Marines locked in deadly combat with the Taliban!!

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Why? You question this soldiers credentials and it's a "debate." I question the credentials of the forum and I'm a tool of the administration.

Either you have credibility or you don't.

If you're sitting in your mom's basement waiting for the dryer, and you attack the soldier, turnabout is fair to attack you.

And if you're a poser, why should know.
Why? You question this soldiers credentials and it's a "debate." I question the credentials of the forum and I'm a tool of the administration.
A small child can point out that the emperor has no clothes. It does not take credentials or validity to point out deceit or question motives.

What you are doing it attacking the messenger instead of disputing/defending the message.
Playboy, you're obviously missing the point.

This is an international forum read by tens of thousands of people. Who knows how many lurk.

Throughout the day I've read about fakes and scams tarring the soldier and Fox without one scrap of evidence.

So I do the same. If you shoot your mouth off, tell me who you are.

I'll tell you why. For the last thirty years I've seen guys with big mouths sit on barstools and spout off how so-and-so is all talk. Then so-and-so decides to call the guy out, and the big mouth remembers an urgent appointment and runs like a little girl.

Either provide evidence, or clam up. And if I find out that a poser threw mud on this soldier, I'll print evidence to expose the loudmouth. Fair is fair.
Playboy, you're obviously missing the point.
No, you are clouding the point.

The point was this subject is questionable and the people that put it forth have a history of deceit. Anyone can point that out, be it anonymously or as a proven person.

To try and turn the focus from the topic to an attack on the person raising the question is avoiding the issue and a pretty common and sleazy practice.

If a reporter asks "Did you lie to the American people?" and the response is "You have to take a look at the people asking that question. They are just trouble makers." then the topic is avoided and the burden of proof is shifted away from where it should truly be.
Playboypenguin said:
The point was this subject is questionable and the people that put it forth have a history of deceit.

Nowhere, not even on Fox, is there a bigger area of deceit than on the internet. It's so laughable that there's even a country/western song about.

Let me tell you about posers. About two years ago I was challenged as a poser. I decided to fight it to the bitter end. Every time the loudmouth squeaked, I provided evidence. I even FAX'ed over a copy of my resellers license. Then it was over.

And the squeaker--who had been so brave when throwing mud--seemed to melt away when the truth came out.

The same should apply here. If you want to take a shot at the story, then provide evidence. Saying, "Well, Fox did it once" is notfair to the soldier.

Here's my opinion--which is just as valid as those who criticize the story. Most of the guys here have too much time on their hands. Perhaps they should volunteer at a vets' hospital. Perhaps they should just take a writing course and learn to spell.

But until the truth is out, leave the soldier alone. If innuendo is a fair practice, then I'll use the members here as turnabout.
Guys, this story is not a fraud. Both Fox and CNN reported on it.

Besides, it turns out that the photographer who took the photos is a respected combat photojournalist who works for the Reuters news service. I thought that the photos were from a video, but apparently the man had a very fast shooting professional camera.

Anyway, this Reuters photojournalist has been attached to the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit for some time now. In fact, you can view a lot of the photos that he has sent back from the fighting in Afghanistan on the Reuters News Service website.

Just go to this link:

All of the other Marines that he has photographed are in full combat gear. I cannot believe how much ridiculous speculation has been stated here in this thread.

I guess that conspiracy theories are now the order of the day.

LanceOregon, thanks for the info. I hope it puts this to rest.

Playboy, using the idea of "put up or shut up" is a valid idea. You and I just had a debate, that's all. Don't you think defending a soldier's honor is worth a bit of flak? You and I speak freely because soldiers take our licks for us.

I'll be happy to defend a soldier any day. I think this guy got the short end of the stick. And yes, the internet is about the last place where "truth" finds a home.

In fact, most times I just assume I've been lied to.
Ok tourist, you have told us before you volunteer at a vets hospital, no need to keep going on about it.

Anybody can question the veracity of what they see on the internet. Surely you don't believe everything you see here. If you do "Bush lied about WMD's". Before you dispute that I want to see your credentials (not really, I really don't care)

And what's with the spelling jibe?
Playboy, using the idea of "put up or shut up" is a valid idea. You and I just had a debate, that's all. Don't you think defending a soldier's honor is worth a bit of flak? You and I speak freely because soldiers take our licks for us.
I do not think the soldier's honor is at question. At least it isn't in my mind and shouldn't be in other's. The question is not whether this soldier exists and whether he took fire. The question is regarding the uber-patriotic storyline that has been added to the photos. Jessica Lynch did get captured, Tillman did get killed...the issue came when the govt and media spun and altered the facts of those events .

"Put up or shut up" is only valid when someone is making an assertion, not when they are questioning the assertion of another. Anyone can question a statement. It is up the the person saying it to prove their point. It is not valid to say "something should stand until someone manages to prove them wrong." That is nonsense and by that logic you would have to accept as fact that I have an invisible dragon in my garage.

This whole culture of government saying "believe what I say and do as I tell you until someone credible (that we do not manage to suppress or destroy first) convinces you otherwise" is a very, very bad thing.
Playboy, I'll tell you a dirty little secret. I've been lacing my posts with boobytraps for years.

For example, let's assume I'm corresponding here with a guy I think is a liar. He claims he owns a Bren Ten. I might PM him saying, "Mine has cammie grips." He might send me back a note saying, "Mine, too." Bingo, busted.

In some forums, especially motorcycle forums, up to 2/3's of the guys are lying. Either they claim to ride a bigger bike, or they don't know common jargon.

History is even easier. I lived through much of it.:D

Now that the truth is out, I predict that everyone who was quick to jump on the bandwagon is now going to be equally as quick to CYA. That's just the way the internet works.

Of the thousands of forum members in dozens of boards, I trust four people.
I guess that conspiracy theories are now the order of the day.

They have been for quite some time on gun forums, including this one. If you want less conspiracy, you have to go to one of the baking or lawn mowing forums.

Yes, all the conspiracy garbage was a bit silly. It usually is. Of course, I am a conspiractor in all of the theories.
Double Naught Spy said:
Of course, I am a conspiractor in all of the theories.

LOL, I make the best tinfoil hats.

The best one I ever heard was from a op-ed column in the old "Big Bike" magazine of the early 1970's. Column was supposedly written by a grizzled old biker named "Moose" or something similar. The magazine used to receive numerous letters gushing on how this tough old biker had really seen it all.

Years later it was revealed that two women editors--non bikers--had written the column using a nom de plume for "authenticity."

Perhaps that's the problem. We've been lied to for so long, seen so many photoshop fakes, that all media is suspect. I must admit, I always wonder about the motives of priests or Cub Scout leaders who surround themselves with little boys.

There is a line. When your first utterance denigrates a soldier, I think it's time to reel yourself in. I hope this soldier's mother doesn't read this forum.
PBP, you forgot one, Hillary did fly to middle east, land and get off plane while under-fire :eek:. Tourist, i would love to ride down to your harley shop but you won`t give me your credintials(is that how you spell that/):D
Shortwave, if you get to Madison, you can find me in ten minutes. Ask any cop who's a client, and we only have one Harley dealership. I sharpen there on most Wednesdays during the peak riding season. Saturday afternoons you can find me in the breakroom there for free hotdogs.

Or you could send me a knife. If you get a pocketknife back with an edge from a samurai sword, would that be good enough?

From my perspective, I doubt if I could ever be a "fugitive." How could I hide? Where could I hide? Yikes, the editor of our local paper knows me on a first name basis.

(They printed another one of my letters today, May 21, in the WSJ.)

I even have lifted weights with the area FBI Special Agent. I think it would be easier to hide the Goodyear Blimp.:D
I rode bikes for years

As a motorcycle courier, I never ever rode a Harley...I just passed everyone I saw,:p... except for one that was ridden by someone crazier then I was.
My last bike was a 1990 FZR 600.

The whole world online and off is full of buffoons who think they're experts.

Last week a guy got in my cab and we started talking, I mentioned guns and he said "oh I had enough of them when I was in Special Forces"
I asked him if "they let him keep his DD214?" ....he didn't even know what it was!:barf::barf:
I'm a staff sergeant in the United States Army. My MOS is 13D. I ride a 2003 FXST which has been highly customized for touring. Last summer I completed the requirments for membership in the Iron Butt Association. Late in the fall I deployed to Iraq.

I am currently home for R&R.
Danzig, Shortwave, I'll keep a light on for you guys. Iron Butt, eh? Best I ever did was 750 miles on a 1980 Goldwing. Oh, well. I always have a few shorties, a little Don Julio and several jugs of Pig Snot. Bring a dull knife.:D
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