NRA Sues Ackerman-McQueen, Ackerman-McQueen Tries to Oust LaPierre at Meeting

It's funny [NOT!] how these calls all start out with "we" do this, and "we" have to pitch in and help out ... until you mention that you don't support the problems at the NRA, and then suddenly the sweatshop drone makes it clear that she doesn't work for the NRA.
I think it ironic that I expressed the opinion earlier in this thread that the callers in fact really had no true connection to the NRA and were just "hired help". Some people here disagreed with my assessment.
Doyle said:
I think it ironic that I expressed the opinion earlier in this thread that the callers in fact really had no true connection to the NRA and were just "hired help". Some people here disagreed with my assessment.
You were quite correct, but the telephone solicitation contractors use scripts that are well-crafted to hide the fact that the callers don't really work for the NRA. Once you've analyzed a few fund raising calls, it becomes pretty easy to spot the ones who are actually working in professional fund raising sweat shops. The NRA is hardly alone in this.

And another reason never to agree to donate through one of these calls is that the fund raiser typically gets a large percentage of whatever they bring in. There were some statistics in my state a few years ago about fund raisers who were calling on behalf of police and fire fighter organizations. It turned out that the police and fire fighter groups were only getting about 15 percent of the donations -- the rest went to pay the cost of the fund raising effort.

So if you want to send $50 or $100 or $10,000 to the NRA ... write a check for $50 or $100 or $10,000 and send it to the NRA. That way it'll go where you want it to go rather than most of it going into the pocket of a sleazy fund raiser.
Any body that would give out their CC# on a solicitation cold nutz..IMHO..considering the amount of bogus cold calls that are so common these days. If ya want to donate to putnameoforganizationhere..then go online and do it securely...IMHO..
Josh Powell is the COO of the NRA. His salary is $800,000 per year.

In June, 2019 NRA board member Robert Brown asked WLP to fire Powell as he had promised:

In June, Robert Brown, an NRA board member, emailed LaPierre and Frazer about Powell. ProPublica obtained a copy of the note, which is addressed to Frazer. “John,” it says, “Since Wayne refuses to respond to my emails, plez pass on to him the message below.”

“Wayne,” the message reads, “At the last NRA BoD meeting, you promised me you were going to terminate that worthless scoundrel, Josh Powell, in 60 days. Well, 60 days have passed. When are you going to fire him?”
I see this as game over for the NRA. They may or may not exist in the future as a gun rights organization but their previous power is gone forever. Every day this continues they break faith with and alienate more and more people.

In a democracy refusing to be accountable for your actions has consequences. Their lack of any meaningful explanation and refusal to take appropriate actions during this internal implosion has made them irrelevant.
wow, do NOT go to the 1911 forums saying anything like this. they are carrying NRA water like crazy, and you will get banned.
I don't think I am old enough to post on the 1911 forums. I only retired five years ago. There will always be some diehard supporters. But they call them "diehard" for a reason.
JERRYS. said:
wow, do NOT go to the 1911 forums saying anything like this. they are carrying NRA water like crazy, and you will get banned.

Which 1911 forums are you referring to? The one I mostly spend my 1911-related time on certainly isn't "carrying NRA water." There are several "1911 forums." If you're going to criticize one (or two, or three) of them, please be specific rather than tarring all with the same brush.
JERRYS. said:
Aguila Blanca said:

Which 1911 forums are you referring to? The one I mostly spend my 1911-related time on certainly isn't "carrying NRA water." There are several "1911 forums." If you're going to criticize one (or two, or three) of them, please be specific rather than tarring all with the same brush.
Thank you. That is only one forum. There are other internet forum sites dedicated to the 1911 or oriented primarily toward the 1911.
I see this as game over for the NRA. They may or may not exist in the future as a gun rights organization but their previous power is gone forever.

That's a possibility but not a certainty. When ProPublica has your internal emails you're definitely in trouble. The NRA still has time to replace their leadership and devote plenty of energy to actually paying attention to the sentiments expressed in this thread. If they continue to circle the wagons then you're right.

I've been fed up with their scare tactics for almost thirty years. I don't own guns because I want to feel like a victim.
I don't think the job of lead counsel, even for a lobbying organization, should be lobbying. The role of the lead counsel is to provide legal advice and to keep the organization on the straight and narrow path, and out of legal entanglements. That said, hiring as lead counsel someone who is being sued for embezzlement seems a rather peculiar and stupid move for an organization that's already under investigation by multiple entities.
That said, hiring as lead counsel someone who is being sued for embezzlement seems a rather peculiar and stupid move for an organization that's already under investigation by multiple entities.

You are thinking about that the wrong way.

If you are corrupt you don't want hire someone who has anything less than pliable ethics. An honest person could sink your ship.
MTT TL said:
You are thinking about that the wrong way.

If you are corrupt you don't want hire someone who has anything less than pliable ethics. An honest person could sink your ship.

Excuse me while I banish myself to my room without supper for thinking even for a moment that the NRA might have a shred of ethics remaining.
I get the sense that any directors that have not kissed the ring of LaPierre have been forced out. Those that remain are determined to sing his praises and pat themselves on the back for the wonderful job they are all doing instead of even thinking about addressing the very serious allegations of impropriety that have arisen.

Not only do they seem to be circling the wagons, it seems they have adopted a "if your not with us you're against us" mentality.

It also seems to me that LaPierre is more than willing to take the entire N.R.A. down with him.

I do not want to see the N.R.A. disappear, but I think only a dramatic decrease in new memberships, membership renewals, and contributions will force any change in thinking on the board or LaPierre and maybe not even that will.
A criminal indictment (embezzlement, etc) might be the best thing that could happen to the NRA right now; they can't ignore that.

I also hope the Dell'Aquila lawsuit gets their attention.