New members - please introduce yourselves here

Bayou State but not Swamp People

Really glad that I found this forum as it has already helped me quite a bit with answers to my many questions about guns, ammo and reloading, in particular. Introduce myself...well, pretty boring really. Born and raised in South Louisiana, right across the Mississippi River from New Orleans. Went to public school before public school got such a bad reputation. Decided not to go to college even though I had taken the SAT and entrance exam to attend (This was in 1965), a decision I have only started to regret just lately. On my third marriage; have 3 daughters and one son (who works for Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries) and six grandchildren. Been retired since 2002 from BellSouth (AT&T) and spent four years (1967-1971) in the USAF but didn't go out of country. Used to hunt with my Dad when I was young: deer, rabbit, squirrel, dove but never duck. Realized early on that I really didn't care to hunt but really loved to shoot, and still do. Didn't own a pistol until I was in my 60's, so I don't have a lot of time left to get good with one, but I'm giving it my best shot (pun intended). Started reloading about a year and a half ago and find that I like that almost as much as shooting. Just joined an indoor range about 12 miles from my house so hopefully I will be shooting more and (even more hopefully) improving. I'd rather shoot steel than paper but don't get to do it as much as I'd like to. One other favorite TV show is The Walking Dead and I know all the ways to kill Zombies...but shooting them seems to be the most fun!
Hey Guys, This is John at Tn Arms. Im one of the owners and I'm also in charge of most of the day to day operation. I'm glad to see some actual customer reviews online! I'm here to just let you guys know, if you have any questions about our lowers, because it is a whole new design when it comes to other than metal lowers, feel free to ask away. I've had bad luck on another forum site with just answering questions, but I emailed the webmaster about starting an account. So don't worry, I'm not going to be posting sales or just promoting my company. I plan on answering questions that you might have and secondly and most importantly, getting feedback about where we might need to improve upon our lowers so that we can offer you a better lower. Ok. I've said my piece. Fire away if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I also take emails at if asking on forums isn't your thing. Thanks!

New member here. Long time gun enthusiast, competitive shooter and outdoorsman here. Hope to learn and share info when and where I'm able.
Dropping in to say Hi

I have read from forums for quite a few years now and have never joined a forum until now. I have seen a lot of bickering on many of them which is why I chose not to join those. Which I will not name.

After reading this one for a while now, this forum seems to have the least amount of bickering than any others, the way I see it is we are all here because we have the same interest and should enjoy sharing our knowledge with each other, there is always someone else out there that may know something more about a particular topic. Listening and reading will only broaden one`s knowledge.

I have been shooting for over 30 years and still shoot an occasional IPSC/USPSA match, been reloading for over 25 years and began to learn pistolsmithing over the last 10 years and will pursue it full time as time gets closer to my retiring. I will be the first to admit I do not know it all but I hope I can contribute to this forum and help others while learning from others as well.
Welcome Aboard !!!

I will be the first to admit I do not know it all but I hope I can contribute to this forum and help others while learning from others as well.
I'm sure your will be right at home as most of us, share the same attitude. Looking forward, to your input. .... :)

Welcome and;
Be Safe !!!

Figured I should say hi. Long time lurker, figured I'd join and participate. Been shooting for the last 10 years, and have always loved being self sufficient if possible. Looking forward to learning more about the firearms side of things.
Hello from St. Louis MO

Hi all. I was having a problem working up some loads and putting a cartridge together for a new acquisition in an unfamiliar caliber, and couldn't figure out what was going wrong. I was googefu-ing some pretty esoteric questions about reloading issues, and old threads @thefiringline came up. Since I’ve already extracted some great information and ideas it seemed only right to try to give a little back.
I'm a Christian, a Father, a Husband, a Son, a Brother, an American, a veteran, a business leader, and a conservationist/ that order. I grew up hunting, fishing, and reloading with my late father. I donate my time and money to anything that preserves and strengthens our culture and fights against relativism, collectivism, and authoritarianism. I'm a strong supporter of all of our individual, God Given Rights, an NRA Life Member, and have served in leadership roles pursuant to the same.
I was young and interesting once, but middle aged and boring seems to be workin’ for me too!
Thanks for having me.
miller 1903

Yes i am new. I carry a springfeild loaded model 1911 and a springfeild 03 born in 1919. It has a 1942 remington arms barrel and a sniper c style stock also have anold remington pump shotgun from 1934. And a buck 119.
Remington Nylon 66

I have a Remington Nylon 66. It was the first gun I loved. It was my grand fathers. THAT is how long I have loved to shoot and know how beautiful guns are. My name is Steve Watson (swatson) and I live in Pointblank Texas. My dad was born in Cut n Shoot Texas so I guess it is in my blood to love firearms. My calling seems to be ousting the crooked to preserve the integrity of the honest. I am an open records hound and no one who holds the public trust is immune from scrutiny. In 30 years of trailing dirty cops, I have been shot at, threatened, arrested and jailed but remain unspotted from the world. My oldest son works for the Sheriff's dept because he was raised as a patriot and with the utmost respect for law and order.
Good Evening to Good Folks

I'm one of the old guys and have been hunting for about 60 years, spent 22 years in the Navy and am looking for a place where I can trade goods and good conversations. I reloaded for years, but now use mostly factory ammo and I still have some bullets that I would like to sell so wonder which forum to visit to list them. It is a breath of fresh air to read the listings so far and am looking forward to visiting often..
Wicked Pete

Retired Educator. I am so old I can remember 16 cent gas.

Hoping to gain valuable information from the forum and meet up with like minded (shooters/collectors) individuals.

"Wicked" in this sense, is used as a term of endearment.
Hiya. 100% disabled veteran here. Medical retirement from USAF after 17 years back in 2002.

Current firearms are G27, Bond Arms Derringer with 45LC /. 410, .38/.357, and .22lr barrels, and a Mossberg 500 "Persuader".
Howdy TFL members from Florida. My name is Sig. Wounded Navy veteran who's still walking tall. I've been collecting/shooting/building/ CCWing firearms for 8+ years now (I like expensive hobbies I guess). I've been just reading the forums for quite a few months and decided to make a profile finally to hopefully help or add my 2 cents about firearm knowledge. I mostly stick to pistols and AR-15s, but do enjoy a few C&Rs as well. Thanks for reading!
Hello, new here from VA (for a few more months, then back to NC). Been shooting for ~30 years and enjoy it a lot. Have 17 years in the Marines at this point and am looking forward to my first retirement.

Look forward to communicating with you!
Hello everyone, I'm Phil. I have been learning a lot on this forum for quite some time, but for many years, (while I was raising a mentally ill son), I didn't have any guns... so had very little to offer. Now he is gone a year or so, and won't be back, so I am slowly getting back into my hobby, and joined up. Yesterday I picked up a CZ 75 Compact PCR... (after my waiting period). I was so anxious to get to the gun shop I got a speeding ticket... $140... yes indeed... almost 60 but when it comes to a new pistol, I'm 18 again.
I cleaned it this morning, got all that packing grease off of it... took it to the range before work, and put 150 rounds of Blazer and Remington ball through it. And I will say, preliminarily, it is one of the nicest, most accurate little pistols I have ever shot. I put out the red at 10 yards... like you get rid of the red star at an arcade... I got rid of the red circle... if anyone can even understand my unsophisticated hand-gunning language.
Anyway, I'm happy to be here and look forward to learning and sharing.
Noob to the forum

Hello from Massachusetts. New to the forum here but 40+ years shooting, handgun mostly, and reloading. A friend got me to come to the site here a few days ago, liked what I read and joined today. Looks like people with a lot of knowledge frequent this place, hopefully I can contribute something as well. See you around.

My name is John & I'm in Laramie, WY. I have come here for 1 reason.
I'm not a gun guy. But eat lots of elk & deer. Yummy. Anyway I bought this gun case at a estate sale this year. And I have hundreds of hours on the net. And Here locally in person trying to get some info. Have even emailed some museums. And Outers.

I needed a wider search range, so here I am.
It's a Outer metal gun case. I'll put some pics in. I know by now there is some value cause I can't find it. But some history would be nice.

Well I can't put some pics up just yet. There to big.
I don't know. I whittled on them, saved as gif? I guess now I have 2 Q's

Ok-It's 45" long x 8" wide x 4" deep. Brown body, both ends wrapped in black & decorative scroll work with the name Outers etched in. the company letter font.
Any Ideas