Ohio Leo abuse of CCW carrier.

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Seems the video doesn't do a fabulous job of illustrating that the driver wasn't allowed to inform the officers that he was carrying.

Cop is still a thug though.
If what I read is correct, their law requiring he proclaim the gun states something like "when approached" he has his permit in hand when approached for the first time and the cop never shut his cake grinder off long enough for the guy to tell him until the guy finally gets a word in edge wise...

I don't know about you but I learned long ago that trying to out talk a thug cop or tell him to listen up rarely will go in your favor... the only way the guy could have informed sooner would have been to blurt out... " I HAVE A GUN!!!" And I doubt it would have gone any better for the guy!

Very new CCWP holder at that... likely took the class because of the number of risks of assault while sweeping parking lots all night. I also did that career and it can get very dicey with sketchy individuals or groups of individuals behind a closed shopping center. These folks know that no one can see what is going on.

Little fact, not sure anyone cares...I have seen some posts on youtube that the cops in question are Ohio Highway Patrol(or whatever the state police in Ohio are called) not Canton PD.
Patriot, in the initial seconds, the text on the vid plainly states that the city AND canton PD are investigating the incident...

And it is highly unusual to find highway patrol officers ridin' dark in town and making these sort of stops... least anywhere I lived.

PC for a "known hooker" outside of the car? Two sides to every story? I saw the video of the stop from the police car, not one side of the story but both sides of the story as it happened.So tired of folks saying only one side was shown, when the stop was recorded by the police. What side did I miss? All partys involved were on the video. The thug "cop" said he would be justified murdering the ccw holder because he was stupid? Really? Is that all it takes for a LEO to use deadly force? If so my country has become nazi germany and we have lost our rights and any freedom we have known.
BRH, I am on yer side, bud!!! I am simply saying that will be the PC he claims for barging into the guy's car... he also stated that the rear seat passenger was her pimp so he will claim that this "PC" was in the vehicle and "there mighta been some of that dang devil weed these junkies are shootin' in their arm before leaping to their death from an overpass /cuz they thought they could fly..."

But I digress... :cool:

Hotdogs your right. The driver told the officer when he was taken from the car he had a gun or permit. I dont think the driver did anything wrong. The police officer is the one with issues. He threatened to kill the driver, he threatened to beat the driver and he constantly cursed and demeaned the driver. He should lose his job and go to jail. Its a shame people like that can get a badge and abuse the public.
You are much more charitable than I am. I have NO respect for the average officer, because in my experience the average officer acts pretty much like the one in this incident. The good ones are the exceptions, not the bad ones.


Sorry to hear that. My experience has been pretty much the complete opposite. While I haven't been pulled over often, pretty much every LEO encounter has been businesslike and fairly cordial.

I don't pick up hookers though, so that may have a detrimental impact on the interaction.

Edit: IMO, there is major fail all around on that video. The officer failed to perform in a professional manner, and got upset at the CHL holder for HE AND HIS OWN PARTNERS' SECURITY LAPSE.

The driver had ample time to notify the LEO's before he eventually did. I'm not buying the "they wouldn't let me notify" excuse. Sure, the law IS vague, however, he COULD have notified them earlier than he did.
Is it normal protocol for a Police Officer to take as long as they did to secure the driver? It seems they should have secured all the parties before they started their investigation. If they had done this the driver could have notified right away not after the Officer had searched the car. I sort of understand why the Officer was upset, but it seems like it was his own actions that created this situation in the first place. :confused:
Of the NUMEROUS times I have had my car/truck searched on the side of the road... They always had me/us out and never once began a search without first patting me down "for officer safety"...

I will say those cops are lucky the guy did not have ill intent or one or both could have been harmed do to their own haste and failure to practice trained protocols.

The video speaks for itself. The police officers in this case should have had their badges taken the minute their supervisors watched this videotape. That is the most revealing and disgusting thing about all of this - that their supervising officers didn't see enough here to take these two off the street immediately.

The one person in this sequence who behaved admirably, with restraint and a cool head, is the driver. I hope he pursues both criminal and civil complaints against the primary officer in this case.
Yesterday, 10:48 PM #13
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Can anyone "capture" this in case it gets pulled down?


Saved using realplayer flash download.
Thanks, pjc... Can you send me that? PM or email?
The email inmy contact info is current... and accurate...

Thanks in advance...
For those that want to download the copy I made I loaded it to mediafire at this link:


FYI, if you don't have realplayer already, I highly recommend it. Free video player download that lets you download any flash video from the internet, and lets you play nearly any video on your computer. Also, as you see I used mediafire.com to upload and share this with you. Probably the best file sharing website around, fastest free uploads and downloads, and much easier than emails to share large files.
PJC pm'd me some names of mayor, congressman etc... I will be burnin' up the phone lines tomorrow!

I sure hope to find it hard to get thru to them due to tied up lines from others doing the same!

The guy made a mistake of not telling the officer he was a CCW when the idiot cop decided to search the back. But when the cops did finally decide to talk to him, he tried to tell them he was carrying. I think it would be difficult to make a felony charge stick, especially if it went to a jury. The behavior of the cops will not sit well with 12 jurors.

That said, every time I have ever seen a stop in real life or on TV, the cops secure everyone involved before they start searching the car. They run everyone's license, they figure out who everyone is. They search everyone before they search the damn car! This cops seem to have done a very sloppy job with this stop right from the start. The entire situation arises from their failure to follow standard protocol.
Any national or local media pick up on this one yet?
If it wasnt for this stupid "debt crisis" it might have made CNN or FOX by now.
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