Obama's true color and Rev. Wright

the swedes, the swiss, the canadians, the dutch, the germans, the finns, the japanese

Don't fall into the trap of defining "free" by purely American standards.

I most certainly will. We can start with the BOR as a definition of "free". None of those countries can measure up to the US in terms of "freedoms"..........not one.
I most certainly will.
And there's your first problem. Sorry but the BoR does not define freedom for the rest of the world. Our culture does not get to decide what is and isn't freedom.

The vast majority of the people of those countries consider themselves to be free. That's a far more telling standard that whether or not they can own guns.

In fact, that's about the only difference with most of them. They all have free speech, freedom of religion, protections against search and seizure and virtually all the same ones we enjoy. Not everyone believes that guns are necessary to maintain a free society and while our culture finds it necessary we have no authority to tell anyone else they aren't free.

edit: oh and yeah, this does go back to the rev wright :D we may not like what he has to say, we may disagree with his ideas but to look at them out of context and not realize the history behind his words and his beliefs is just plain wrong. black culture in america was significantly different than white culture for the majority of this country's history and only in the most recent generations has true integration of the cultures been possible. it's quite natural for there to still be rifts and disagreements strong enough to incite a man to this kind of attitude

Differences in culture lead to differences in what truly matters in life and in what freedom means. For a country that wants to purport itself as the land of the free the people need to realize that not everyone is going to have the same definition of the word and that some groups of people were denied that freedom for many, many years. That difference of opinion, to put it lightly, is what leads to things like this.
Sorry but the BoR does not define freedom for the rest of the world. Our culture does not get to decide what is and isn't freedom.

Right. Freedom of the press. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures........and on and on. You're just pulling my chain, right?
Right. Freedom of the press. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures........and on and on. You're just pulling my chain, right?
And those countries are lacking in those things? The BoR is also lacking in a number of freedoms that had to be tacked on later to the Constitution after some of those countries had made it quite clear in their own societies.

I edited my post a number of times if you wanna check it out. :D

But no, I'm not pulling your chain. America did not invent freedom. America does not get to define it for the rest of the world.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ethnocentrism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnocentrism <--- we could use a hell of a lot less of this
There was a guy on TV at one time that used to slip into scenarios just for laughs . Once he took center field at (I think) a Dodgers game and even played a down in the NFL . (DARN , can't think of his name). It would seem that Obama is playing a game also . Wait a minute , I think it was George Plimpton . OK It's the let's see how far I can go with absolutely nothing I say having any substance game . All Jimmy Carter had was a set of teeth but America bought his stupid act . And then had to live through his stupid actions . Back to Obama , in this country you can be rich and famous just by doing something that seemed impossible . I see the Obama campaign as being equal to the King walking proudly down the street showing off his new clothes . Only in this case the King KNOWS that he has no clothes on . Obama is just waiting until somebody yells "Hey , he has no clothes ." The real message would be "Hey , he has run for months and not delivered one single thing to prove that he is qualified ." CHANGE!!!!! Change what and HOW???? He's all catch phrases and sound bites that feel good but don't "feed the bulldog." As soon as he gets busted for being a phony he will laugh and bask in the glory of someone that came on the scene and fooled millions for a long time . Obama will single handedly make us look stupid to the entire world . This is one of the things that make many foreigners dislike us so much . We constantly allow stupid people to exist at the highest levels and we are still a super power . Imagine the potential we could realize if we weren't as stupid as we look .
Well we who are not locked up have FREEDOM. What we lack is LIBERTY as defined by the founding documents of this nation.

Oh, none of those nations have as much liberty as we do - even considering how much of our's has been eroded in the last decade. Of course, the foundations of slavery have been well planned and laid - and few have the intellectual acumen to recognize it.
From the article on Black Liberation Theology:

Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal.

And in his book "Dreams From My Father", didn't Obama write about how uncomfortable he felt living in a "white" country and about how much scorn he felt toward whites. Didn't he write about how in college he was careful to associate with militant blacks and to seek out courses from Marxist professors.

What I would like to ask Obama: "You speak of the harm done to blacks by slavery in this country. How do you reconcile your support of Marxism which also enslaves people?"
To the Obama apologists: What would you say if John McCain attended The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord church?
Thank God this guy is getting found out now!
Love it when true stripes are made known :D

He's a racist, and an America hater and has no business even being in polly ticks...let alone being President.

Of course, on the other hand, I'd vote for ANYONE other than Osama or Hitlery Clinton.

What would you say if John McCain attended The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord church?

What are these organizations?
Never in my life have I seen such an abrupt fall from political grace. I was just listening to Obama's speech, and he seems intent on self-destruction.

First, he repeated his Sgt. Schultz defense: "I know n-o-t-h-i-n-g!" He claimed that he has never known Pastor Wright to ever have said or done anything racist in regards to whites. This despite knowing the man for over 20 years, and despite the fact that these videos were originally made for the purpose of selling them. So, not once in over 20 years did he have a clue; not once in over 20 years did a fellow church member say anything to him about it; not once in over 20 years did he hear any rumors; not once in over 20 years did his wife or kids make even one comment about it? That is being seriously out of touch.

But worse, he then went on to throw his own grandmother under the Barack Express bus. He said that growing up he was pained to hear his white grandmother express racist sentiments. No doubt, that's true, but why throw Grandma under the bus? I'm sure he heard racist comments from a lot of other folks. And why do it while clinging onto the claim that he knew nothing about Pastor Wright's racist rants?

Protect Wright; sacrifice Grandma. And he expects to win the White House with this stuff?
Never in my life have I seen such an abrupt fall from political grace. I was just listening to Obama's speech, and he seems intent on self-destruction.

Thank God! It's great to hear of the self destruction of this racist, anti-American...person.

but why throw Grandma under the bus?

If he's willing to screw grandma, where does that leave us???
My favorite line of that speech is this:

"These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love."


Yet, he won't wear a flag pin OR have his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Yet, he won't wear a flag pin OR have his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

That's because he's been listening to this Wright guy for 20 years, which has turn him into a hard leftist.
That's because he's been listening to this Wright guy for 20 years, which has turn him into a hard leftist.
Not true. Obama heard only the good things Wright said about love and compassion. He never heard any of the bad things, nor did he even hear about them from someone else. Not even once. We know this because Obama said so.
Neither of which is required to show love for this country.

Actually, it is. Those that hate the United States will have an aversion to show respect and honor for our flag. They should consider finding another place to live if they believe this country is not worthy of their respect. If they don't, then they are basic hypocrites for living in a country they believe is evil. Staying here makes them guilty of the sins they accuse this country of committing.

Obviously, no country on Earth has or ever will be perfect. Bad mistakes will be made. But, the US has done more for mankind that any other country in the history of mankind.

Osama is one of those "glass half empty" type of guys who focuses on the problems to create division.

I hope Osama goes down in flames after this fiasco!
Servers him right for participating in reverse racism...