

Shame some of the noobs that joined to further RP's campaign did not stick around to here us laugh and jest, they have long been gone because his campaign is almost over (Presidential and Congressional).

And have you seen some of the posts lately on the first page of L&P? Gun owners for Barack Obama...Bush is the worst President in history...etc, they hardly have anything more stimulating than this thread, and this has a story and facts to back it up.

Oh, I see. So this was a HA HA I TOLD YOU SO , LOSERS , thread.

That makes it better. :confused:
He's the only candidate that would have protected the peoples rights, particularly GUN RIGHTS.

I disagree.

Thompson and Huckabee have better records on RKBA.

Keep in mind Ron Paul's notorious vote against the PLCAA and his endless pork-barrell earmark requests and it's easy to see why conservative gun owner's roundly rejected him.
Oh, I see. So this was a HA HA I TOLD YOU SO , LOSERS , thread.

And assuming thats so, the problem with that is?

Thanks for joining up to give us a etiquette lesson by the way...

WildicouldgoonbutillleaveitatthatAlaska ™
I never thought I'd see the day where supposedly pro-gun fora are cheering the defeat of a true conservative in favor of a neo-con who's far more like a liberal Democrat than anyone I've ever recognized as a conservative or a Republican.

This country truly is doomed. Now, it's a fight between those who want high taxes to pay for big government, and those who want big government but don't know or care about how to pay for it.

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