Obama's true color and Rev. Wright

I'm predicting that nothing will come out of this Wright business.


Me and the Mrs. were watching the news the other day and we were so enraged and angered over the comments this so-called Reverend made that she made a comment "Well this will surely hurt him a lot" and I said, I disagreed. This guy has built a campaign based entirely on meaningless speeches, feel-good words, all politicians are bad but I am the exception, lets get rid of the old Washington and bring in a new one crap that people have just eaten up. This will no doubt not only not hurt him, but will actually help him. I am sure he will draw more support from some of the fringe because they think he is being witch-hunted.
Obama could order a slice of apple pie and it would be denounced as pandering around here because we're on a gun board and the Dem party is the party of gungrabbers.

Has anyone gone slumming on DU to find out what the lefties think of this issue, or whether they even care?
A description of the principles of Black Liberation Theology

Liberation theology, in general, follows the following train of thought:

1) Throughout the Bible, God identifies Himself with the oppressed peoples. Be it the Israelites at the hands of the Egyptians or Philistines, or the poor at the hands of the rich, God is on the side of the oppressed. This is reinforced by many of the Prophets.
2) In the New Testament, Jesus is said to continue this by liberating His people from the oppression of sin. Although spiritualized, this theme continues.
3) Projected forward into modern times, God continues to be on the side of the oppressed and downtrodden. There are flavors of liberation theology for any group that feels oppressed (women's, black, latino, you name it- the only group that probably doesn't have it is white men).
4) While there is a grain of truth in the fact that God hates oppression, it is not unusual for much of the perceived oppression to be purely invented by the holders in an attempt to feel more noble and moral than those whom they perceive to be oppressing them. Interestingly, very often liberation theology is accompanied by and used as justification for actions which are otherwise prohibited in the Bible.

I did a brief look at some various liberation theologies as part of my M.Div.

Regarding the current topic at hand, the preacher is definitely running afoul of IRS regulations regarding non-profit charity organizations and the allowed political activities thereof, as well as falling squarely into tinfoil hat territory. Personally, I won't vote for Obama because I detest much of what he has officially claimed to stand for, and his religious preferences don't even enter into it. I'm kinda surprised this is getting as much play as it is; I'd figure his extreme leftist record would be more germane.
Has anyone gone slumming on DU to find out what the lefties think of this issue, or whether they even care?

News flash, lefties are not the only ones voting in the general election.:cool:
I am sure he will draw more support from some of the fringe because they think he is being witch-hunted.

Off topic, another prediction: Eliot Spitzer will profit from the prostitue scandal. There's a slim chance he might get charged, but we all know he aint' doing no jailtime. Then comes the tell-all book deals, charity dinner speeches, etc. Maybe his own reality TV show.

Again: 5 weeks till Penn. primaries, several months till DenverCon. By then - and for the record - we'll be talking about
  • Hillary's lesbian lover
  • Chelsea's lesbian lover
  • Ted Kennedy saying something bad about Hillary during one of his famous drinking episodes
  • Hillary's lesbian lover cheating with Chelsea's lesbian lover
  • Michelle Obama telling us that "whitey" is out to get her husband
  • The "Obama is the Messiah" bumper stickers (which I'll create and sell) will get me sued
  • Obama supportors rioting at some liberal college, most likely Columbia
Meanwhile, Howard Dean is pleased with everything... why? Because the more time Obama or Hillary gets with the press and media, the more McCain will fade into obscurity. Equal time my @$$.
Obama not wearing the flag lapel pin and not placing his hand on his chest during the national anthem seemed like small things, but the pieces of the puzzle seem to be fitting together.
Then vote for Hillary or McCain: two persons who have been on watch while the country has been raped, robbed and pillaged. We allow hearsay, hyperbole and ad hominem derail our assessments of persons. If you think he's a "no go" then don't support him; the other two KNOWN ghouls will gladly accept your vote. Unfortunately, not one in a hundred know of Paul...
Obama's preacher

And his miserable spin control, both too little and too late. This isn't something relatively trivial like a bad off the cuff lie that wouldn't go away and became a joke, like "I didn't inhale". Obama has been more open about his drug use as a young man. However, he has not, and did not put distance between himself as either a person, or a politician, before his preacher's radical sermons became public. It may be G.D. America for the good reverend, but it God Bless the Internet for the rest of the country.

No printed articles (assuming any actually got into print outside right wing journals) or video clips on political shows carries the weight of the man's own words, available to us on demand, so all of us who are interested can see them when convienent for us, and not have to rely on someone else's description.

The pathetic attempt at claiming he "disagrees" with the ideals being preached or "didn't know about them" (for 20 years?) makes us wonder about his judgement. Either he is in agreement, or he is totally cynical and cares for nothing beyond himself. There may be a third option, but I can't see that it leaves him much wiggle room, either way.

Is this Obama's "I didn't have sex with that woman..."? Not quite, as he isn't under oath...yet. But one has to wonder...has he really been putting up with a radical preacher (and getting married by him) that he supposedly disagrees with, for 20 years because he loves Jesus and the little children? Or is there something else at work here?!

And what other skeletons are waiting to come out of the closet?
I think this is the first big tactical error Obama has made thus far.

I think you are right. Ferrarro hit the nail on the head when she said Obama would not be where he is today (in the race) if he were not black. It is simply a fact. He came along as an "acceptable" black politician to many well meaning liberals who saw this as a chance to sooth any guilt they feel for their affluence. His voluntary and close relationship with this racist hate mongerer has hurt him dearly in their eyes. Even more it has harmed him with the middle of the road voters who were inclined to vote for him over McCain. If McCain does the smart thing and chooses a black, or black/female in the form of Rice, VP it will strip the middle of the road vote that Obama pretty much had wrapped up.
(women's, black, latino, you name it- the only group that probably doesn't have it is white men).
When was the last time white guys in America were oppressed by anyone besides other white guys? :p
Obama will not be the nominee...

There is a long time between the recent revelations on Pastor Wright and till the democratic convention in August. Sen. Obama can't help it, he will implode further and he just will not be able to help it.....

The voters of this country will see the light before then. He is falling from grace as we speak. We will not elect a man like this for PRESIDENT of the United States. CHANGE he says, what kind of change?
I heard Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright deliver a sermon called "The Audacity of Hope." And during the course of that sermon, he introduced me to someone named Jesus Christ. I learned that my sins could be redeemed. -Barack Obama

I was wondering what fabulous prizes I could exchange for my sins. Could adultery be exchanged for a free night at the Ritz-Carlton? Or idolatry for a new HD television? Then it occurred to me that either Obama is ignorant of Christian principles or has just enough knowledge to not get it right in what would have been a great sound bite. (By the way, in Christianity, you are redeemed and your sins are forgiven.)

What I have learned from looking up the Trinity Unity Church is its preaching of liberation theory. It basically combines religious values and social activism for the poor and oppressed to promote collectivist ideas whether one labels it socialism, Marxism, etc.

But collectivism undermines individual rights in exchange for the common good, which is not defined by individuals, but by elected leaders. Of course, our Founding Fathers understood the limitation of the common good in areas such as religion.

I've nothing against Baptist, but could you imagine Congress declaring that for the good of the community? "We're just going to have everyone go to the Baptist church - in the spirit of unity, of course."

Perhaps this is the unity of Obama. It's not so much more freedom, but having people adopt such a collectivist viewpoint in the spirit of unity :rolleyes:. It reminds me of a quote by Thomas Sowell:

"People who talk incessantly about 'change' are often dogmatically set in their ways. They want to change other people." from Barbarians Inside the Gates
(By the way, in Christianity, you are redeemed and your sins are forgiven.)
Oh c'mon, it was a slip of the tongue at best. Don't misunderestimate him.

But collectivism undermines individual rights in exchange for the common good, which is not defined by individuals, but by elected leaders.
That's not exactly true. Collectivism does not necessarily undermine individual rights; it can but it's not inherent in the philosophy and individualism is just as capable of undermining individual rights because plenty of individuals feel it's their right to take advantage of others.

Neither of those philosophies can be taken at their extremes; neither one exists in the real world and every society is a mix of both. There are plenty of nations and cultures that are far more collectivist than ours and they live lives just as happy and free as ours.

the swedes, the swiss, the canadians, the dutch, the germans, the finns, the japanese

and those are just nations, that's not even considering the number of small cultures that exist throughout the world within other countries - especially in the pacific islands - that are almost at the extreme ends of collectivism

Don't fall into the trap of defining "free" by purely American standards. Once again, we did not invent it nor do we have sole authority to define it.