Obama's true color and Rev. Wright

Well again, it doesn't matter one bit what light others view it. Being outside the norm is abnormal, but it's certainly not wrong and it's certainly not un-American.

You will receive no argument there from me.

His decision to not salute the flag in no way makes him less respectful of America than you or anyone that does salute the flag.

Honestly, I think that, that depends on his reason for not saluting the flag (which I've seen him with his hand on his heart so this shouldnt be much of an argument anyways; yes I'm flip-flopping). Without knowing the reason for the protest its hard to say whether or not he is less respectful.
I don't really care if Barak puts his hand on his chest or if he wears a silly flag pin or even what church he attends or does not attend. But, they are all indicators that he hates "white America" just like his mentor and friend, Rev Jessie Wright. The possibility that Obama hates America is what worries me. The possibility that Obama wants to use Pol Pot - like action to remake America into a country that fits his own vision also worries me. I can see the arrogance and hunger for power clearly enough. The rest is just clues. Lots of clues all pointing in the same direction.
mountainclmbr said:
The possibility that Obama wants to use Pol Pot - like action to remake America

Yes. He's gonna order the killing of all educated people so we can all go back to Year Zero. Oh wait... I might be Obama's hit list. Gasp.
I think it would be a fair question to ask Obama if he believes the black community and their God is destined to destroy the white enemy like the Black Liberation Theology teaches. Not that I would expect him to answer honestly if he believes this. I just hope he doesn't start calling himself Brother Number One!
if he believes the black community and their God is destined to destroy the white enemy

He's half white. I wonder if that means he can watch half a NASCAR race, dance half a square, steal half a TV, or eat half a fried chicken.

Seriously, Obama is anti-free trade, anti-gun, anti-(insert cause here), and yet we're still hung up on his cooky preacher and race politics. Those of us, who would've never voted for him last month, will not vote for him tomorrow - regardless of Wright.

Personally, what angers me most is not what Wright said, but how Obama dealt with the problem. I can see why he would want to avoid it until it got splattered over mainstream media (transcending race issues and such), but his response was an egregious underestimation of the average American. So he's been in the flock for 20 years and he says that he had no idea? How stupid does he think we are? (edit: he said he had an idea during his speech yesterday... so which is it?)

My doctor has politics, but I go see him for health advice. My barber has politics, but I go see him for hair styling advice. String these analogies together and Obama could have just killed this issue last week, instead of trying to pull a fast one.
Those of us who would've never voted for him last month still will not vote for him tomorrow.

But you are not the one we are trying to educate about Obama.

His socialism and anti everything stances have not scared people because he is a "change" candidate.

This current issue, his support, long term association with and very likely agreement with a rascist anti American hate mongered does resonate wit hthe public. Use the ammunition you have and which is most suited to the game.
So he's been in the flock for 20 years and he says that he had no idea? How stupid does he think we are?

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. People can easily be persuaded to accept the most inferior ideas or useless products."

-attributed to H. L. Mencken (Bartleby's Quotations)

That sums up the Obamanation perfectly.
Obama's true color......

“All you really need to know about Barack Hussein Obama is this: Louis Farrakhan really, really, really wants him to be president.” —Don Feder :(
"All you really need to know about Barack Hussein Obama is this: Louis Farrakhan really, really, really wants him to be president.”

I like short, accurate, insightful statements. It saves a lot of words.
madmag said:
I like short, accurate, insightful statements.

In the interim, that is the span of time immediately following the previous comment, and prior to the commencement of the subsequent comment, we should all stop to reflect upon the nature of the political landscape, which leads to the formulation of concepts and ideas, some of which will be coherently expressed, and others which may indicate the varied socio-economic backrounds and levels of educational achievement, which may or may not telegraph the political intentions of the author, and may lead subsequent forum contributors to muse upon the parental lineage of those with opposing views, as well as the likelyhood of those contributors parents having been legally married, such as it may seem.....or not.
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That's not exactly true. Collectivism does not necessarily undermine individual rights; it can but it's not inherent in the philosophy and individualism is just as capable of undermining individual rights because plenty of individuals feel it's their right to take advantage of others.

You are right. Individualism is just as capable of undermining rights, which is where government's role to protect individuals from force and fraud comes into effect. There is a reason why Thomas Jefferson argued that the Constitution limited the federal government. But it looks like Alexander Hamilton's arguement has won out and the Tenth Amendment is stepped all over by our federal government busybodies.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -C.S. Lewis "God in the Dock"
Soundbytes, guys. One would have to listen to the ENTIRETY of ANY speech to draw any meaningful conclusions. Surely we all know this... :rolleyes:
Soundbytes, guys. One would have to listen to the ENTIRETY of ANY speech to draw any meaningful conclusions. Surely we all know this...

What context could these possibly sound acceptable in?

The Rev. Wright is recorded saying:
– “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”

– “We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki. And we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye.”

– “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.”

– “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes three-strike laws and wants them to sing God Bless America. No! No No! God **** America … for killing innocent people. God **** America for threatening citizens as less than humans. God **** America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme.”

– “Fact number one: We’ve got more black men in prison than there are in college. … Fact number two: Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run.”

– “We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional killers. … We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. … We conducted radiation experiments on our own people. … We care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means.
And … And … And! God! Has got! To be sick! Of this sh*t!”

In what context is stating that the US Gov't created HIV to kill people of color acceptable?
There is a plethora of evidence suggesting AIDS - not HIV - is a recombinant DNA bioweapon.

Before we dismiss things wholly as "far fetched" we should take the time to study what's in the public record. Oh, you'll not be able to make a decision on the veracity of either position in a weekend or a week, but if you're interested start researching: Robert Strecker, Boyd Graves, Polio Vaccine, Small Pox vaccine, Sheep Visna Virus, Bovine Leukemia, Special Cancer Virus Trials (especially) and others.
There is a plethora of evidence suggesting AIDS - not HIV - is a recombinant DNA bioweapon.

Even IF that were true how does that justify claiming it was created as a bioweapon against people of color.

There is evil in this world and Wright epitomizes it. This is not a perspective matter. The man blames whites for all the ills of society. Slavery was vile, at the same time I do not see him saying GD the black African's who sold their brothers to the Europeans for the slave trade, only GD America.

No, the man is profits from hate and enraging those in his congregation. He is vile and twisted. There is no justification for some statements.
Again, go research the material. Also research The Negro Project, Eugenics, Global 2000 Report with the other materials I mentioned. And I mean really research them and they you may see where he may have been coming from.

Yes, blacks sold blacks but who ran the operation? And those blacks who sold other tribes didn't foist the segregation, etc that we all know too well. Surely they played a part and perhaps what they are going through is a little karma: If you wish to hurt self hurt your fellow man. This applies to US foreign policy as well.

Let's keep with your original subject.
Do you really think any intelligent person is going to buy that HIV was created by the US Gov't to kill people of color?

That was the accusation and I am sorry, no amount of conspiracy theory garbage is going to justify the stupidity and racism present in that statement.