Ohio Leo abuse of CCW carrier.

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Jim, The dept. said they are shutting it down at 3pm and reopening in the AM due to lack of man power to monitor the comments or something... check it in the AM... I know I will be! I have several comments there already!

What shocks me is that I cannot believe that in today's violent climate that you would be so casual in approaching the vehicle.

You have them run the plates and all that but what does it tell you, really?
It tells you to whom the vehicle is registered and possibly some information about the owner. Fine, but what if the actual owner is asleep in his bed and this vehicle has been recently stolen, but not reported a such, and what if the occupants have just knocked over a 7-11 and killed the night manager and three customers?

And you just waltz up to the car without having that cross your mind? Must be, because both these patrolmen acted worse than rookies (and I'm not even a cop).

I won't even comment on the bad behavior because I'll just go off on a rant and get this thread closed or something.

These cops are more than lucky that the driver was a licensed CC holder and that the other two weren't violent criminals ... of course I think when the dust settles, the cops won't think they were so lucky.
My brother is a veteran PD Lieutenant in Southern CA.and he watched the video and concluded that Officer Harless was just mad at himself for shoddy safety habits, and taking it out on the subject. I can't use the word he used to describe this officer. He couldn't believe they searched the car with the guy still at the wheel without checking him out.

My brother thought the subject could have been a little more assertive in notifying, but with the officers ignoring him for a full 5 minutes, there wasn't much chance. His opinion was that the subject probably knew he was transporting a prostitute and a pimp, but that was in no way was cause for the behavior of the officer.

ugghh, i could only imagine this guy with his "NCO syndrome" and how much his junior Marine hated him while he was in the Corps.

i guess talking this way toward average civilians while on camera dosnt really fly does it?
Bullethole1: Unless you've actually spent time with every single police officer in this country and personally found all of them to be criminals...how can you justify painting all LEOs with the same brush?:confused: Please be so kind as to read my previous posting on this thread. Thanks.
Bullethole1: As a lawyer, I agree 100%...all cops are criminals, and my clients are always 100% innocent ;)

What else do you expect a lawyer to say?:D
Is anybody here ready to claim that his co-workers didn't know this guy was a time bomb?

Seriously? Half that department knew, at LEAST. You don't start out at that point. He's done this before.

If I'm right, and y'all know I am, then half that force needs to be tossed out of their jobs.
Jim, who's to say that he WASN'T reported by others in the department? The only ones who can take administrative action are those higher up the chain and the chain can be broken by inter-political rationale and corruption. (He's the son/nephew/cousin of some department hero/chief/director) There first would need to be a record and if complaints are pigeonholed there is no telling how many there were in actuality. Innocence until proven and all that which were so handily ignored in this incident. His immediate superiors would definitely fall under applicants for a future in the unemployment lines.
There has to be a solution for this issue of wack-job cops, and it's going to have to come from within the "police structure" of some sort.

There was a recent case in Las Vegas where a police union official embezzled $22k from the union and the union wouldn't press charges because they didn't want the PR hit. Are you kidding me? We should not be surprised that LVPD is among the most violent and lawless in the US, with two recent shootings (one fatal) of legal CCW holders in cases where witnesses say the permitholder was no threat. They've also been caught on video assaulting people who point cameras at them, twice in the last 8 months or so that I know of. One case was a physical assault but another was if anything worse, with a cop's hand on his gun in a threatening manner - clear-cut assault with a deadly weapon if any of us did the same.

These issues of police violence and police not wanting to police their own go hand-in-hand as the LVPD shows in graphic fashion.
I finally got to watch this video today. Kudos to the CCW holder for keeping his cool. The officer's behavior is thoroughly reprehensible. I'm not sure if the CCW holder can get past qualified immunity in a 1983 suit, but at the very least, that officer needs to ride the pine until he gets his temper under control.
jim march said:
One case was a physical assault but another was if anything worse, with a cop's hand on his gun in a threatening manner - clear-cut assault with a deadly weapon if any of us did the same.

I had a Cleveland PO come unwound during a traffic stop a couple of years ago. He stood outside my car a couple of feet behind the driver's seat so that in order to see him I had to turn around and look backward.

As he stood screaming at me, I watched his hand come to and from his sidearm repeatedly. It was unnerving, but I don't think he meant to imply that he was on the verge of shooting me. My guess would be that these guys rest their hands all over their arms at part of weapon retention training.
Sometimes a department is just looking for a tangible enough excuse to put a boot print on a problematic derriere. If that's true here, then Officer Harless obliged them nicely.
I called the Canton Police Department and told the shift supervisor I sat down with my wife and three sons and watched the video of his coworker. I then asked him to explain what we saw...

...he said he had no explanation.

There were 311 hits on that video yesterday morning, 162,004 this morning.

I wonder how this video escaped into the public?

It makes me wonder if all dash cam videos should be captured and held by some controlling authority outside of the police departments.
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I wonder how this video escaped into the public?
The defense attorney for the driver got it for part of lawsuit and criminal defense preparations... He in turn handed a copy over to that ohio gun rights group...

Not here to rant against all LEO's, but i do have a question.

The officer appeared to make a threat to the permit-holder's life with the whole "cave in your skull" and something about shooting him ten times with a Glock (didn't hear "rubber bullets" mentioned). How is this not a criminal offense? I thought making a believable threat against somebody's life (officer was armed & "upset" & within easy range) was a crime like assault or a Rodney King-esque "assault under the color of authority"?

I don't mean a civil lawsuit or a public firing with a really nasty reference; i mean does this qualify for criminal penalties for criminal activity?
Several police officers of different jurisdictions frequent my gym. To a man and one woman, they are individuals who are dedicated to uphold the law and treat the public fairly.

However, one sheriff's deputy egregeously stands out. He is physically brutish and brags about physically intimidating people and looking forward to any physical altercation. In other words, he is a sanctioned bully. His behavior is atypical yet it stands out in the minds of many people as typical law enforcement behavior.

Police departments must have professionalism not only in duty performance but also in interaction with the public. Screening for negative personality traits is easily accomplished by several methods and must be used rigorously in gauging and predicting an officer's behavior.
Yes it's criminal,,,

I don't mean a civil lawsuit or a public firing with a really nasty reference; i mean does this qualify for criminal penalties for criminal activity?

Yes, it is a criminal act.

Good luck getting any other LEO to arrest another LEO.

It's the old question: Who watches the watchers.
Internal affairs is supposed to do this,,,
Again I say, good luck.

Not all cops are like this one,,,
But they are all members of the same organization.

Some people say that a police force is no different than any other street gang,,,
Except for the fact that they are sanctioned by civil authority.

Cops display all of the same behaviors that gang members do,,,
Loyalty to the group outweighs all other factors.

Too many LEO's in my family for me to think otherwise.

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