sounds interesting. not sure if I like it or not since their are very little details. I personally think that Underwoods offerings of.357s 158gr HP's @ 1500FPS are a pretty impressive round, and if you can match or get close to that in a reliable semi-auto, that'd be pretty sweet. But my interest would only be piqued if it came from somewhat easily available components, since those facts seemed to be classified, i'll have to wait and see if it's for me or not.
Not sure if your just kinda playing around right now, or are seriously trying to sell us on your "product", but I would like to see some better testing. A 10% clear ballistics gel FBI block is 125$ and would really get people interested, a couple magazine dumps to show reliability and recoil and a ransom rest to show your round's inherent accuracy. I am not sure of what stage in your process your in, but if your still just figuring it out for yourself, it may behoove you to wait for a final unveiling after you get your loads down where your want and do some testing to show us where your round outperforms others and why it would be desirable. I am not being rude at all, I hope all this works out well and you can make/sell a new and exciting cartridge and conversion, I just think at the time it looks unprofessional. there may be some parts of your "inventing" process that may be better left unseen to your possible future customer base. Get it all figured out, save some coin for some tools/props and give a good solid showcase when it's ready, and i'll bet you would see a host of different types of comments than you are getting now......if it's as good as you think it is.
good luck. I know wht your doing is a lot of work.
My head is bloody, but unbowed