New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello all new here but not new to firearms, I am a full time LE firearm instructor and have been so for over 7 years. I am also an avid archery hunter.
I'm a new member but I've been a follower of TFL for a few years now. I'm mostly here to seek advice and give advice when I can and I look foward to being a part of this great forum for many years to come.
Hello, my name is...

Hey y'all, the names DeadEyeJack. Sadly that isn't a boast as I've never been more than an average shot at best. Its actually a nickname that gets passed down in my family every other generation or so. We even have a rifle sling that goes with it. :D

I'm primarily a handgun shooter. As odd as it may be, the first gun I ever shot was a 44mag wheel gun and I've loved handguns ever since. I've recently learned how to use a semi-auto and now carry a Beretta 92. I shoot enough rifle to keep me in practice for deer season. The only reason I even own a shotgun is in case of a break in.

I've actually been using this site for the past few years. Anytime I had a firearms related question I'd Google it and probably 8 out of 10 times I'd find the answer by clickin a link from this site. I finally decided to give up the ghost and just join.
Hi from Western NY, the SAFE ACT state (ug). I'm new to TFL and primarily came to learn and ask questions about .223 bolt action rifles and ammo. This is a great forum.
Greetings and salutations

Just wanted to take a moment to say hello and let you all know I'm here.

Fortunately, I'm in Georgia, where the politicians are expanding their views on the right to carry, unlike some of the states where carry rights are being whittled away or made financially burdensome. The last bill we had passed here allows concealed carry in government (state/county/city) building and prevents hassles over demands to see licenses. The only government building I cannot carry in now are those like the courthouse where they have metal screening devices and a trained security officer manning it. Those little paper signs, like a pistol with a circle and a slash through it - aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Now, in all fairness.... If the management of a business asks you to leave because you're armed - and you DON'T - they CAN have you arrested for criminal trespass. But if they don't want my business, I'll happily spend my money elsewhere - NOT a problem.

I got my first firearm at the tender age of 5 years old. A single shot bolt action .22 rifle, and a brick of shorts, purchased by my parents with Benson and hedges & Belair cigarette coupons. Needless to say, that was well before the GCA of 68. At the time I could hold the rifle, or I could hold the bullets - but I couldn't have both at the same time.

But I followed suit and bought my daughter a .22 single shot rifle for HER birthday when she turned 5 as well. Her's was a Ted Williams lever action single shot .22 that she wasn't strong enough to cock the hammer on. That was a GOOD thing! It meant MY hand was on the weapon at all times while it was loaded and she was shooting it. You should have seen them at the range when she walked in (with me of course) carrying her own rifle. When they questioned it my response was, "Can you tell me better place to teach her gun safety than at a range? Don't worry, I'll have one hand on the weapon at all times when it's loaded." THIS they had to see - and they did.

But I'm in central Georgia, retired, a boolit caster and reloader as well as a weapons restorer - all as hobbies. I've brought several weapons back into service that had been abandoned in outdoor sheds for decades and am currently working on a Ruger Mini-14 that probably hadn't been cleaned since it was manufactured and sat in a high humidity closet for too many years. Another 7-10 hand rubbed coats of Formby's Tung Oil varnish and it'll look a LOT better than it did the day it left the factory. I've already gotten rid of the rust and done the (cold) bluing on the hardware. All that's left to finish is the furniture.

But I'm glad to be here and look forward to meeting you all.

Michigan based web hosting service

After hearing how some Internet providers were discriminating against the Firearm community of websites and shutting off their services, I decided to open I have hosted websites, managed servers, provided Linux support, written code, and developed software packages for years. I’ve been a full time Internet consultant and service provider since 1996. I can host sites, servers, all here in the United States, and not shut you off without notice because your site is firearm related.
Hey everyone, new gal here from sunny California :)

Grew up shooting with my dad and brothers and looking forward to joining the community. Cheers!
Been lurking for years. My first post - I think?

Hello, I’m 54 years old.

I’m a lifelong shooter.

Did six years in the Navy (3 yrs active, 3 yrs reserve) and was stationed on the USS Tuscaloosa, USS Samual Gompers, and USS Gridley. Received Expeditionary Medal for Iran Hostage Crisis. My last year was shore duty attached to COMPHIBGRUEASTPAC in San Diego, 32nd Street. Felt strange with sea legs and all.:eek:

Currently, I’m Staff Investigator for a criminal law firm and a humble full-time firearms instructor. I stay in my lane, no Tier 1 Operator, BTDT, HSLG bs… or whatever gun poetry that’s being touted these days by trainers with absolutely zero combat experience.

There are many gun boards but I always turn here for keeping it real. Thanks for having me.:)
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New Member Seeking Advice

Hi. I'm Sometnfancy. This is my first post and I'm new to any kind of forum website. Could people please educate me what the official rules and conduct are for forum posts? Thanks a ton :)
Welcome from Iowa

Welcome Sometnfancy. This is a great place to hang out and learn. There is a wealth of info in many, many areas of firearm.
If you have a particular firearm you would like to share or brag about, post some pictures. We enjoy pictures! Or if you have questions about firearms throw them out also. Someone will have the correct answer to share. JA
Welcome Aboard !!!

Always good to see a new face and refreshing thoughts. :)
Not against the rules to lists your likes. The dislikes, go under review. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Hidey Ho from SMIBville. Just found this site and thought I would sign up. When not fighting for what rights I have left in Annapolis I am usually either shooting, hunting or building new toys to do the former with. Once I figure out how to post pics I will be able to share some of my creations.
Welcome, Sometnfancy!

I see from another thread that you're "only" 14.

At 14 I had run a trapline four years, shot an elk, moose
and got chased by a baar.

It's just that times & peoples' attitude that have changed!

If it were up to you, what would your future firearms include?
It's quite easy to stay legal around here.
Rule 1 - Be insulting - it gets folks' blood flowing better than a morning jog.
Rule 2 - Be argumentative, it's just expected, and lets folks know that you are the actual expert on all things.
Rule 3 - Give plenty of false information - it's the web after all.
Rule 4 - Brag about all the stuff you own, whether you actually know how to use it or not.
:eek: :eek: :p
Thankfully, none of that kind of nonsense is tolerated much around here.
That's probably one of the reasons the forums here have been so long lasting and popular.
Welcome! I'm 14 too!
This is a great place for learning all sorts of stuff about firearms and getting help from experienced people. Good luck with your new shooting hobby!
The lost Australian

Hello from Braidwood New South Wales Australia, happened by chance to find TFL whilst googling loads for my .243, needless to say was happy with the abundance of info and knowledge, helped me fine tune my loads . A lot of forums of course irrelevant to myself as I think nsw Australia my have the strictest, most restrictive, badly managed gun laws in the world, but for my part I enjoy what I can with what I can, seem to get plenty of joy from my humble collection of bolt and lever actions.
Interesting reads even if it only makes me envious of the greater variety and flexibility of US laws. Any who thanks for having me and my little whinge
Hi all,
Great site here. I'm an Illinoisan, occasional hunter and trap shooter and an avid target shooter when my ammo budget permits.
Omark 44

Hello all, not new to handling firearms being ex Army (infantry)I have joined this group as you never stop learning. I have recently acquired a Omark 44 .308 and looking forward to speaking with anyone that has one. I have not put a round down range with it yet but that will soon be rectified and looking forward to it. Cheers