Ohio Leo abuse of CCW carrier.

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I have been a cop for 32 years, Local, military, Federal. I cannot begin to say how disturbing this video is. Aside from the total lack of professionalism displayed by the cop in the video they made very bad tactical mistakes from the beginning which enable the situation to escalate.

There may be reasons why cop 2 did not say much to cop 1, is he a rookie?

There are bad apples everywhere, people in Law Enforcement are a cross section of society and some slip through that never should have a badge. You can blame things like "no child left behind" and the "nobody fails" mentality for allowing people like this into law enforcement. The only thing we can do is to vigorously go after people like this and remove them from the job. It is the same as in criminal law, you can't arrest someone until the violate the law.

As far as the vehicle search, there is case law that gives us the vehicle exception to the 4th amendment.
I've been full-time LE since 1989. Now, I make no claims of perfection, or of having never made a mistake. Everyone screws up sometime. With that said: Having now watched the in-car camera video of this incident, I cannot in any way, shape, or form defend this officer's actions. His profanity-laced tirade was unprofessional in the extreme, and excruciating to watch. It's this type of behavior that gives LE a black eye in the public's collective mind. I can honestly say that all of my encounters with CCW folks have been the exact opposite of this incident. As I've stated so many times on TFL in the past, I know that a citizen who has gone through the red tape of getting that permit is almost a guaranteed non-threat to me. If anything, he or she is more likely to HELP me out of a bad situation rather than put me into one. I'm glad I watched this video, because it's served to remind me of two important things: First, treating people in the manner that I would like to be treated has worked very well for me for over two decades of LE. Second, I work for the citizens...it's not the other way around. To my TFL comrades: Please remember that not all LEOs act like this guy.
Well, you have a car with two men in it on a dark, abandoned street at night pulled over in a no-parking zone and talking to a woman with past convictions for solicitation who is standing next to the car. I can see where the officers might get the idea there was probable cause to investigate what was going on.

However, the way they went about it seems problematic to me as a know-nothing non-cop. It seems if you are going to use dominance to control a situation, then you need to be thorough about actually controlling the situation and not put yourself in a position where you could easily be killed if the offenders were serious bad guys. And if you do have probable cause to think a crime is taking place, the seriously unprofessional behavior shown in the video doesn't help you at all. I think part of the reason the cop blew up is he immediately understood he could have been dead if these people had wanted that.

As it stands now, even if the officers were right about their initial suspicions, the guy involved is not only not going to be convicted. He is going to receive a big chunk of cash from the department (if that is what he wants) and be that much harder to arrest in the future. And pretty much all of that is a direct result of how this officer approached the investigation.
swampyankee said:
The guy made a mistake of not telling the officer he was a CCW ...

Ohio notification law demands "prompt" notification. The driver began notification and was instructed not to speak.

Do you observe the statutory obligation, breach of which is a minor misdemeanor, or do you commit contempt of cop in the presence of a PO who seems unable to control himself already?
Patriot86, I agree.

He was polite while taking precautions for his own safety, didn't get his ego wound up in the exchange, and even maintained a sense of humor.

He should teach the course on how to handle these encounters.
Ohio Leo abuse of CCW carrier

Both of my brothers are LEOs. That rabid cop needs to be taken off the street ASAP. The threats he made were insane. The city of Canton should rightly be nervous about losing next year's budget to the lawsuit. Maybe they'll learn to do a more thorough screening of candidates for their police academy in the future.
The police can not prevent anyone from speaking. The caption that it could have been deadly to do otherwise is, in my opinion, ridiculous. I would have repeatedly and loudly stated for the video camera that I was lawfully carring a concealed handgun and have my permit to carry ready for inspection as required by law.
From the Canton PD facebook page

"I want to assure our citizens that the behavior, as demonstrated in this video, is wholly unacceptable and in complete contradiction to the professional standards we demand of our officers. As such, appropriate steps were placed in motion as dictated by our standards, policies and contractual obligations. Those steps included: The officer immediately being relieved of all duty. The incident has been referred to the Internal Affairs Bureau for what will be a complete and thorough investigation. As bad as the video indicates our officer's actions were, there is a due process procedure to follow. That process is designed in the best interest of both our employees and the citizens at large. That process will be followed in this case as in all others. Anyone shown to be in violation of our rules and regulations will be help appropriately responsible as dictated by all the facts. ~Chief Dean McKimm"

I'm not one to sue however in this case, had I made it out alive, I would sue everyone possible including the officer (if possible).

I said, had I made it out alive, because I exploded at my computer screen when the officer said he should cave in my face. I probably would have begged him to do it now and called him many bad things. I have a very long fuse however someone abusing me while under the protection of authority burns me up fast.

This victim had the patience of a sleepy Mr Rogers. For this he should be commended. He tried to notify and the scumbag told him to shutup. I hope they fire the thug and his partner and sue all to the max.
The police can not prevent anyone from speaking.
Obviously you have never encountered a rogue cop! They can and will prevent or force you do things any sane officer would never consider!

The caption that it could have been deadly to do otherwise is, in my opinion, ridiculous. I would have repeatedly and loudly stated for the video camera that I was lawfully carring a concealed handgun and have my permit to carry ready for inspection as required by law.

I would have repeatedly and loudly stated for the video camera that I was lawfully carring a concealed handgun
Not every brand dern new CCP holder is mentally ready to challenge rogue cops like you would have been after 30 days with the permit... He did his best as he thought thru a new life experience!

"Loudly stating" anything in the presence of a rogue cop is a good way to get additional charges (resisting without violence being one) at least or incite police brutality behavior to name another drawback to this.
"Loudly stating" anything in the presence of a rogue cop is a good way to get additional charges (resisting without violence being one) at least or incite police brutality behavior to name another drawback to this.

Video works both ways in court.
From the Canton PD facebook page

"I want to assure our citizens that the behavior, as demonstrated in this video, is wholly unacceptable and in complete contradiction to the professional standards we demand of our officers. As such, appropriate steps were placed in motion as dictated by our standards, policies and contractual obligations. Those steps included: The officer immediately being relieved of all duty. The incident has been referred to the Internal Affairs Bureau for what will be a complete and thorough investigation. As bad as the video indicates our officer's actions were, there is a due process procedure to follow. That process is designed in the best interest of both our employees and the citizens at large. That process will be followed in this case as in all others. Anyone shown to be in violation of our rules and regulations will be help appropriately responsible as dictated by all the facts. ~Chief Dean McKimm"


Apart from the typo in there: BRAVO!!!! That cop can't handle the pressure, AND he believes he is a ruler over serfs, AND he believes he is above the law. A very, very, very bad combo. If they don't relieve bad apples like this from the force, it will not be long before the police are no longer trusted by anyone, and that will lead to no more police and therefore a complete anarchy or a vigilante nation.
I called the Canton PD and asked what routes were best to take to avoid Canton while traveling through Ohio. The girl didn't laugh.
The subject was apparently trying to hand him his CCW license. At 6:52, the officer says "why do you keep having that?" To which the subject replies "because I have a concealed carry".

As an aside, I didn't see consent given for a search. Can anyone spot the RS/PC/consent here?
Can anyone spot the RS/PC/consent here?
The rogue, troubled cop will claim that the presence of a once (years ago) hooker outside of the car and the unidentified colored fella in the backseat was her "pimp" although he has no proof she is still a hooker so no way to connect the man to her as her business manager will provide his perceived PC...

I am following this on MANY forums and websites... so far not one officer has come to the defense of this bad guy/cop... NONE!!!

Where are your brothers in blue now mister badguy officer criminal?

Can anyone spot the RS/PC/consent here?

The rogue, troubled cop will claim that the presence of a once (years ago) hooker outside of the car and the unidentified colored fella in the backseat was her "pimp" although he has no proof she is still a hooker so no way to connect the man to her as her business manager will provide his perceived PC...

Does anyone else find it noteworthy that the search revealed nothing and the so-called "hooker" and "pimp" were let go? Only the driver, who had no previous history as the supposed "hooker" did was arrested.
Does anyone else find it noteworthy that the search revealed nothing and the so-called "hooker" and "pimp" were let go? Only the driver, who had no previous history as the supposed "hooker" did was arrested.
I certainly took note of this!!!

I am just stating what I feel the cop will attempt to claim to justify his poorly executed (no pun intended) traffic stop and search and threats to a man's life and failure to even inform the driver they were going to search under the PC guise and what their PC for the search would be.

One time I got "pulled down", the cop claimed that my refusal to allow the search of my vehicle provided him with plenty of PC. He told me "If you didn't have anything to hide, you would agree to allow me to take a look so I am assuming you have some sort of contraband you are afraid I will find..."... But at least he told me his intention!

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