NRA Sues Ackerman-McQueen, Ackerman-McQueen Tries to Oust LaPierre at Meeting

"Excuse me while I banish myself to my room without supper for thinking even for a moment that the NRA might have a shred of ethics remaining"

Aquila Blanca: You hit the nail on the head sir.

LaPierre has zero ethics and no concern for the NRA only for himself and his massive ego. It is unfortunate that the organization is being splintered at a time when it is really needed to counter the increasing anti gun sentiment in the country.
I do not want to see the N.R.A. disappear, but I think only a dramatic decrease in new memberships, membership renewals, and contributions will force any change in thinking on the board or LaPierre and maybe not even that will.

I think it's too late for that. For example, in the biblical story of The Exodus, Pharaoh only had a choice in the matter for the first few plagues. (5, I think) After that, his "heart was hardened" and the rest of the plagues had run their course, at great cost to him and everyone around him.
it doesn't appear that WLP is going anywhere now. he's been cleaning house in his view and feels the NRA is better than ever internally.
I think that WLP and the current NRA have a major problem on their hands and are in denial.

But yes, WLP and the board seem determined to try to ride this out and hope that it blows over.

I know a good number of NRA members for whom this has been the last straw, however.
One has to wonder if the organization has been infiltrated through the years, with "trojan horse" directors, propagating the direction WLP has taken?

Troubling to me, is the sparse lip service, addressing current problems. Are the ears of the NRA that deaf and the eyes that blind? For me, as I've already stated, I'm through and would like the dues I've paid for many years into the future, refunded.
Tony Z said:
Troubling to me, is the sparse lip service, addressing current problems. Are the ears of the NRA that deaf and the eyes that blind? For me, as I've already stated, I'm through and would like the dues I've paid for many years into the future, refunded.
I have no way of knowing if any of the remaining NRA board members monitor the "gun" forums but my guess is that they don't. If they do, they're clearly not paying attention, but they may believe that the people posting treasonous thoughts such as yours constitute a small minority of the membership.

The NRA members I know personally have all stopped making any financial contributions to the NRA, but my circle of NRA personal acquaintances is very small. Given that there is at least a kernel of truth in the old adage that "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," I think we need to do more than just keep our wallets and checkbooks closed to the NRA. We also need to write to the board members and tell them point-blank that the NRA won't get another dime until Wayne LaPierre, the Brewer law firm, and LaPierre's cadre of sycophants is gone.
I sent an email to the NRA voicing my concerns and stating my disapproval but have yet to receive any response or even an acknowledgement of my contact.
I later repeated my thoughts to the lady who called me to offer discounted upgrades to my life membership. She promised to forward them to the NRA BOD.
At least I haven't received any more calls begging for more money since then.
I agree with Aquila's post, and tomorrow will compose a letter, to be sent via snail email, as well as a copy via email, if I can locate a valid email address.

My circle of NRA members is also not that large, but to a "T" are aware of and questioning what is going on. These are not politically astute individuals, but middle class people, not generally prone to respond to an ocassional rumor. The problem is far deeper than many are yet to acknowledge.
I've been done with the NRA for a few years now. Life member and regretting every dime I sent their way. WLP needs to be charged and convicted of his crimes, but I'm sure he will retire in luxury paid for by NRA members.
My gun club monthly letter just arrived in my email box today.
As always, they 'strongly' suggest everyone join the NRA or keep their membership active.

Their loyalty is so strong, I don't even bother to ask what their thinking is.
No doubt I would be kicked out for asking as they confiscate my pass key.

Just a couple of years ago, it was being discussed that being an NRA member should be a requirement to being a member at the club. Thankfully it did fade as I would have had to debate how they feel justified telling me how I spend my personal income.

I can't help but wonder if this is an anomaly or if there a still thousands of people out there still blindly sending their money either out of ignorance or because it's the only option. ( this is a club of 1500 and that's not chump change if they are all paying)

Lots of nice folks. We have a common bond but it has one thread.
The point where I'll be forced to sacrifice my principles on the altar of practicality is when my instructor certification comes up for renewal. My state requires the NRA Basic Pistol class as a prerequisite for carry permits, so if I want to teach permit classes I have to maintain my certification. Fortunately, my renewal won't come up for awhile, and maybe the mess will have been resolved by that time.
Eh, all the people I encouraged to join NRA or gifted memberships to dropped out after the bumpstock statement. I gave the NRA a “no more money while WLP leads” ultimatum then. I copied every board member as well.

Not a single response that wasn’t automated.
The point where I'll be forced to sacrifice my principles on the altar of practicality is when my instructor certification comes up for renewal. My state requires the NRA Basic Pistol class as a prerequisite for carry permits, so if I want to teach permit classes I have to maintain my certification. Fortunately, my renewal won't come up for awhile, and maybe the mess will have been resolved by that time.
Does it have to be NRA? There are others out there.
MTT TL said:
Aguila Blanca said:
The point where I'll be forced to sacrifice my principles on the altar of practicality is when my instructor certification comes up for renewal. My state requires the NRA Basic Pistol class as a prerequisite for carry permits, so if I want to teach permit classes I have to maintain my certification. Fortunately, my renewal won't come up for awhile, and maybe the mess will have been resolved by that time.
Does it have to be NRA? There are others out there.
Yes, it has to be the NRA Basic Pistol class. It's enshrined in statute. (I think the statute may say "or approved equal" or something like that, but the state police havn't approved any others.)
As with many organizations, for the most part, the core retains the principal vales for which the group was founded. But in many times, said group is lead by a group of vocals. The problem occurs when the vocals start to build a shield of invincibility around themselves. The fatal flaw is the vocals do not understand, sooner or later the core realizes what has happened and either the core retakes the organization, or the organization falls apart.

The NRA is quickly reaching the point of imploding upon itself and widespread abandonment by the core group. I know more than a few members and, take a sampling size of five, at least two out of that five are aware of the problems. They have not yet reached the abandonment stage, but a simple extraneous event may precipitate that occurrence.