Paul losing congressional race

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This will end the neo-conservative movement in the US.

Actually as long as folks take a educated and realistic view of International Relations, while on the home front, are able to strike a balance between constituional liberty and the needs of a safe, just and decent society free of rascism, sexism and conspiracism, the "neo conservative" movement will continue to grow, whilst the electorate will continue to reject the alternatives...

I predict the Neoconservative Mccain will beat Obama/Clinton and have $100 to bet ....I can do the I told you sos in November.

WildallpowertothemoderateandecentAmericansAlaska ™
Keeping the small margins of recent elections in mind, the Republicans may need to win over those Ron Paul supporters if they want their candidate to win in November.

At 6% at BEST....10% if you asked them, and only half of those vote REpublican, half of THOSE vote consistantly Republican. NOT exactly the swing vote....

Following your logic the Democrats better be nice to those Kucinich supporters too.:p
I think Obama will win by an electoral landslide. Unlike any other Democrat in recent history, he is poised to take states in the south.

At 6% at BEST....10% if you asked them, and only half of those vote REpublican, half of THOSE vote consistantly Republican. NOT exactly the link pin......

McCain has no chance of winning if 3% of republicans won't vote for him. Margins have been extremely close in recent elections. One difference between the Republican and Democrat parties is that the Republicans criticize and insult Paul supporters, but Democrats have not treated Kucinich like that.
I think Obama will win by an electoral landslide. Unlike any other Democrat in recent history, he is poised to take states in the south.

I gots the $100.....we can have Spiff hold the money. H'e got a girlfriend now, he won't spend it in a strip joint.

WildihaventlostanelectioninawhileAlaska ™
At 6% at BEST....10% if you asked them, and only half of those vote REpublican, half of THOSE vote consistantly Republican. NOT exactly the swing vote....

Following your logic the Democrats better be nice to those Kucinich supporters too.

Suit yourself. That means I better not read any threads after November where you folks complain about those damned Libertarians being at fault for President Obama.
I predict the Neoconservative Mccain will beat Obama/Clinton and have $100 to bet

Wasn't PayPal one of the first targets of prosecution under the "anti-terrorism" PATRIOT Act, and wasn't it for allowing their service to be used in online gambling (in or affecting interstate commerce, of course)?

I'm interested in taking your bet, but concerned that if I should lose, my bank might become the target of a "terrorism" investigation. :rolleyes:
That means I better not read any threads after November where you folks complain about those damned Libertarians being at fault for President Obama.

Hell, if Obama is elected I for one will just blame the independents...and I'll move to Alaska to escape!:D

Regardless, I don't think Paul has enough disgruntled supporters to make a difference...and I'll bet that he has more supporters who would do anything not to see a black man get elected.....:)

WildbuthillarystillisntoutofitAlaska ™
OH those influential Libertarians. Don't get on the wrong side of that swing vote either.:p

Someone complaining about the Libertarian vote ma as well be complaining about the impact of the weather on voter turnout. That damn nor'easter cost us the election!!!!

How about the offenses spouted here toward the Christian population. Now there's a voting block. Read a Huckabee thread. There has been as much disrespect and outright offense directed at that population here as any other. Candidates on both sides acknowledge their influence. But they don't get pithy in response as the Paul supporters do. Now somehow the Paul supporters that have shown their back sides are expecting respect because a very minor percentage may remain (not become) spiteful and not vote Republican in protest?!?!?!? Let them continue their hissy fit because they didn't get the flavor of ice cream they wanted the most and now have to settle. It's been SOOOO effective thus far.

I recognize that many Paul supporters are reasonable people in contrast to the demeanor of many others. The same attitude that wound up hurting Paul is the one that is now crying for recognition and thinks they have credibility in their threat of protest votes.

Cast your vote to the wind......that will show.........somebody........right?

If Obama wins it will be on the same attributes that gets him the nomination. For Paul supporters or Libertarians to take credit for it would be continued delusion. Neither group has such influence. Don't believe me? Show me an appeal to either group by the candidates during the general election.
It will be sad if RP loses his congressional seat. Sad for the U.S. Congress, the citizens of Texas and the United States.
Er, just so you know, Ron Paul never had a blimp. Some folks who suppported Ron Paul's candidacy have or had one, so you'd need to reference them.

Perhaps these Ron Paul supporters could use thier blimp to do an aerial survey of Northern Virginia and map out a plan to dispose of all the Ron Paul signage still left standing around, flthy and in disrepair, covered with grey slush and road salt, littering nearly every road median and verge in our area.

It says a lot about the Ron Paul campaign here, and none of it very good, that Paul's signs are virtually the ONLY ones that have still still not yet been collected and properly disposed of even weeks after the Virginia primary. It doesn't appear likely that they ever will be.

The impression this gives of the Ron Paul campaign is very appropriate. It's an impression of disorganization, of a complete lack of leadership, and of a bunch of spoiled brats who have taken thier ball and gone home to pout because they couldn't have thier way in the Virginia primary.

I'm sorry, but good riddence to them. Most were never going to vote for any Republican nominee other than Paul anyway.
It will be sad if RP loses his congressional seat. Sad for the U.S. Congress, the citizens of Texas and the United States.

In a sense yes, but not really because destruction of the constitution is WHAT PEOPLE WANT (they're even partially conscious of it). The public wants a federal dictatorship with a national debt so large that it's unpayable. The public has no understanding of our fiat "money" system anyway. You can't convert the WILLING ignorant, even if you had a dozen Ron Pauls in congress. Ron should actually run for senate where he can actually do some good.

He's had no effect so far past a single vote among hundreds in the House as 'Dr. No'. No coalition building in the house, no caucus formations, no sponsored bills passed, no committee leaderships, no LEADERSHIP.
To claim people WANT the Constitution undermined if they don't support Paul is what Boring Accountants post was addressing. THAT is the stuff that put off many people. THAT is what has earned Paul supporters the ridicule they received and are receiving. HOW DARE YOU.

I have the scars. I and MANY MANY others here not only revere the Constitution but risked our very lives defending it pal. AND DIDN'T SUPPORT PAUL.

The guile.....the pompous, sanctimonious, self righteous GUILE
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It will be sad if RP loses his congressional seat. Sad for the U.S. Congress, the citizens of Texas and the United States.

I keep hearing this. Where does it say that Paul gets to hang around congress as long as he likes. Where is this entitlement to be in government.

Paul decided to run for president and now he has to deal with he ramifications of that. He is the one that set his campaign strategy and he is the one that has to shoulder the responsibility.

There is nothing sad about it. It is simply the nature of politics and life.
The powers that be don't like politicans that say it like it is. That is why the media hates Paul. The same thing Ventura fell victim to. And that is the last I have to say about Paul.
There is one interesting aspect of this congressional race.

If, in the unlikely event, Ron Paul does lose the Republican primary campaign to Peden, he'd be free to mount an independent run for the presidency.

Considering the fact that he has $6 million in the bank and no debt, that would make for a very "interesting" race, particularly for McCain.

I suspect that, if he's not thought of it yet, McCain or his campaign staff will figure that out. The question is, will it be in time?
Paul MAY have figured out by virtue of the votes cast in the Primaries that an Independent run would be a practice in futility even if his supporters have not. The REAL votes tell the tale.

It's clear your interest in Paul running as an Independent is more toward the strategy of hurting McCain and 'burn down the house' of the Republicans until they pick a 'true patriot' even at the cost of permanently damaging any influence Paul ever has.

As bent on the McCain/Paul thing as you are it would seem obvious that McCain has ALREADY prevailed over him and the other Republicans. Face it Pat, McCain has never had any sense that Paul is in any way a challenge to him. And cope with the reality that while currently McCain is the presumptive Republican nominee, Paul is struggling to keep his seat in the House. They are not even in the same league, let alone rivals.
The powers that be don't like politicans that say it like it is. That is why the media hates Paul. The same thing Ventura fell victim to. And that is the last I have to say about Paul.

Problem with your media conspiracy theory is that Ventura WON. Paul didn't. The media can yap and yap but if the candidate has appeal the media's yapping doesn't do much. And Ventura decided to stop participating not anyone else. That guy had leadership ability in spades.
Considering the fact that he has $6 million in the bank and no debt, that would make for a very "interesting" race, particularly for McCain.


Five times as much money got him almost 5% of the vote. If he runs 3rd party, he will alienate many repubilcans who voted for him in the primaries as he made a pledge no to run 3rd party. Add to that the number of conservatives who, while they supported Paul, will vote for McCain in order to prevent a D from winning the whitehouse and you have a terribly small minority.

How exactly would Paul make it "interesting"?

Edit: If nader gets into it wouldn't the irrelevancy on both sides just cancel each other out?
.......and look how Nader's influence has changed dramatically with his exercises in futility.........he's NOW known as 'that' guy and resented by the same crowd that once held him up as an icon.
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