Obama's true color and Rev. Wright

During Baltimore Orioles home games the crowd yells "OH!!!!" during the "Oh say can you see" part. That's not very dignified, I suppose. Are Orioles fans unpatriotic?
During Atlanta Braves games there's also a little ad-libbing toward the end. :D
I think this has a little more authority on the matter.


Sec. 4. Pledge of allegiance to the flag; manner of delivery

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: ``I pledge allegiance to the
Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it
stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
all.'', should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with
the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any
non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left
shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should
remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.

Sorry but the hand over the heart thing still holds no meaning for me. I won't do it as it wouldn't be a sign of respect since the action itself is meaningless to me. I also won't recite it as long as those two controversial words are in there.

But that still doesn't mean that neither myself nor Obama love this country just as much as you do.
And I don't give a damn what's expected of me during the pledge.

And that is half of whats wrong with our country today. Its the small things like that. There are certain things that are expected and there are certain levels of respect that should be shown to this country that offers us so much. When you refuse to do those things it is in a statement of protest. It is quite ironic when people use their valued right of free speech that this country offers them to do things that undermine and disrespect the same country that offers them these freedoms to begin with.

I don't put my hand on my heart and I don't even recite it since I disagree with a certain controversial aspect of it.

Would that be the "under God" part? So you dont say the pledge out of protest? So not putting your hand over your heart and not saying the pledge is speaking out against who? Ohhh...this country for which the pledge is said. Sounds like disrespect to me.
Would that be the "under God" part? So you dont say the pledge out of protest? So not putting your hand over your heart and not saying the pledge is speaking out against who? Ohhh...this country for which the pledge is said. Sounds like disrespect to me.
Not out of protest but because it would be disrespectful. I would gladly pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...but I will not pledge allegiance to any religious ideal.

When I raised my right hand and took my oath of enlistment I opted not to include "so help me god" at the end. Had I been required to do so my oath would have been a downright fabrication.

Today, Obama spoke with the American flag in the background. Three at least. I am sure carefully staged. Now my question: Obama does not wear the American flag because he does not want to appear as a "super patriot". He does not salute the flag. So, why the American flags all of a sudden? Is it now OK to be an American patriot now that he is seeking votes? OK, I admit a rhetorical question. So, just make it a comment.

Actual question: Will Obama fly the American flag over the White House, or is that too patriotic?
Why should the pledge not include "under God"? That is how it is written and the majority of the country believes in God. Why should the majority conform to the minority, and foresake what the majority believes? Another problem in this country, IMO.
Actually, it was originally written without "under god". Also, I don't really give a hoot what the majority of the country wants to believe in regards to a deity, it should not require me to pledge allegiance to any philosophy that includes that belief.

The majority can say "under god" all they want, I don't care. But I sure as hell won't be saying it. To do so would be disrespectful to the very country I'm pledging allegiance to. The pledge is nullified and false if I pledge to something I don't actually believe in.

I agree it's a sign of a problem but a problem in the other direction, imho. :D

oh by the way, the guy that wrote the pledge...apparently a Christian Socialist, a philosophy which happens to include liberation theology. ^_^
Today, Obama spoke with the American flag in the background. Three at least. I am sure carefully staged. Now my question: Obama does not wear the American flag because he does not want to appear as a "super patroit". He does not slaute the flag. So, why the American flags all of a sudden? Is it now OK to be an Americam patroit now that he is seeking votes? Ok, I admit a rhetorical question. So, just make it a comment.

Obama has no problem with the flag. He has a problem with the lapel pin as hypocrisy. in his own words:
“The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin,” Mr. Obama replied. “Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security.

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he added. “Instead I’m gonna’ try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”

and again
“Somebody noticed I wasn’t wearing a flag lapel pin and I told folks, well you know what? I haven’t probably worn that pin in a very long time. I wore it right after 9/11. But after a while, you start noticing people wearing a lapel pin, but not acting very patriotic. Not voting to provide veterans with resources that they need. Not voting to make sure that disability payments were coming out on time.

“My attitude is that I’m less concerned about what you’re wearing on your lapel than what’s in your heart. And you show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans, especially those who served. You show your patriotism by being true to our values and our ideals and that’s what we have to lead with is our values and our ideals.”
So, why the American flags all of a sudden?

I hope you reply to this post madmag so your post count will hit 1000. :D

Seriously, I think after 9/11, there was a surge of patriotism in this country. No one saw color or race, just Americans. People started wearing the pins and displaying more flags and patriotic material to show UNITY.
“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he added. “Instead I’m gonna’ try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”

Now that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, action speaks louder than words. Like belonging to a church that has a pastor that is anti-American in his rhetoric. Logic wins the day!

I hope you reply to this post madmag so your post count will hit 1000.

Thanks. Of course, I would absolutely never do anything just to make numbers.:D
Now that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, action speaks louder than words. Like belonging to a church that has a pastor that is anti-American in his rhetoric. Logic wins the day!

Don't imply that religion and logic go hand in hand now. . . .
From VinnyT's site:

The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

Someone better tell all those professional athletes and Olympians they are disrespecting the flag. Likewise I better cut the flag off the left arm of my fencing jacket.

Of course as you can see on this site there are plenty of flag code violations we are involved in every day! We must all be unpatriotic!


You better not have any shirts with the flag on it, or napkins. Even parts of the flag are still considered the flag so watch out! Apparently Bush has violated flag policy by having an American Flag cake. The US Gov't has openly violated it with an American Flag stamp!

Oh the humanity! All those unpatriotic pinko commies should just get up and leave since it is a free country!

I think it more likely that we have gotten a little carried away with flag worship. I have no problem standing at attention for it. I am actually responsible for the flags at my company and make certain they are displayed, lit, maintained and disposed of properly. I am not though going to
Why should the pledge not include "under God"? That is how it is written and the majority of the country believes in God. Why should the majority conform to the minority, and foresake what the majority believes? Another problem in this country, IMO.

No, that is not how it WAS written. That is how it was REWRITTEN during the Cold War to differentiate us from the "Godless Communists!"

In 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, 'under God,' to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.

You can believe what you want. We have a COTUS that says that. It also says that you and the majority cannot force me to follow your religious beliefs. Not including God in the Pledge has nothing to do with you forsaking your religion. Include it if you want but don't expect or force me to say it. For all I care you can say "under Cookie Monster, Fying Spaghetti Monster, Santa Claus, Barney the Dinosaur, Budda, Allah, Ganesh, Kali, the Spirits of My Ancestors" or any other religion you choose to believe in, they all have the same validity under the COTUS and none of them have say over the gov't.

If you have a problem with that, and the devoutly religious always do, simply take the same approach you advise the antis to take on the 2A. Pass a new amendment to change the 1A and establish this legally as a Christian Nation under God.
Why should the pledge not include "under God"? That is how it is written and the majority of the country believes in God. Why should the majority conform to the minority, and foresake what the majority believes? Another problem in this country, IMO.

The hypocrisy I see here every day is astounding. Goring oxen is OK as long as it isnt your OX being gored, ja?

WildonenationundersatanwouldbecooliguessAlaska TM
As I've stated in other threads, I'm a Reagan conservative, but I'm uneasy about the pledge. The pledge was created by a socialist in the 1890s whose apparent purpose was to teach obedience to the state.

I have gladly pledged to defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But if the US Constitution were to suddenly disappear and only the state remained .... That's not what I want to pledge myself to.
So, can anyone answer. Why is it that Obama cannot salute the flag or wear it in his lapel, yet he displays flags behind him for a national address? It would seem that if he wanted to make a point and stick to his principles that he would not have three flags posted behind him for a national address. Is he now saying that flying the flag is OK?

Also, did you notice the fine point in his speech. He now says he might have been present when Wright made some of his outrageous statements. My guess is that someone can now prove he was present and he is trying to defuse the situation.
It is quite ironic when people use their valued right of free speech that this country offers them to do things that undermine and disrespect the same country that offers them these freedoms to begin with.

Nothing disrespects the principles upon which America was founded more than forcing the people to stand and recite this loyalty oath (the pledge of allegiance) to the Government at every turn. Don't think that it is forced? Try not standing and reciting the pledge sometime.