Multiple loaded guns in the house

Here's my routine: Come home from work, lock loaded pistol in safe (I have two little tricycle motors that are very curious.) Put kids to bed, put pistol, flashlight, and cell phone on nightstand. I also keep an unloaded Rem 870 12 ga under the bed with four in the tube, ready to go. I also make sure things are put up so that I don't trip over anything if something happens. The Mrs. does the same routine when I'm not home.
I think I recall one incident where a homeowner came home to a break-in in progress and was accosted by the burglar who was armed with a gun stolen out of the house. I can't find the link. It doesn't seem that common. If one is going to base their level of concern on how often it happens it's probably not sufficiently frequent to prompt one to change one's habits.

I do recall a serial killer whose M.O. was to enter a house, arm himself with a knife out of the kitchen which he then used to attack/kill the female occupant. That's probably a lot more likely given that knives are always "loaded", easy to find, and always present in any house.
Here is a strategy that I just thought of. It is best to stay in a locked room and call the Police. However, if there is any reason to leave the room, say, a loved one is in another room in the house, think smart. I have only one gun unlocked and loaded at a time in my house. I think I may actually start hiding spare magazines in various places around the house. That way, the BG might only find a magazine and not my gun.
I like the idea of having multiple biometric safes around the house. The compact gun safes (can't find the link now), are perfect for stashing around the house. In my apartment I have my new to me XD .45, and my new .38sp Taurus 85. The XD stays loaded and unlocked in a lock box next to my bed. The .38 is in another lock box unloaded but with 2 speedloaders in the same box. There is a second loaded magazine for the XD in my top dresser drawer. Since I cannot carry on campus (which I protest daily) when I leave the guns are unloaded and the magazines are locked up in my ammo box. I have curious drunken college roommates who aren't the pride of the gene pool.
fiddletown is right...

I would say fiddletown hit it right on the head. If multiple guns are NEEDED around the house, they should be in safes that allow quick access to the intended users and slow down those who should not be accessing the items inside. I like the idea of having the firearms loaded and in separate rooms, but you also do not want unauthorized people accessing those firearms, burglars or not (kids, neighbors, etc.). They can be loaded and locked in the safe so if they are quickly needed, a quick punch of the buttons and you’re ready to protect yourself on the way to the safe room.

All but one gun stays in my bedroom and loaded,My kids are taught not to enter my bedroom unless told to.I do keep my 357 loaded and on me at all times. my wife will come in from work sometimes and laugh at me because i'm doing the dishes with a 357 strapped to my hip and a towel over my shoulder but hey if getting laughed at is the worst thing that happens to me so be it.
I have loaded firearms stashed all over the place in my house. None of them are somewhere a bad guy is going to instinctively look for valuables. I have no children and live in a very secluded area with no houses near me so I'm not worried about neighborhood children sneaking into my house. I for one am not going to be caught in the bathroom while someone is breaking into my house intending on harming me without a weapon. The one underneath my bathroom sink however is in a quick access safe. You can call me paranoid, but in the event of something awful happening, police simply cannot get to my house in the winter time if there's snow on the ground without 4 wheel drive, and even then it's a very LONG journey. I'm paranoid I guess. Right now, in my office I have an AK-47 in my locking closet and a hi-point cheapo POS in my locking desk drawer not to mention my carry sidearm on my hip. Upstairs is the AR-15 with an eotech and surefire light and Mark 23 socom. In the closet sits a Benelli m4 and a Saiga-12. I'm not hiding in my bedroom if someone breaks into my house, my bedroom is not bullet proof, nor is it fireproof and my girlfriend is a paraplegic who is not jumping out of a window and making a retreat any time soon. Once my alarm triggers, police are on there way but I have no idea how long they're going to take. She's on the phone with 911 and i'm down the stairs with the AR in my boxer shorts and no shirt. God help you if I get to my safe. There's no hiding out in my bedroom while police arrive and the law states i have no duty to retreat within my own home. I've worked too hard for the things I have in my life for some slimeball to take them away. As for clearing the house by myself.. I've cleared a lot scarrier less familiar rooms than my own looking for people far more trained than your average junky trying to steal my tv. I'm fairly confident in my ability to be able to safely detain anyone breaking into my house barring a mob of blood thirsty canibals trained in CQC.
I've heard some say that they leave a loaded handgun on the night stand next to the bed. Good idea? Yes? No?....What if the bad guy gets into your room and grabs it before you are aware of his presence? Like me, I'm sure many of us are heavy sleepers.
How many guns?

Some people have a problem with guns- they have too many.
For home defense you only need one gun. Why? Because you can only USE one gun at a time. You can also only be in contol of one gun at a time. In most States if you have a gun in your house you are required to keep it safe. If you have 5 guns hidden around your house and someone gets hold of one YOU will be liable!
Also- Keeping 4 guns loaded and locked up makes no sense! Don't be a Mall Ninja-If you lock them up you should unload them. They don't do you any good locked up- so they don't need to be loaded!
Carry one and use one. Pick the most practical- practice with it, carry it and keep it safe so it will keep your family safe!
DON'T FORGET: If you have to shoot at someone you better know what your target is! You might think its a bad guy when it's really little Suzy.
That's my feeling as well. One loaded .38 by the bed, and the rest locked up in the safe. That was good enough for my dad, is good enough for my LEO brother, and good enough for me. I do keep a small pepper-spray in the kitchen drawer (good for wayward dogs), and a 13" stiletto (primarily used as a letter-opener) by my favorite chair, and I always carry my cell-phone. IMHO, that's all I need.:barf:

I will assume your Dad and Brother have never had one or more BG's break into their house with fully auto or even semi-auto assult rifles....and you had better hope you don't either, because chances are your .38, letter opener nor your cell phone is going to do you nor your family any good!!!:(
I recommend if you are worried about home invasions, that you make some upgrades to your house that can prevent them and get used to packing heat on you till you lay down to go to sleep!!!!;)

Wake up people we no longer live in the same world that our parents may not get a second chance to be prepared and it now before it's too late. The BG's are all around us and they are playing for keeps, you'd better be ready to protect yourself and family!!!:cool:
That's my feeling as well. One loaded .38 by the bed, and the rest locked up in the safe. That was good enough for my dad, is good enough for my LEO brother, and good enough for me. I do keep a small pepper-spray in the kitchen drawer (good for wayward dogs), and a 13" stiletto (primarily used as a letter-opener) by my favorite chair, and I always carry my cell-phone. IMHO, that's all I need.

I will assume your Dad and Brother have never had one or more BG's break into their house with fully auto or even semi-auto assult rifles....and you had better hope you don't either, because chances are your .38, letter opener nor your cell phone is going to do you nor your family any good!!!
I recommend if you are worried about home invasions, that you make some upgrades to your house that can prevent them and get used to packing heat on you till you lay down to go to sleep!!!!

Wake up people we no longer live in the same world that our parents may not get a second chance to be prepared and it now before it's too late. The BG's are all around us and they are playing for keeps, you'd better be ready to protect yourself and family!!!"

what warzone do you reside in? ive never before in my life heard of someone breaking into someone elses house with any form of "assault" weapons in my community. im not sure how common inccidents of fireteams of drugged up lunatics with ak's and mac-10's go perusing through otherwise innocent homes are in the other parts of the country.

i have a remmington 870, unloaded in my corner with a box of shells hidden near by but easily accessable. the redhawk stays in a box, locked in my desk. the rifles stay in bags, unloaded, locked in a footlocker. i figure if this said gang of lunatics comes into my house with enough ordinance to conquer france, nothing i can obtain legally id going to help anyways. my opinion though, if you feel safer with AR-15's in ever closet or with a .38 on your nightstand, thats your call. i dont see many of us needing any of the above, with any luck and prefference.
Hey Simplekindaman,
I live in the same world you do...I'm just not stupid enough to have the attitude that
"nothing bad will ever happen to me because I live in Utopia"

I am a realist walking around with my eyes open...not ignoring what is going on hoping if I ignore it, then it will never happen to me.

Check out the links below...this is the community in which I live!!!!

The world we live in is becoming a Jungle with many dangerous predators...and we must be able to defend ourselves at all times...even in our own homes!!!
Some people have a problem with guns- they have too many.
For home defense you only need one gun. Why? Because you can only USE one gun at a time. You can also only be in contol of one gun at a time. In most States if you have a gun in your house you are required to keep it safe. If you have 5 guns hidden around your house and someone gets hold of one YOU will be liable!
Also- Keeping 4 guns loaded and locked up makes no sense! Don't be a Mall Ninja-If you lock them up you should unload them. They don't do you any good locked up- so they don't need to be loaded!
Carry one and use one. Pick the most practical- practice with it, carry it and keep it safe so it will keep your family safe!
DON'T FORGET: If you have to shoot at someone you better know what your target is! You might think its a bad guy when it's really little Suzy.
Remeber, this is YOUR opinion!
One gun huh? Keep it unloaded and locked up eh?
So when I go to my A.M. part time job and take my pistol with me, what does my family use to protect themselves? Oh I forgot, they're immune to attack while i'm at work and police arrive on scene 10 seconds after calling 911.
The number of scenarios where an aggressor could do your family harm are many. Do you think your going to have enough time to unlock and load up your gun?
The last thing I want to do is have to unlock and load my weapon after hearing someone break in my house or making their way up my stairs
in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping.
I'm not trying to single you out, when I clicked this topic I mistakenly took you for the thread starter.
Wake up people we no longer live in the same world that our parents may not get a second chance to be prepared and it now before it's too late. The BG's are all around us and they are playing for keeps, you'd better be ready to protect yourself and family!!!

A very sad statement but also a very true statement. Anyone who breaks into your house whether knowing or not knowing if anyone is inside, is willing to do anything to get out. Night time burglaries are the most deadly. With the economy being what it is, crime is on the rise and continuing to rise.
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Guns locked up?

...Don't be a Mall Ninja-If you lock them up you should unload them. They don't do you any good locked up- so they don't need to be loaded!

We have two family members who both CCW, and a rapid-access safe to keep them in when they're not in use. Condition 3 in the safe, which isn't unloaded.

Noise in the middle of the night? 7 seconds to open safe and get gun to Condition 1.

When we're not in the house, these guns are with us.

However, the long guns are a different protocol. Unloaded, in gun safe.

Rapid-access safes are a compromise between "instantly available" and "DC style storage" (that is, locked, disassembled & unloaded), and I think they are a good alternative if you are worried about the liability of leaving guns laying around.

Different answers for different situations.