Thanks for posting that link. I had a short stay at Warrior Talk, and met the same fate as Rich Lucibella.
Today was the first I read about his legal troubles. I don't know much about that. I didnt even realize Gabe was in LE, it didnt matter to me. I posted above about trying to keep personal affairs out of the topic, before I read MrNiceGuy's post linking Warrior Talk. And read what Gabe said.
on the Warrior Link Post
I’d been working as a cop for quite a while. I worked physically, meaning that I saw my job as an opportunity to deploy against the bad guys and not as anything else.
Sorry had I read that before, I would never have stayed in Warrior Talk long enough to post.
I retired after 20 years in LE. I may not have been the best cop but I dont believe that attitude is acceptable in LE. I would not have tolorated it in my pears.
However, not knowing this until today, it wasnt the cause of the problems I had with Mr Suarez. I think some of his statements are wrong, as are his tactics. I believe his attitude toward training is not condusive to interatcion with the non-shooting public. We have enough problems now and its up to use to put forth a ethical front toward shooting sports and self defence.
As mentioned I had the same problem as Rich in questioning some of his statements. When I come up with a differant opinion I like to provide proof, or other justification based on my experience and training. I was more then willing to debate the subject IN A CIVILIZED MATTER. I too asked to be allowed to debate the topic in accordance with the guidelines of Warrior Talk. The results being that I am no longer welcomed there.
What does all this mean, NOT MUCH except one, especielly a new shooter, should be careful of the instructors he or she chooses. One instructors opinions may be perfectly legit, but the method of presentation could reverse all of his good intentions.
Gentlemen, I respectively request that we police our own ranks. Be careful of what we teach, and that we present, not only to other shooters but to the non shooting public, a professional, respectable course of action.
Yes I will continue to voice my opinons, based on my training and experience, but I hope to do this in a respectable manner. I request that if your opinion, and you think I am wrong, that my wrong be pointed out, and we can have a RESPECTFUL debate and let the chips fall where they may.