Ok...Where is every body from!

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This is my first post on the boards here. I have lived my entire life up here in the state of Maine - that litle one everyone forgets about. Great hunting, and no strict guns laws. The way life should be. Glad to be a part of the forum. Shoot safe!
Thomaston,Ga,returned home after a 10 yr sentence in Northern Va,About the only thing I miss about that place is a couple of shooting friends that I couldn't talk into moving to Ga with my family.I can walk out of my shop and go shooting out the front door
Middle Tn. just outside of Nashville. Been here off and on for about 11 years now. U.S. Army before that (all around the world), a bit further north growing up before that. CCW about 5 years now. Glad you asked, I was curios where everyone was from also. It's always nice to know where the other guy is comming from.
I'm from central Oklahoma, 24/Male. Got my first AR-15 when I was 15 and used it responsibly ever since. You usually will find me replying to "how to" and "what's wrong with my" threads instead of anything relating to politics, because my opinions are so definite and extreme, I fear they would tarnish the character of fellow members, especially in the eyes of folks who might otherwise not have formed an opinion about gun owners.

Anyway, nice to meet you all.

Panzer D6
Lived in Minnesota all my life... first 18 years north, in the middle of nowhere. Big field across the road, where wild deer would come up to a person, and a big woods out back with a bog at the bottom of the hill.

Moved to central MN for five years of education. After that, moved south to Minneapolis.

Been here in Mpls for almost ten years... if CCW doesn't pass soon, looking for options to move.


"Oh, grow up, 007."
Is there anyplace else in the world that has a city called Indianapolis... Was raised in CT, lived there up until 7 or 8 years ago when the economy dropped out.

I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. We moved to a small town in north central Ohio when I was in school. After 5 years in the service, where I was almost everywhere, I returned to Ohio and live 4 miles from lake Erie, near Cedar Point amusement park.
Born in Leningrad, USSR. Moved to America in '89, at the age of fourteen. Lived in NYC breifly, then Minnesota, IL, and MN again. An old guy in IL let me try his tube-fed Marlin .22 Later, a MN LEO let me start with a Ruger Mk2 and a Chipmunk.

My hope, for the next decade, is to turn back the encroachment of the ill-made laws that are making me feel like Russia is catching up with me. Passing CCW reform, teaching others, esp. kids to shoot, keeping the Web site running...Q has been a great help on that.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting it...you might be a gun nut.
Born and raised near Santa Barbara, CA. A transplant to Nebraska for pharmacy and medical school, then back to CA. Where I shall stay until I die. Now live in SF Bay Area.

Shame on you, Chuck. 'Land of Fruits and Nuts,' indeed! As far as I was concerned, the people in Omaha were nuts. I was driving in downtown Omaha one Saturday, and all these incredibly loud sirens go off; I pull over and park my car, and everyone else is walking around like they can't hear anything.
Talk about 'Twilight Zone!' I later found out that they test the tornado warning sirens the first Sat. of every month.

The really strange thing is the people back there are frightened to death of earthquakes. My second wife, Liz, used to actually run into a doorway and shudder every time she felt a twitch; she was from Colorado. Of course, they rarely cause damage. Tornados, on the other hand, devastate buildings when they hit. One hit in the mid '70's in Omaha when I was there with my adolescent children. We had heard the warning, and were under the crawl space under the house. I heard a noise, and decided to investigate. I saw a tornado, and it was clearly on a parallel course to where we were, so I got the kids to come outside and look at it. It appeared fairly small, with a bunch of shingles flying around.

I later found out those 'shingles' were 4 x 8 ft. pieces of plywood picked up from a lumberyard. I got on one of the kid's bicycles, and pedaled about four blocks from the house. The devastation was enormous, including leveling a one story brick school, fortunately empty at the time.
My kids still kid me about dragging them nearly into the path of a tornado.

So, they call we Californians crazy because we live with the 'threat' of earthquakes? Nonsense. Walt
Waynesboro, Georgia. Very small town about 30 miles south of Augusta. Love it. Wish y'all could move here. Feel sorry for everyone living in the Ice Age.
Born and raised in Oklahoma, lived in Tulsa for the last 25 years.you can NEVER have too many guns

Southern Ohio. My ancestors came here from Virginia in 1792, and we have been here ever since. Don't move much.
Lamoni Iowa, is where I'm living now, I've lived in Iowa most of my life, Lived a while in Spokane Wash. My mom still lives there. then in the army in MO, GA, TX, and Germany, Moved back to Iowa by Choice, I like the cold winters, it's the hot summers that make me want to move back to the Mountains.
My first reply to this forum.

Born and bred Western Australian. Currently living in the state capital, Perth, in a northern seaside suburb called Hillarys.

Have relatives living in the USA. My favourite state is undoubtedly Maine -- so far -- especially in winter (we don't have snow here).

Keep your powder dry and avagoodweegend

I must be one of the few born in New York City (Queens)to a largely anti-gun family, that is a rabid defender of the second amendment. My Dad is progun, but we get drowned out by the rest of the family. I didn't grow up with guns, but I sure do have a few now! I now live in Connecticut which is slightly better than the hub of liberalism that NYC is.
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Dallas, but I currently live in Aubrey, NE of Denton. Born and raised with guns. My dad owned a gun store for 10 years until the big chains ran him out, so I learned all about guns early in life, and I'm still learning. Have an "Escape from Reality" place in the hills of SE Oklahoma (My range there is a 1000 yard radius from the house). I like all sorts of shooting from muzzle loading to AR-15's.

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited February 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited February 22, 1999).]
Redwood Valley, CA. In lovely Mendocino County... starting about 60 miles south an entirely different California also exists.
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