Obama's true color and Rev. Wright

Osama is one of those "glass half empty" type of guys who focuses on the problems to create division.

I hope osama goes down in flames after this fiasco!
Servers him right for participating in reverse racism...

Oh, I get it! 'Obama' rhymes with 'Osama!'

Actually, it is. Those that hate the United States will have an aversion to show respect and honor for our flag.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. -- Samuel Johnson
Putting one's hand on one's heart is not required to show respect.

That is not what I was told when I was in school years ago.

Sad how the "mainstream" public thinks less and less of respecting the country.

Sad, so sad.
Yes, I have one on my monkey suit that I wear anytime someone dies. (which is the only time I wear a suit).

Other than that, I frequently wear patriotic gear of all sorts. And, I do put my hand over my heart anytime they play the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance is being recited.

I'm not ashamed to be an American.

Samuel Johnson was a mis-informed idiot.
Nobody cares about his opinions anyway.
Neither of which is required to show love for this country.

Well, his wife proclamed that she is proud of this country for the first time in her adult life. I take it that means that until now she has not been proud of this country and probably won't be again if Barak loses the election.

And again, in his book "Dreams From My Father", didn't Obama write about how uncomfortable he felt living in a "white" country and about how much scorn he felt toward whites.

The flag pin and other small "hints" are just additional things that point toward the same conclusion.
Putting one's hand on one's heart is not required to show respect.

I'm sorry, but it is expected during the Pledge of Allegiance. If everyone else in the picture is either saluting or has their hand over their heart I'd say that it is expected. I think that a presidential candidate should manage to put his hand over his heart. It was a statement; a statement that he hates the country that he is trying to be the leader of. Nice.
I'm sorry, but it is expected during the Pledge of Allegiance. If everyone else in the picture is either saluting or has their hand over their heart I'd say that it is expected.

Jeez... There are plenty of real reasons to dislike Obama. The photo was during the national anthem, not the pledge. One is not required to place hand on heart during the anthem. Choose to if you want but to read something further into it than really is stinks of "blind patriotism" which is right up there with "blind faith" and "religious fanaticism".
Must something be required before someone will do it? How much effort does it take to put your hand over your heart?

We lead by example for our children. In like fashion, our leaders should also lead by example. Gestures of respect are not requirements; they are standardized so as to be instantly recognizable demonstations.

At this rate, some day respect will be shown by sitting in our La-Z-Boy recliners asleep while wearing a headset. It will be respect not for even a minimal gesture, but because nothing is "required."
Jeez... There are plenty of real reasons to dislike Obama. The photo was during the national anthem, not the pledge. One is not required to place hand on heart during the anthem. Choose to if you want but to read something further into it than really is stinks of "blind patriotism" which is right up there with "blind faith" and "religious fanaticism".

Have you looked into taking up residence in any other countries?

Since this is a free country, you are welcome to go elsewhere
if you are so disgusted that you refuse to put your hand over
your heart during our national anthem.

I take it you despise the United States, as well as God?
Is that right?
Have you looked into taking up residence in any other countries?

Since this is a free country, you are welcome to go elsewhere
if you are so disgusted that you refuse to put your hand over
your heart during our national anthem.

I take it you despise the United States, as well as God?
Is that right?
I think a little restraint towards a fellow poster ought to be shown here. He's not advocating Obama's actions, he's merely stating that the lack of outward signs of patriotism do not necessarily show ones true feelings. I happen to agree. However I think Obama's dislike of American is a fairly easy logical view; From his overt lack of patriotic signs, to his life-long pastor's rhetoric, to his own early writings, to his wife's statements. Any one of those might be explained away (as far as I'm concerned, only if you were an Obama apologist) but they can't all be.
Since this is a free country, you are welcome to go elsewhere
if you are so disgusted that you refuse to put your hand over
your heart during our national anthem.

I take it you despise the United States, as well as God?
Is that right?

I dont hold my hand over my heart during the anthem and it's my goddam right as an American not to...

And I despise YOUR version of God.

WildandifidgetduringtheanthemtooAlaska TM
That is not what I was told when I was in school years ago.

Sad how the "mainstream" public thinks less and less of respecting the country.

Sad, so sad.
Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble but not everyone views putting their hands on their hearts as a sign of respect. The action means nothing to me so doing so is in no way more respectful than not doing it.

No one is thinking less of respecting the country, the problem is people thinking that their way of showing respect must be applied across the board. It's simply not true.
Yes, I have one on my monkey suit that I wear anytime someone dies. (which is the only time I wear a suit).

Other than that, I frequently wear patriotic gear of all sorts. And, I do put my hand over my heart anytime they play the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance is being recited.

I'm not ashamed to be an American.
Well good for you but guess what? None of that means you love this country any more than I do and I have never worn a flag pin nor do I put my hand on my heart during the pledge or anthem.
I'm sorry, but it is expected during the Pledge of Allegiance. If everyone else in the picture is either saluting or has their hand over their heart I'd say that it is expected. I think that a presidential candidate should manage to put his hand over his heart. It was a statement; a statement that he hates the country that he is trying to be the leader of. Nice.
That's your interpretation of the statement, doesn't mean you're right.

And I don't give a damn what's expected of me during the pledge. I don't put my hand on my heart and I don't even recite it since I disagree with a certain controversial aspect of it. But it doesn't mean I love and respect this country any less than any of you.
flag pin and hand on heart

both of these have been beat to death. And during the beating it has been show that every candidate can be shown in some photo not wearing the infamous required pin. No pin on some occasion has been proven of the president. So I guess that might mean Bush is unpatriotic on that occasion.

[When this no pin and no hand picture first became an issue a few of the national veterans organizations went on a rampage. Then after they discovered other photos showed the other candidates in some similar situation they dropped the issue.]

If I post a picture of McCain not wearing a flag pin in some situation will that make you not vote for him either?
An insightful quote from a left-wing leader. Hillary and Obama are deciples.

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.”

--Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1971
Rockrz said:
Samuel Johnson was a mis-informed idiot.
Nobody cares about his opinions anyway.

ad hominem

Rockrz said:
if you are so disgusted that you refuse to put your hand over
your heart during our national anthem.

I take it you despise the United States, as well as God?
Is that right?

I've always been taught that the appropriate signs of respect was to stand up, take off your hat, take your hands out of your pockets, and either shuttup or quietly sing along. Was I out of the loop when the patriotism police decided that you gotta put your hand over your heart?

Let's see, Obama did shut up, he stood up, he held his hands in front, and he wasn't wearing a hat. That'll do.

During Baltimore Orioles home games the crowd yells "OH!!!!" during the "Oh say can you see" part. That's not very dignified, I suppose. Are Orioles fans unpatriotic?

Hey you know, George Washington didn't know the words to the National Anthem! He must have been super duper unpatriotic!

I've always been taught that the appropriate signs of respect was to stand up, take off your hat, and either shuttup or quietly sing along. Was I out of the loop when the patriotism police decided that you gotta put your hand over your heart?

Communist ;)

Apparently there are those that rail against Political Correctness, but demand it in the same breathe.
I've always been taught that the appropriate signs of respect was to stand up, take off your hat, take your hands out of your pockets, and either shuttup or quietly sing along. Was I out of the loop when the patriotism police decided that you gotta put your hand over your heart?

That is what I learned as well.

I am not a fan of god or religion, not believing in the first and having no use for the second, but that in no way means I do not love my country. I say the pledge the way it was written before fear of the Russians lead to its revision and I hold my hand over my heart for that as I was taught was proper respect. Hand on heart during the anthem was never stated as a requirement and I have yet to find anyone proving it is.

I always love the Archie Bunker "love it or leave it" responses some of our more zealous members forward.
The Salute

To salute, all persons come to attention. Those in uniform give the appropriate formal salute. Citizens not in uniform salute by placing their right hand over the heart and men with head cover should remove it and hold it to left shoulder, hand over the heart. Members of organizations in formation salute upon command of the person in charge.

The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

The pledge of allegiance should be rendered by standing at attention, facing the flag, and saluting.
When the national anthem is played or sung, citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag, if displayed, otherwise to the music.

Taken from: