Multiple loaded guns in the house

I used to keep four guns loaded and ready to roll, but lately I´ve changed my mind and set for the "one for me, one for the lady" type of thinking. I don´t want to find myself trying to decide in the rush if the smartest move is to priorize mag capacities, ballistics, confort, reliability, caliber... I trust all my firearms. I want to limit my choices for my own sake, and my house is not that big.

I mean: P226 + 2 extra fully loaded magazines for me, and a nice 3' .38 spl. six shots revolver for my wife (no speedloader). And I´m sure she´ll unload and put away the revolver as soon as she gets pregnant.
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How often do a bunch of guys with full-auto break into people's homes??? Unless you're a drug dealer- rarely!
The truth is that even if someone came in you house with a full-auto AK47 with 300 round of ammo- it doesn't matter how many guns you have! All you need is one gun that you can handle well. Having 10 loaded guns hidden around the house is a waste- you can't use 10 guns, and you can't get to them if someone is shooting at you.
If a burglar breaks into your house to steal your stuff (or kill you) he'll turn tail and run (or die) when confronted with some fast moving lead- no matter WHAT kind of weapon he's carrying.
If you sleep with a handgun next to you- make sure you have a flashlight too! If you feel that a handgun isn't enough then a 12 gauge will handle ANY problem. Don't get gun-happy, get practical instead.
And you know this for sure - because?

So do you carry a gun with you into every room? If your one gun is upstairs and you are downstairs taking a nap on the couch - like Dr. Petit - oh, well.

It is not unreasonable to have guns secured in different places in a larger home.
The problem- as with the Petit situation- is that we all have to sleep sometime. Don't just rely on guns. During a break in you need time to get to your gun (or pick it up and get your eyes to focus, etc). You need something else. You need some type of warning that trouble is coming, like an alarm or a dog.
10 guns won't save you if you don't know something's wrong. Don't get me wrong- there's nothing wrong with having more than one. I have several. My point is that too many people feel that if they have a lot of gun they will be safe. It isn't the number of guns you have- it's the preperation.
Should you prepare for the freak home invasion like the Petits? YES! There are alot of maniacs in this world. But don't forget that preparation means more than guns. You can hide guns all over your house but they won't do you any good if the Bad Guy sneaks in while you're sleeping.
dabigguns357 wrote:
my wife will come in from work sometimes and laugh at me because I'm doing the dishes with a 357 strapped to my hip

Let her laugh - you should be armed.

We live in the same town, and it's getting worse here everyday. Almost 100% drug related. Heroin overdoses, gunfights, things I never imagined would happen here.

We had a house in an "old money" section of town get sprayed with an AK.

I usually carry all the time, even at home, and my wife never says a thing - she's never far from her Ruger .357.

For you guys that hide a gun in a drawer or cupboard.
Do you leave it bare or try to cover it up with a towel or???
Lots of opinions - maybe they're all correct

My wife is not a shooter. My kids are too young to be shooters. Aside from my carry pistol, all my guns are locked up in my safe. It takes 10 seconds to open, where my other handguns are loaded and ready to go. I couldn't possibly leave guns around the house unsecured, as it would be irresponsible, dangerous and probably criminal. The exception - my carry gun goes in the nightstand at bedtime and back on my belt in the morning.

That said, it's what works for me. Everyone who owns a firearm has to work out the meaning of responsibility and safety for themselves. Noone else has the combination to my safe. Until my wife is willing to invest the time to learn gun safety and handling, and demonstrates competence with all my guns, it stays that way.

But why do i carry? I am fortunate to live in an upscale, desireable neighborhood in a pricey desireable town. Unfortunately, it's also "where the rich white folks live" and there have been two very recent home invasions. Anyone who thinks it can't happen to them just needs to look at the home invasion in Cheshire CT last year. Mother and two daughters, burned to death by two recently released repeat felons. A whole family - wiped out. I'm getting older, the world is changing, and having a 9mm answer if my door is busted down makes me feel a little safer. :cool:

LEOs have no duty to protect any individual citizen, just the community at large. Besides when the "suck" happens, it's usually over much too fast for the cops to get involved, except later on to do their investigating. I strongly believe we each have a duty - to ourselves and our loved ones - to have the means and the training to protect them, all the while hoping it never happens .
Some people have a problem with guns- they have too many.

hell,, It's a regular thing for me to actually lose guns in the house and not be able to find them for days on end.. I've had to ask my wife several times if she's seen a certian one somewhere recently so I can try to find it...

And I'm not just talking about handguns,, but the few that I rely on for protection are always close to hand and tuned up and fuled up better than nascar crap...
Not a room in my house without a gun. Have a detached garage,one in there also. I,as the bad guy have a job to do. His is to break in my house as quite as he can and do what bad guys do. Mine is to stop him. I`ve always taken pride in trying to do all my jobs as well as I can. Also very well said jtnorwalkpd.
But why do i carry? I am fortunate to live in an upscale, desireable neighborhood in a pricey desireable town. Unfortunately, it's also "where the rich white folks live" and there have been two very recent home invasions. Anyone who thinks it can't happen to them just needs to look at the home invasion in Cheshire CT last year. Mother and two daughters, burned to death by two recently released repeat felons. A whole family - wiped out. I'm getting older, the world is changing, and having a 9mm answer if my door is busted down makes me feel a little safer.

This is the Dr. Petit case referred to a few posts ago.

I do believe it happened in the morning, and I do believe that the front door was open, or at least unlocked, and the murderers came in as the family was getting ready for the day. Please correct me if I am wrong.

But of course, they lived in a "safe" neighborhood, so why be "paranoid" and keep the house secure, and have "disgusting" things such a gun, let alone guns (in the plural) around.

But once your security is penetrated, and it is one's choice whether or not to make it either easy, or harder, for the intruders, it might not be a bad idea to have some guns in a few hidden/secure locations, stored in something like this

As the poster above alluded to, a strategically placed loaded weapon in the basement, where Dr. Petit was left for dead, might have made the difference between his family being massacred and burned to death, or not. At least he might have had a fighting chance.

Tragic, very tragic...
I keep two loaded dogs and two loaded guns around the house. If the dogs go off and I don't know why, I'll grab the closest firearm to have a look-see/listen. I'm not worried about the dogs sleeping at the switch, as it were. They'll yark at deer wayyy out in the field or a vehicle that's passing by slower than normal.
My place is one of those kinda long, narrow ranch-style homes built in the late 50s. The living area is at one end of the house, the bedrooms are at the opposite end. The entrance is in the middle, between these two areas. I keep two loaded revolvers: one in the BR and one stashed at the other end of the house. I won't be caught having to rush or sneak past an intruder in order to have access to a weapon that way.

If the layout was different, I could do well with a single gun. But it is what it is. I used to be a Boy Scout: be prepared. ;)
what warzone do you reside in? ive never before in my life heard of someone breaking into someone elses house with any form of "assault" weapons in my community.

Probably most of you aren't aware of this, because for some reason, it never makes the national news reports that I see on TV or hear on the radio. But our "friendly" neighbor to the south has devolved into a chaotic war between rival drug cartels, and it's getting more violent and out-of-control all the time. I suppose it isn't news because it isn't happening in the good ol' USA (yet) and besides, the latest scoop on Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan has higher priority.

Being here in Texas, I'm a lot closer to this action and I can tell you that the Mexican government has thin odds of gaining the upper hand, largely because the rival drug cartels have bought and paid for factions of both the civil government and the military. So, this on-going drug war splits even the opposing combatants into rival camps. It's like a war within a war, and the numbers of people killed daily oftentimes eclipse anything happening in Iraq or Afghanistan.

How much longer do any of you think it will be before one cartel starts to gain the upper hand? When that occurs, where do you suppose the "losing" side will migrate to in order to carry on their business?

These drug gangs tend to use full-auto AK-47s and other assault-type weapons. Many bystanders and innocents have been killed and wounded in the crossfire. Kidnappings in Mexico have increased greatly.

So, do those travelocity ads touting low rates on airfare and motel rooms in Mexico still sound like a great getaway? :D

Seriously though, it's a terrible situation that's continually spiralling downward. And most of you probably have little idea. Keep in mind also that these drug cartels now have thousands of acres of drug crops planted and under constant watch in our national forests, far from the border. You may think that this is a problem only for the border states, but it certainly isn't. We're closer, but we're also more aware.

Like I mentioned in my previous post: be prepared.
Google "home invasions". Google "Petit family Connecticut". Broad daylight invasion no less, three innocent females dead, house set on fire. Has caught on in this leftist state it seems - now a trend.

I live just off the I95 drug corridor, gated community on LI Sound. If you were BGs going to hit a house, would you hit mine or a dump? Very sophisticated alarm system including a driveway sensor, safe room, vault, and yes, loaded guns throughout the house. Cheapo Mossberg Nightwatch 12's at each bedside in a rack between mattress and boxspring covered by bedspreads, standardized Wilson 1911's with 8 shot mags plus one in pipe and spare mags strategically placed throughout house.

Call me (and my family - wife and three sons) paranoid. I call us prepared and aware and realistic. Calling 911 is just to get the bodies bagged imho or to report a vehicle accident.

No offense meant to anyone. We are just all different in different scenarios of life.
I have my 12 gauge under my bed, a glock 19 under clothes in my wifes bedroom closet, a .22 revolver in my office and a 20 gauge in 1st fl laundry room closet .
I keep my EDC on me at all times when at home. during the day, it's in my holster, at night when on the couch with my wife in our pajamas, I have it on the coffee table in front of me, when transitioning between rooms, I carry it in my hand.

I would not keep loaded guns stashed around for two reasons; my four year old son, and I don't want any possible intruder being more armed than they already are. They may be unprepared, but I am not...
I have no kids, just a wife and a cat.

I don't want to risk being cut off from my guns when I need it most.
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