NRA Sues Ackerman-McQueen, Ackerman-McQueen Tries to Oust LaPierre at Meeting

thallub said:
Disgruntled major NRA contributors grade the NRA Board of Directors:
From the link:

Further, the letter to the individual board members reminds them that “I don’t know anything about that,” “that is the first time I’m hearing it,” and “I trust Wayne completely”…. “are not deemed within the law as valid acceptable legal defenses. It is your responsibility to know and take the necessary actions to obtain such knowledge.”
It always amazes me how many people don't understand this.

Many years ago, I was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission in my home town. Through a series of events far beyond my control, I went from being appointed as an alternate to becoming a regular member and then Chairman within a span of six months. There were two practicing attorneys on the commission ... which made my big discovery all the more surprising.

When I took over as Chairman, I objected that the minutes did not record who had voted for approvals, who had voted against, and -- if there were abstentions -- who had abstained. The minutes would just say "Passed by a vote of 5 for and 3 against," or something similar. At this point I have no recollection of what made me look up what state statute had to say on this subject, but I did look it up. And what I learned was that if the Commission were sued over a decision and lost, any commissioners who voted with the majority or who abstained could be held liable; those who voted against would not be held liable. That's why I insisted that the minutes from that point forward record not just the number of votes, but who voted which way.

I don't know because I have not researched it, but I am inclined to believe that it works the same way for people serving on boards of directors. A board of directors holds the ultimate responsibility for setting the direction of the organization. If the organization does something that's illegal, it seems only right and fair and those directors who voted for the action or who abstained should be held accountable, while those who voted against the illegal action should be absolved of responsibility (and allowed to sit back and say "Told ya!").
In my experience most people in this role (board of directors) are there for the prestige blended with a desire to serve an institution that they respect. There is no incentive to challenge the organization's operational leadership. Removing a president or CEO involves a great deal of conflict, replacing them involves a great deal of work. Most people who are essentially serving in a volunteer role and have other careers (or in many cases retirement) to focus on are reluctant to take all that on.
I have been asked to serve on the boards of a small handful of local non-profits. I resigned from two of those positions when it became apparent that the board was expected to act as rubber stamps with no real knowledge or oversight of operations. Boards of directors should direct, and do so from a position of knowledge. Anything else is, IMO, fraudulent.
I resigned from two of those positions when it became apparent that the board was expected to act as rubber stamps with no real knowledge or oversight of operations. Boards of directors should direct, and do so from a position of knowledge. Anything else is, IMO, fraudulent.

I agree. I recently left a job because they fired the CFO and the guy on the board who ran finance oversight quit suddenly. There was a great deal of additional drama within the organization. But the CEO and the board marched forward in lock-step. Happens all the time, none of this NRA stuff surprises me.
Four NRA board members recently called for an independent investigation:

In the letter (which we will include in its entirety below), Board Members Sean Maloney, Timothy Knight, Col. Bob Brown and Esther Schneider call for “outside professionals” to investigation allegations of financial misconduct, an outside, independent review of the “millions of dollars in payments to Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors for legal fees”

It also cites the Association’s bylaws and calls for an Outside Independent Committee’s formation “tasked with investigating and addressing the problems” - that Outside Independent Committee would be required to report its findings and recommendations to the entire Board of Directors.
I’m glad to see that happening. It’s certainly a step in the right direction.

FYI, I had a call from an NRA rep yesterday with an offer to upgrade my membership to some higher level at a greatly reduced price.
I told the nice lady of my concerns regarding this alleged scandal and also explained that I would not be upgrading my life membership or making any other contributions to the NRA until I learned the truth about what was currently going on in the organization and/or some changes were made. I made it clear that this would include the NRA Roundups I had been paying when I bought items from vendors like Dillon, Midway, etc.
I remarked that I have always been proud of my NRA membership but lately I wasn’t so sure.
I also suggested that term limits and some method of accountability for the execs and the directors might be in order.
The lady who called appeared to be quite sympathetic to my concerns and didn’t push the issue of donations any further. I told her that I would like another opportunity to upgrade my membership at some future date after the dust had settled from this current flap.

As members, I feel it’s our duty to inform the NRA of our dissatisfaction with the current situation.
Bottom Gun, I'm pretty sure the NRA uses outside marketing firms for their telemarketing and the people who you talk to have no real connection to the NRA itself. I'm convinced many of those people barely know what a firearm is.
Bottom Gun, I'm pretty sure the NRA uses outside marketing firms for their telemarketing and the people who you talk to have no real connection to the NRA itself. I'm convinced many of those people barely know what a firearm is.

That’s probably true but I’m hoping they will pass our remarks on to the NRA because I’ve gotten no response to the communications I’ve sent directly to the NRA.
Doyle said:
Bottom Gun, I'm pretty sure the NRA uses outside marketing firms for their telemarketing and the people who you talk to have no real connection to the NRA itself. I'm convinced many of those people barely know what a firearm is.
I'm certain you're quite wrong. All the NRA marketing calls I've received were from friendly-sounding women who all refer to LaPierre as "Wayne," so I have no doubt their office is right next door to his and they probably hob-nob at the water cooler on a regular basis.

Uh, huh ...
Bottom Gun, I'm pretty sure the NRA uses outside marketing firms for their telemarketing and the people who you talk to have no real connection to the NRA itself. I'm convinced many of those people barely know what a firearm is.

If the calls don't produce revenue it doesn't matter where they came from.
The lady I spoke with told me that she would relay my comments to the NRA staff. Hopefully she will and hopefully they will take heed.
Losing revenue usually gets people's attention.
The grades of The NRA board of directors:

Grade Key:

A- Advocates the replacement of CEO LaPierre and/or publicized one’s removal from committee’s due to questioning leadership, spending policies, etc.

B- Removed from committee(s) due to questioning leadership, spending policies, etc, but is not publicized

C- Insufficient oversight/direction to CEO LaPierre

D- Recently added to a committee(s) to limit oversight and fortify CEO LaPierre’s power

F- Supports CEO LaPierre and his leadership team with insufficient oversight
Another member of the NRA BOD has spoken out. Owen Buz Mills, owner of Gunsite, has broken with WLP:

I testified on the floor of the Board of Directors in Indianapolis: Our current situation is the result of our own irresponsibility in not providing our staff and employees with adequate oversight and direction. While we have committees responsible for providing oversight, the reality is, they have not. I presented evidence of this abdication as demonstrated in previous Board of Directors meetings. There can be no doubt, the truth of the matter is spelled out in the minutes of these board and committee meetings.

Look for other BOD members to break with WLP.

Rolling Stone article on "Wayne's World":
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3 NRA Board Members Resign

This is just a trainwreck. I don't see how the NRA gets it together for 2020


Not good. Out greatest voice for gun rights cannot afford infighting like this. This will certainly hurt us during our next election cycle. If La Pierre is a true patriot, he should step down immediately and end the infighting.