Ohio Leo abuse of CCW carrier.

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Terrible behavior by the LEO. The threats he made against the man appear criminal in my mind. It appears that the man did try to comply with the law, I hope the case is dropped. What a nightmare.

On the other hand, sitting outside in a car that time of night in that area sounds like he was placing his own self in danger of an encounter not only with the cops but bad guys as well. Although it does not appear he did anything criminal, not a smart situation on his part.
The officer was highly unprofessional to the extreme and possibly criminal in his conduct. One could easily take his language to be some sort of terroristic threat.

I personally wrote the city council about this sad situation. I know several people on this forum that dont get the warm fuzzy that I do about law enforcement and it is actions like this officers that lead to those kinds of opinions.

Fortunately I still see the vast majority behind the shield as being honest and honorable people try to do a very difficult job.
My father brings up a good point I asked about on their FB page...

Why is this criminal on PAYED SICK LEAVE?
Wouldn't this be a crime in and of it self or at least blatant defrauding of the taxpayer?

Shouldn't he be on "DOCKED PAY ADMINISTRATIVE SUSPENSION"? He would still be entitled to back salary if found innocent of the charges/claims.

hotdogs said:
My father brings up a good point I asked about on their FB page...

Why is this criminal on PAYED SICK LEAVE?
Wouldn't this be a crime in and of it self or at least blatant defrauding of the taxpayer?

Shouldn't he be on "DOCKED PAY ADMINISTRATIVE SUSPENSION"? He would still be entitled to back salary if found innocent of the charges/claims.

The PO in the video is the subject of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The CBA imposes an obligation on the department to handle personnel issues according to its terms.
I am just stating what I feel the cop will attempt to claim to justify his poorly executed (no pun intended) traffic stop and search and threats to a man's life and failure to even inform the driver they were going to search under the PC guise and what their PC for the search would be.

I'm not questioning your analysis as I'm sure that's what the officer will claim. I am simply pointing this out because, in hindsight, his "probable cause" seems rather thin. I could buy "reasonable suspicion" but I don't think that gives justification for a warrantless search.
That is pathetic ... I can't believe the DA hasn't thrown this out, given the guy back his plastic and told the cops to start looking for rent-a-cop jobs. As a patrol officer, how do you approach a vehicle without FIRST securing and identifying everyone in the car. The cop snooping around in the back seat is obviously too stupid to hold his job; if the guy in the front had NOT been licensed and was armed, he could easily have shot that dunce ... the fact that he was licensed would indicate to me that the officers weren't in any jeopardy and if they had approached the driver, as I'm guessing they're taught on day one at the police academy, none of these hysterics would have been necessary. Remember this crap when you hear officers griping about recording their stops.
I can't believe the DA hasn't thrown this out

As I noted in my previous post, the DA appears to be trying to use this as a bargaining chip to ensure that the city isn't sued. I suspect that the case will eventually be dropped because everyone, the DA included, knows this case is weak and stands an snowball's chance in Hades if it were to go to trial.
The story was on The Blaze today which means it is national today. That was some of the most unprofessional behavior I have seen. threating to shoot and do physical harm to citizens.

The officer needs to have a fitness for duty exam.

If the DA decideds to take this case to trial he is 100% a fool. The DA prpbabaly needs to turn his energies to making a settlement with this man.
As I noted in my previous post, the DA appears to be trying to use this as a bargaining chip to ensure that the city isn't sued. I suspect that the case will eventually be dropped because everyone, the DA included, knows this case is weak and stands an snowball's chance in Hades if it were to go to trial.
It's a weak bargaining chip at best -- the DA really doesn't want to get his ass chewed out by a judge when the defense files a motion to dismiss with prejudice.

Just my layman's opinion.
With the release of the video, it going to get really hot for that DA. They better add some phone lines and get some temp staff. I don't expect the charges will stand for much longer.

Two points: That driver needs to get a better class of friends, and officer Richard-Head needs to find another line of work.
I will add one point. If it is true the prosecutor offered to dismiss the charges in exchange for a release of liability, he has committed an ethical violation and is subject to sanction. It is improper to use the threat of criminal proceedings to gain advantage in a civil proceeding. That said, I am aware of deals being made for dismissal upon a stipulation of probable cause, making it more difficult to bring civil action against a police officer.
This is why I no longer donate to police officer charities. I have seen too many rude and disgusting cops in my life.

I was once walking out of a Starbucks coffee with a cup of coffee in hands. A cop pulls over and asks to see my ID. He asks me why I am having a cup of coffee in this Starbucks when my house is 10 miles away, and there must be closer ones. Then he notices I have a slight accent and proceeds to ask me if I am a US citizen. Mind you that this is none of his business, but when I replied yes, he starts to ask me questions such as whether I am even a resident of the state (never mind the fact I have my state drivers license) and whether I consider myself a loyal American or not. I finally had to ask him to call his supervisor since I was concerned with his line of questioning. Only then did he stop harassing me and let me go.:mad:

I filed a complaint with the city. I am a US citizen and law abiding civilian. Unfortunately the city did very little to discipline that thug cop. Things like that, and the incident in this video, makes me dislike cops.
I believe that the incident sparked such fear in the officer that he over reacted.
Is it me, or have the police turned up the heat the last few years? They used to have greater concern for the public at large than they do of late. Performing the PIT maneuver on people for minor offenses is over the top in general IMO.
I believe that the incident sparked such fear in the officer that he over reacted.
Is it me, or have the police turned up the heat the last few years? They used to have greater concern for the public at large than they do of late. Performing the PIT maneuver on people for minor offenses is over the top in general IMO

Naw! I've been seeing this kind of behavior for 50 years, it hasn't changed much. BTW, this is grounds for a "1983 lawsuit" (42 USC 1983). The cop AND his bosses are liable.
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