Multiple loaded guns in the house

But a darn good idea nonetheless, all but the destruction of the arm. Apply critical thinking skills at this point and lots of good ideas come up.
There was a guy on another board talking about this same thing a few days ago.

Cmike is that you? I seen all the ruckkus over that and was amazed that they were so mean to you.

Looks like you found a home here though....

BTW I am rimfiremcnutjob over there.
Thank you for your kind words. I got banned there. I am not surprised.

I simply had a difference of opinions and they started insulting me. There is a real herd mentality there.

They stated with what a stupid schmuck I was that I would even think of spreading my guns in my house. How, an intruder would use it against me.

How I could even think of disagreeing with them who all are great and powerful gun experts and know it alls :barf:

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I am happy to have a new home.

I never met such an intolerant group, and I have been on many message boards.
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I'm not that paranoid.

"I'm not that paranoid. If I'm home, I have one loaded gun--all I need. All of the others are locked up safely. Who in their right mind needs to stash loaded guns all over the house "just in case"?"

Has absolutely nothing to do with being paranoid.

It has to do with not being stupid.

"Stagger Lee", take the blinders off and you might see other people have different needs than yours...

Due to points of entry and because of the size, shape and floor plan of a home, one gun may not provide adequate access.

That is the problem in my home.

In addition to my duty weapon, I keep one loaded gun in my bedroom and another in the opposite corner which happens to be the living room/kitchen area.

Assuming you don't have kids around, you could always leave a nice shiny .44mag revolver out in plain sight, loaded HOT +P+ with a plugged up barrel.

Let 'em take it!!
Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are!:D
I've heard some say that they leave a loaded handgun on the night stand next to the bed. Good idea? Yes? No?....What if the bad guy gets into your room and grabs it before you are aware of his presence? Like me, I'm sure many of us are heavy sleepers.

I have the same problem (heavy sleeper). I keep my gun under the pillow where it is neither visible nor attainable without waking me up.
You may want to reconsider putting it under the pillow.

I'm not sure I'm going to stop keeping my hd gun under a pillow because a dude with an admittedly killer 'stache warns me against it. I'm not even sure what he means by a 'really bad night'.

The gun is kept chamber empty, full magazine. It is inside the bottom pillowcase (two pillows) against the non-open end, and both the pillow and the gun are positioned so that I can slip my hand neatly under the pillowcase and retrieve the gun. As it is kept inside the far edge of the pillowcase, it never actually contacts my head, yet it is still kept so that it is impossible for anyone but me to retrieve the gun.

I'm a heavy enough sleeper that keeping a gun anywhere that I am not in direct control of it, even while asleep, is potentially dangerous. And by heavy sleeper I mean "I literally have to set three separate alarms to make sure I wake up in the morning."
I think by a really bad night, he is saying that you can accidently shoot yourself in the head or someone else.
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Lots of jabs in this thread. Here's my view.

1. Being prepared does not imply paranoia.
2. A readily available gun on each level of the house seems a good idea.
3. It's not always practical to have a gun your person at all times.
4. Don't recommend ever leaving a gun in plain view and unlocked, even if you live alone as the BG might get to it first.
5. Seems to me the best compromise is to get one of those mini safes for each floor of the house, bolt it to the wall in a not-so-obvious place but readily accessible, and keep a loaded gun in each.

Admittedly, some of the arguments in this thread seem to me to be fairly close-minded. I personally am not going to fault someone for having multiple guns around the house, nor for anyone wishing to keep one on his/her person all the time. Having been the victim of multiple break-ins throughout my life, I can understand wanting to be armed and ready no matter how a person chooses to do so. It's really none of my business anyway, even though I might say something to a close friend if I thought it would be better if he (fill in the blank).

Everyone has their own way of doing things. I say do what makes you feel safe in your own home, keeping the safety of invited guests in mind, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
I'd also like to add one more point.

For those with multiple guns around the house, having several of the same gun with the same caliber and means of operation seems a good idea too. Not required of course, but a good idea I think.

But if you do have different guns, like say a Glock in one location and an HK in another, make sure you're proficient with both and can operate either one blindfolded. Also don't recommend switching locations. Just adds confusion when the adrenaline is flowing...
I think by a really bad night, he is saying that you can accidently shoot yourself in the head or someone else.

Pretty tricky to shoot yourself without a round in the chamber, and I'd be very surprised if it happened even with. Probably best to stick to double-action pistols, though, which I do.
Unless you accidentely leave a round in the chamber.

One of the rules of gun safety, always assume that guns are loaded.

In any case I don't want to come across like I am lecturing to you.

We all need to do what we feel is best for our own household.

It is fine to say something like "I would do it this way" or "I think this is better"; however, "Who in their right mind" or "that's a stupid way to do it" is simply out of line, showing their limited experience and knowledge.

Sort of like a person living in Minnesota asking in January "what sort of jacket do you wear that allows easy gun access"; and a person in Arizona replying "you have to be crazy to wear any jacket".

Sometime I ask for an opinion of another. Very seldom do I ask another to denigrate my person or position. Some on this forum and virtually all other gun forums never post without bad mouthing someone or something. I post on several types of forums and I can literally count negative comments on gun forum and negative comments on for instance a machinist forum and on an RV forum and the negative comments on the gun forums will easily outnumber the other two by a very wide margin. Lots of folks on gun forums seem to believe their way is the only way and don't mind saying so. During my working career I was not known as a sensitive person, but I'm a diplomat compared to some here.

To a moderator, maybe you can allow this and then cut off discussion as I'm fairly sure it will elicit some response. (grin)


I must respectfully disagree.

This is one of the most civil gun forums I have been on.

I got banned in firearms talk. Why? Because I went against the herd.

Someone started a thread of a police officer using force, and the title of the thread was "Is this cop justified". I said no and gave my reasons why.

I got called an idiot and name called. I did not name call back. I stayed on the issue.

Then I started a thread about having multiple loaded guns. The herd said no that they wouldnt' have multiple loaded guns. I said that I do for the obvious reasons mentioned here.

I, once again, got name called, and personally attacked. I tried to stay with the issue. I got banned.

As I stated this place is the most civil gun oriented forum I have been on. I also personally have gotten valuable information from here.
Some on this forum and virtually all other gun forums never post without bad mouthing someone or something.

TFL Staff generally doesn't have a problem with the "something", but we can have a BIG problem with the "someone".

We don't stifle other people's opinions of issues; in fact, we encourage lively debate. Staff members here don't slap the ban button simply because we don't agree with your stance on the issue (unless, of course, that advocates illegal or dangerous practices, or is so irresponsible as to cast bad light on our RKBA). Staff will debate you the same as anyone else, and challenge you to defend your stance.

The Problem occurs when posters switch from attacking the issue to attacking the poster. Personal attacks are one of the fastest ways to getting banned here. There's a huge difference between "that's stupid" and "you're stupid".

To a moderator, maybe you can allow this and then cut off discussion as I'm fairly sure it will elicit some response. (grin)

The only way I'll cut it off is if it gets too far off topic, which was, I believe, "Multiple Loaded Guns in the House". ;)

I don't know if admin. was saying my post was ok, or I should I'll post a reply.

CMichael, this may be the most civil gun forum you've ever been on, I'm not debating that. I'm saying that gun forums on the whole are not very civil. Too many people with strong opinions that use the opportunity to attack a person rather than just state their position.

I am not relying on " a feeling" or an "opinion" when I say this. Again just considering two other forums, both very active, during the last year there have been no instances of "you have to be crazy" or anything close to that. These are things that go on continually in any gun forum I've read. I can almost read some minds right now, "well if you xxxx are so sensitive just go the xxx away". I'm probably about as sensitive a hog in a bucket of slop.

I just get tired of having to wade through attacks on people and their position from folks that cannot except anyone's ideas or opinion other than their own.

To keep this close to on the subject.

The original question was something to the effect "what do you think about keeping multiple guns in different parts of the house".

There are quite obviously valid reasons for doing this "without being crazy"

I keep a gun by my TV/internet chair and felt pretty good about it. Until I began to think of the times I would not be able to get to it in case of a intruder.

It would not always be possible to retreat to a "safer room" with a shotgun.

On the other hand if I had children in the house, I would not leave any guns unlocked anywhere in the house. Probably have a gun in a locked biometric safe.

Most forums have a policy that "no questions is a dumb question" Dumb question or not on most gun forums the poster is likely to be verbally abused and perhaps get their questions discussed.

One last thing. To those who did verbally abuse the poster about the number of guns to keep in the house...the exact same replies have been used by anti gun people about anyone keeping ANY (for emphasis not yelling) guns. Loaded or not, safe or by the chair. The exact same words...
